Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
St. Petersburg, FL — Multiple videos have surfaced this week highlighting the sheer corrupt nature of police and their ability to lie in order to deprive innocent people of their freedom.
The video of the arrest of 32-year-old Clinton N. Walker, a Hillsborough County firefighter, and emergency medical technician shows just how much a police officer’s word means — even when it is entirely false.
According to the official police report, officers said Walker was being combative and assaulted an officer, so they were forced to taser him and kick him. However, surveillance video and cellphone video shows that never happened.
Walker’s arrest came after St. Petersburg police were called early Saturday to the Del Mar Gastro Lounge at 243 Central Ave., where a man had been knocked unconscious, according to ABC Action News. The injured patron was later hospitalized with a cracked skull and bleeding on the brain, according to a police report.
According to police, someone said it was Walker who hit the man. However, as the surveillance footage shows, that never happened. The footage actually showed an unidentified man hit the victim, but police never bothered to conduct an investigation prior to assaulting and arresting Walker.
According to police, when they attempted to detain Walker, he became “combative.” Again, however, surveillance footage shows that never happened.
What actually happened, according to the video of the incident, is that Walker complied with officers and did exactly as he was told. As he places his hands behind his back to be handcuffed, officer Ruben DeJesus tasers him in the neck. Then, after the innocent man falls to the ground, DeJesus kicks him in the groin.
“He’s literally standing there with his hands behind his back and then they tasered him to the ground and then continued to taser him.” says Jerry “T” Theophilopoulos, Walkers attorney.
Walker wasn’t the only one to be assaulted that night either. Another Hillsborough firefighter, Robert Ramirez was also arrested and charged with obstruction of law enforcement. Police claimed Ramirez was “continuously aggressively approaching” them. However, the video shows DeJesus assault him too as he grabbed him by the face and shoved him after he was in handcuffs.
As for now, Walker is still facing charges and DeJesus remains active on the force. According to the St. Petersburgh Police, their Office of Professional Standards department is reviewing the video.
When police can fabricate an entire scenario and deprive innocent people of their freedom, and assault and charge them for no reason, something is wrong.
The video below highlights the importance of recording the police. It also highlights the fact that police can be recorded assaulting innocent people and face no consequences.
“DeJesus assault him too as he grabbed him by the face and shoved him after he was in handcuffs.”
“Then, after the innocent man falls to the ground, DeJesus kicks him in the groin.”
Professional conduct. At least visible to all is an answer to the question of: What Would Jesus Do?
DeJesus, yeah, real American name.
What you wanna guess he comes from Cuba?
“The footage actually showed an unidentified man hit the victim, but police never bothered to conduct an investigation prior to assaulting and arresting Walker.”
No need to when they already had a victim at hand.
Can’t wait till the stupid sheeple start blasting these commie jewb#tches ON SIGHT!
I hear a big CHA CHING coming. But the problem is that the taxpayers will foot the bill and those two worthless uniformed thugs will go free and back on the job with no accountability for their illegal actions. What needs to stop is the implied immunity those criminals enjoy. All police should be liable personally and brought up on charges and then to trial.