“We Were There First and Foremost for Our Country of Israel,” UNC Frat Bro Tells Fox News

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

The “frat bros” praised by pro-Israel influencers on social media for protecting an American flag at UNC-Chapel Hill told Fox News on Thursday that they were at the protest “first and foremost for our country of Israel.”

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham asked Frat bro Isaac Maleh, “What motivated you to defend the [American] flag?”

Maleh responded: “When we talk about motivation for the flag, the primary reason I was on that quad, right, before this even began to become an American issue, I was on there because I’m Jewish, I’m Orthodox and a lot of members that were holding up that flag were, and so we were there really just kind of holding up our Israeli flags and trying to stop hate, there’s been a lot of antisemitism around the country, so we were there first and foremost for our country of Israel.”

UNC frat bro Brendan Rosenblum told a similar story while appearing on Fox News Thursday, telling Jesse Waters he was there “holding up an Israeli flag” with his friend to counter-protest the pro-Palestine students.

Pro-Israel influencers didn’t bother to show their followers the Israel flags they were waving just outside the shot.


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