WEAPONS Militias on the border create concern

Photos showing dozens of members of the militia groups on the U.S.-Mexico border carrying semi-automatic rifles and wearing masks, camouflage and tactical gear provide one of the first glimpses into the group's activities on the border. Photo: Provided To The San Antonio Express-NewsThis weekend an edition of La Voz de Houston was delivered gratis to my address. Circulation of this twice weekly publication is claimed to be approximately 400,000, targeting Latinos of the area.

I don’t speak Spanish, but looking at the front-page headline, “Texas Milicias en la frontera: arma de doble filo,” I realized I had been given an instructive piece of mixed fact and propaganda aimed at the Houston metro Latino population and with it the opportunity to share it with the FTTWR community.

Using online translation, with some editing and sentence recasting, here is the article in English for all to read, and although I cannot verify the complete accuracy of this translation, I do think it’s very, very close.  

WEAPONS Militias on the border create concern

Authorities and sheriffs believe that groups are not able to monitor the area

By Alvaro Ortiz, La Voz de Houston, p. V 4, Houston Chronicle, Monday August 10, 2014

The arrival of armed militias on the Texas border with Mexico has generated concern among federal, state and sheriffs in the area due to their lack of training to perform patrols because their activities are not supervised by law enforcement.

However, people close to the militias claim that the only thing they want to do is help stop the flow of undocumented immigrants without coming into direct confrontations with immigrants or authorities, asserting that securing the border is the right of every citizen in the United States.

The Patriots, the Three Percenters and Oathkeepers are some of the groups that have sent members to different areas of the Texas border, after the huge increase in the number of children and mothers, mostly Central Americans, who have entered the country in the last 10 months, totaling about 62,000 according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

Barbie Rogers, founder of Patriots Information Hotline, an organization that receives calls from people who want to be part of these militias and is in direct contact with the leaders of the 11 “teams” currently deployed, specifies that June 18 the group and others had a “call to action” that initiated the border deployment.

“Financially, our country can not afford the increase of immigrants that are coming here. It will destroy our country,” said Rogers, who lives in Arkansas and refuses to say how many militants are now on the border, arguing that it could jeopardize the safety of those in danger.

Difficult to control
The difficulty of controlling militias and their members’ lack of knowledge about what it means to patrol the border strictly observing the law are what worry the authorities.

“The agents of the Border Patrol (CBP, for its acronym in English) undergo specialized training for 17 weeks and are specifically trained to do this kind of work,” stated Jacqueline Wasiluk, spokesman for the agency for the southwest region, in an email.

For its part, the Department of Public Safety Texas (DPS, for its acronym in English) warns: “Any action of these militias is independent of any operation of law enforcement agencies,” according to a written statement from spokesman Tom Vinger DPS.

The border sheriffs have not been welcoming to the militants.

“In the past, our sheriffs have said they prefer not to have militias that get into trouble-related responsibilities and legal obligations and do not really know what actions are taking place. They are not peace officers,” says Donald Reay, executive director Coalition of Border Sheriffs of Texas, which is based in El Paso and composed of 20 county sheriffs.

Eddie Guerra, sheriff of Hidalgo County, with one of the largest registrations of undocumented arrivals in recent months, [says] the arrival of the militias is “worrying because these people do not know that we do not know their profile.”


In response to these concerns, Rogers assured: “I do not think these are qualifications required to be an American … to be a patriot.”

“I’m sure they are are able to handle the situations in which they are involved,” adds Rogers, and points out: “I do not think any serious incident will happen.”

According to Rogers, 75 percent of the militia are former members of the armed forces of USA, and they are not only from Texas but other parts of the country. “I firmly believe that men who … are using this time of their lives to go secure our border, they would not have done so if they did not feel they can personally do that job.”

They stay at ranches
Most of the militants are staying at private ranches with permission of the owners and patrol the border for undocumented immigrants, says Rogers.

