Volunteers Needed – Joint Active Shooter Law Enforcement Exercise

Sent to us by a reader.

Montgomery County, Texas

When: Sunday November 8 2015 05:30 am

Where: The Woodlands Mall – Please park at the Tinsletown outdoor lot.  

What: We need volunteers to play victims of an active shooter at the mall. Some “victims” will be moulaged and made up with blood and gore makeup; others will need to play bystanders or witnesses who are upset and scared. Police will be responding to the “scene” and exercising their response to an active shooter. EMS and Fire will also respond. The police will be using “sim-unition” rounds which are soap/paint. No rounds will be fired at any civilians/ “victims”, however, for your safety please wear the following: Long sleeves, long pants, closed toe shoes, your CERT issued goggles, and your CERT issued leather gloves. If you are willing to be made up as a victim with blood make-up, please wear old clothing you do not mind getting stained with fake blood.

Who: No one under 18 please. CERT certified volunteers only please.Contact: Please contact Morgan Lumbley with any questions or if you would like to volunteer for this important law enforcement exercise. Morgan.lumbley@mctx.org; 936.523.3900


5 thoughts on “Volunteers Needed – Joint Active Shooter Law Enforcement Exercise

  1. The advertisement claims that they’re training to respond to active shooter events, and that’s all that will happen here, but from the people who respond to the ad, they’ll find a few who’ll be willing to participate in the next fake mass-shooting event.

    It only a matter of finding victim of their anti-gun brainwashing, telling them they’ll be doing it for a good cause, and paying them a few bucks, too. If they’re plagued by their conscience in the future, and feel a need to confess, it’s easy enough to arrange an accident or fatal illness for them.

  2. “No rounds will be fired at any civilians/ “victims”, however, for your safety please wear the following: Long sleeves, long pants, closed toe shoes, your CERT issued goggles, and your CERT issued leather gloves.”

    And body armor.

    If you’re smart.

  3. J.R., I agree with your summation of “screening for looney toons”. How many numbskulls do you know who would be easy prey. I’d have to name half my town.

  4. Application requirements:
    Must be able to piss your drawers on command.
    Run and fall when told to do so.
    Take direct orders without question.
    Lay in the fetal position without asking for bathroom privileges.
    Cry and moan like a baby that needs their diapers changed.
    Say oh my god…. oh my god …in a hysterical fashion.
    Let the directors try to hit on you and screw you. male/female.
    Pretend that what you’re doing is for national security and the children.
    Get paid lower than actors guild wages.
    Now sign this non disclosure agreement or we will kill you and your family.
    Thank you.
    You will be getting a call back tomorrow from Mr. Mrs. Nice guy.

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