Vladimir Putin speaking English in the International Exhibitions Bureau

Published on Jun 12, 2013 by Mohamed Abdelmoneim

Vladimir Putin speaking English, It sounds like he said in the beginning I am delighted to beat members and guests….putin for ya

4 thoughts on “Vladimir Putin speaking English in the International Exhibitions Bureau

  1. “And I hope for you, somewhat”.

    ???? What the hell does that mean? Who taught this guy English grammar? China?

    Is it me or is Putin a Russian version of Bloominidiot? One acts like squeaky Pee-Wee (Bloomberg), while the other acts like squeaky chicken (Putin)

    Yea, he definitely must have learned his English from the Chinese. Just keep using those mouth muscles, Putin. Just like them girls in Beijing.

  2. I think he meant to say “greet”. I didn’t speak very good English either when I was first learning it as a child. I think I still mispronounce some words. In fact, I used to say “pants” for “plants”. Good thing my mother knew what I was talking about. 😆
    . . .

  3. Putin speaks fluant German, and have to admit the dude is showing the rest of the world that Russia as a major European power is back and doing business, after being locked up in a dungion for 70 years for slaughter by the Zionists.

    Except for their gun laws which MPs are trying to repeal Russia actually is a much more free country than the US. Sadly our country is in the process of having the hammer and cycle dropped on our head. Putin is showing the European country that it is, and again becoming again world class, but also has high class. If this is propaganda it is very skillful. Definitely good public relations and marketing. We can see that immediately. I’d like to see Stanislov Levchenko’s perspective on this. The Late Bob Chapmen’s opinion was that he is a Russian Patriot. From my own travels and seeing Russia first hand and their booming economy on their own merits and not by American factories shipped there by the globalists such as was done with China, Russia is on the rise as a world power as we are descending into tyranny, poverty, and civil war just as Allen Keys predicted. Tell you all something else. There are NO transplanted American factories there. They have their own. They are however buying lots of American goods including durable goods like our cars, heavy , medium, and now starting light trucks that I started seeing on my last trip there. So when the P.O.S. in the OUTHOUSE in DC puts sanctions on Russia all that it meant was that AMERICAN companies were shut out of a market where they were making a lot of sales. You should have seen all the John Deere, and New Holland tractors I had seen. I know they are also buying a hell of a lot of Chevy’s and Ford cars and trucks too. I’m sure the American factory employees will appreciate that. Too bad we have rigged elections.

    I could move to Russia or Germany, or Switzerland and be out from under the crap we are being spattered with. I’m not Swiss, or German, or Russian. I’m an American. We do have class, and are world class, as well as free. Only one thing standing in between a renaissance of liberty and technical and industrial power. Liberals. They are otherwise known as COMMUNSTS. America is now their new home.

    Compare The face Putin is showing compared the face (you describe) Barak Hussein Obama (Barry Sotorro) shows the rest of the world. We’ve already lost our good image with that creep in the Whitehouse. As much as any oppression Bummer puts on us it is that loss of prestige that pisses me off almost as much. We were respected and revered around the world for our liberty and wealth that stems from liberty. Now Russian population looks at us in pity and horror as the proverbial “house on he hill ” burns to the ground. Russian people really like what we were and are saddened truly by what we’ve allowed to happen to America.

    1. “what we have allowed to happen to America”
      That goes back before Obummer,( through fake id’s, murder, dictatorial presence of mind and more) got himself appointed to the Dumb House…what’s happened to America has been nearly my entire lifetime ….and I was born in 1945…….the only Pres..we have had whose first line of action (and only decent thing of his office) was to keep the US out of War…and that was Jimmy Carter….all the rest of the pres’es have been nothing but murder…mass psycho’s who got the world to hate the US a long time ago….And for good reason too!

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