The instructions in the militia, according to the spokesman, are to report illegal crossings to the Border Patrol or other relevant authorities and deter discovered undocumenteds trying to illegally enter the country. “They’re not looking for physical confrontations,” he says.

However, Rogers acknowledges the accuracy of information posted on July 28 by the Houston Chronicle that Chris Davis, the leader of one of the teams of militia, had said in a video posted on YouTube that they are willing to threaten the undocumented by firing at them.

“Chris Davis is the leader of one of the 11 teams there and we cannot judge all the teams by one leader,” emphasizes Rogers, who states that the weapons carried by militants have been purchased “legally” and are carried for protection because in some cases the guides for undocumented groups are members of drug trafficking groups. Rogers adds that some of the militants wear masks to protect their identity.

Guerra, the Hidalgo County sheriff, says, without specifying his source, he has read reports of “intelligence” pointing to the possibility that militants could use the same or similar uniforms to the National Guard that will soon be deployed at the border by order of Governor Rick Perry.

According to Guerra, if that were true, it could create confusion with potential danger if the agents of the offices of sheriff and Border Patrol have doubts about who they are dealing with: the National Guard or militia.

Vinger did not respond to our question on whether the DPS is the department that produced reports to which Guerra alluded.

Meanwhile, Rogers responded in this respect it is true “that the men who are there (referring to the border) are wearing camouflage clothing but I cannot imagine that they would put on a uniform of the National Guard to patrol the border.”

Here is the original article in Spanish for anyone wishing to verify the work I did.


Milicias en la frontera crean preocupacion

Autoridades y sheriffs creen que los grupos no estan capacitados para vigilar la zona

Alvaro Ortiz, La Voz de Houston, p. V 4, Houston Chronicle, Domingo 10 de Agosto de 2014

La llegada de milicias armadas a la frontera de Texas con Mexico ha generado preocupacion entre las autoridades federales, estatales y los sheriffs de la zona debido a su falta de entrenamiento para ejercer patrullajes y a que sus actividades no son supervisadas por las fuerzas de la ley.

Sin embargo, personas cercanas a las milicias aseguran que lo unico que quieren hacer es ayudar a parar el flujo de indocumentados sin entrar en confrontaciones directas con los inmigrantes o las autoridades, y afirman que proteger la frontera es el derecho de todo ciudadano en Estados Unidos.

Los Patriots, los Three Percenters y los Oathkeepers son algunos de los grupos que han enviado miembros a differentes zonas de la frontera texana, luego del enorme aumento en el numero de ninos y madres, principalmente centroamericanos, que han entrado al pais en los 10 ultimos meses, totalizando unos 62,000 segun el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos.

Barbie Rogers, fundadora de Patriots Information Hotline, una organizacion que recibe llamadas de personas que quiren formar parte de estas milicias y que esta en contact directo con los lideres de los 11 “equipos” desplegados actualmente, especifica que el pasado 18 de junio su grupo y otros tuvieron uno “llamada a la accion” que origino el despliegue en la frontera.

“Financieramente, nuestro pais no puede permitirse el incremento de inmigrantes que estan viniendo aqui. Va a destruir nuestro pais,” afirma Rogers, quien vive en Arkansas y que rehusa especificar cuantos milicianos estan ahora en la frontera, argumentando que podria poner en peligro la seguridad de estos.

Dificiles de controlar

La dificultad de controlar como actuan las milicias y la falta de conocimiento de sus miembros sobre lo que significa patrullar la frontera cumpliendo estrictamente la ley es lo que inquieta a las autoridades.

“Los agents de la Patrulla Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en ingles) se someten a un entrenamiento especializado de 17 semanas y estan especificamente cualificados para hacer este tipo de trabajo,” indica Jacqueline Wasiluk, portavoz de ese organismo para la region suroeste, en un correo electronico.

Por su parte, el Departamento de Seguridad Publica de Texas (DPS, pr sus siglas en ingles) advierte: “Cualquier accion de estas milicias es independiente de cualquier operacion de agencies de la ley,” segun una declaracion escrita del portavoz del DPS Tom Vinger.

Los sheriffs de la frontera tampoco le han dado la bienvenida a los milicianos.

“En el pasado, nuestros sheriffs han declarado que prefieren no tener milicias porque se meten en problemas relacionados con responsabilidades y obligaciones legales y no saben bien que acciones estan llevando a cabo. No son oficiales de la paz,” dice Donald Reay, director ejecutivo de la Colaicion de Sherffs de la Frontera de Texas, que tiene su sede en El Paso y auna a los alguaciles de 20 condados.

Para Eddie Guerra, sheriff del Condado de Hidalgo, uno de los que ha registrado mas llegadas de inmigrantes sin documentos en los ultimos meses, la llegada de las milicias es “preocupante porque no conocemos a estas personas, no sabemos cual es su perfil.”


A estas preocupaciones, Rogers responde asegurando: “No pienso que haya cualifcaciones requeridas para ser un estadounidense…para ser un patriota.”

“Estoy segura de que los que estan alli son capcces de manejar las situaciones en las que se estan involucrando,” anade Rogers, y senala: “No pienso que vaya a ocurrir ningun incidente serio.”

Segun Rogers, el 75 por ciento de los milicianos son exmiembros de las fuerzas armadas de EE.UU.y no solo son de Texas, sino de otras partes del pais. “Creo firmemente que los hombres que…estan usando este tiempo de su vida para ir a proteger nuestra frontera, no lo hubieran hecho si no sintieran que puden hacer ese trabajo.”

Se alojan en ranchos

La mayoria de los milicianos se estan alojando en ranchos privados con permiso de los duenos y patrullan la frontera en busca de indocumentados, dice Rogers.

Las instrucciones de los milicianos, segun la portavoz, son reporter los cruces ilegales a la Patrulla Fronteriza u otras autoridades pertinentes y disuadir a los indocumentados que descubran intentando entrar ilegamente al pais. “No estan buscando confrontaciones fisicas,” afirma.

No obstante, Rogers reconoce la veracidad de una informacion publicada el 38 de Julio por el diario Houston Chronicle en cuanto a que Chris Davis, el lider de uno de los equipos de limicianos, habia dicho en un video publicado en YouTube que estan dispuestos a amenazar con disparos a los indocumentados.

“Chris Davis es el lider de uno de los 11 eqiupos que tenemos alli y no se puede juzgar a todos los equipos por un lider,” enfatiza Rogers, quien precisa que las armas que portan los milicianos han sido compradas “legalmente” y que las llevan para su proteccion porque en algunos casos los guias de los grupos de indocumentados son miembros de grupos de narcotrafico. Rogers agerga que alguos de los milicianos llevan mascaras para proteger su identidad.

Guerra, el sheriff del Condado de Hidalgo, dice, sin especificar cual es su fuente, que ha leido reportes “de inteligencia” que apuntan a la posibilidad de que los milicianos puedan usar uniformes iguales o parecidos a los de la Guardia Nacional que va a ser desplegada proximamente en la frontera por orden del gobernador Rick Perry.

A juicio de Guerra, si eso fuera cierto, se podria crear confusion con potencial de peligro si los agents de las oficinas de sheriff y de la Patrulla Fronteriza tuvieran dudas sobre con quien estan tratando: la Guardia Nacional o milicianos.

Vinger no respondio a nuestra pregunta sobre si el DPS es el departamento que produjo los reportes a los que allude Guerra.

Por su parte, Rogers respondio a este respecto que es cierto “que los hombres que estan alli (en referencia a la frontera) estan usando ropa de camuflaje pero realmente no puedo concebir que vayan a ponerse un uniforme de la Guardia Nacional para patrullar la frontera.”

11 thoughts on “WEAPONS Militias on the border create concern

  1. “Most of the militants are staying at private ranches with permission of the owners and patrol the border for undocumented immigrants, says Rogers.

    “Chris Davis is the leader of one of the 11 teams there and we cannot judge all the teams by one leader,” emphasizes Rogers, who states that the weapons carried by militants have been purchased “legally” and are carried for protection because in some cases the guides for undocumented groups are members of drug trafficking groups. Rogers adds that some of the militants wear masks to protect their identity.”

    Militants? MILITANTS???!!! Are they trying to portray the militia as the same MILITANTS in Syria, Libya and Iraq by using the word, “MILITANTS”?

    They are not “Militants”. They are the MILITIA! 😡

    DAMN THESE COMMUNIST SCUMBAGS AND THEIR WORD GAMES!! They’ll do anything to get us to fight each other. And now they are trying to play word games in addition to the whole gun control propaganda by questioning whether or not they bought their weapons legally.

    Grr!!! This pisses me off! 😡

    This shit has got to stop. We either stand together or our whole fight will fail and that’s exactly what the elite want. It’s time to get your shit together people. Enough with the divisional rhetoric. Know your enemy and take it down or they will take you down!

  2. The police have never liked citizens going out and showing them how a job is to be done. They hate compitition in all departments in America as they normally do a far better job than the police ever will. And that reduces there job securtity and shows they are not worth a 10th of what they are paid under the you need fear crime and we are the big blue lie Line. We would be far better off with out 3/4 of them in America if the good citizen was allowed the resposability of there own neighborhoods. Then the few that were left could just come in off radar or what ever and transport and do paper work on the citizen complaint.

  3. they should surround the border patrol pigs and relive them of the duty they’re not doing, commandeer their weapons and vehicles, and send ’em hiking north on the nearest road. Get all the government employees out of the way, one way or another, then return to the border, and close it down 100%. Nothing gets through. Not the mail, no more wet-backs; the store is closed. Shoot any airplanes within firing range.

    The border stays closed until every stinking wet back that’s here illegally is gone. Put ’em all on barges, tow ’em out into the Pacific, and sink the things.

    Q. What do you call four Mexicans in a boat?
    A. Quattro cinco.

  4. The communist cops aren’t even constitutional. The Police Chiefs are all unconstitutionally appointed by the New World Order/Jew World Order. Sheriffs are all (supposedly) constitutionally elected by the people. The Sheriffs on the border should be forming Posses/Militias to put a stop to these invasions and rounding the illegals up to send back to Mexico…….but they’re not! WHY AREN’T THEY?

  5. Because most of the sheriffs would be cut off from the free federal goodies
    if they supported the militia.

  6. This shows you that the big plan is to do NOTHING on the border. Absolutely NOTHING. It is all pickle smoke and mirror BS. The sooner everyone gets their teams together and does their part the better off everyone will be. We need each group that goes down to be sponsored by people that can not.

    1. Mark, I think that is a great idea, that every group that goes down should be sponsored by people that can not. Everybody can’t go but everybody can do something to help even if you can’t be on the front line, there is something we all can do.

    2. I have a question. If one of your Militia team has to shoot one of these sweet little child invaders coming across the border what will you do? Turn him over to the communist cops or Sheriffs (with a Mexican name and can barely speak English) or will fight then and there against the communist cops as a group? I want to know in case I volunteer to go and it’s ME who kills one of the invaders. So how is it going to be Mr. Koernke?

      1. Hey OY VEY, it’s really hard to tell in a barrage of gunfire who may have shot the fatal round. This is war, these are illegal invaders who have already shot across the border at our do-nothing Border Patrol. I guess the militias and the Feds can get the revolution going right there if the Border Patrol bitches about the militias doing the job they were sworn to do but refused to do.

        1. But my question wasn’t answered Millard. Will whatever Militia group that I happen to join turn me over to the communist cops if I shoot one of these invaders or will they all stick together and fight against the communist cops then and there, even if it means a shoot out with the FEDS or whatever entity is against us?

          1. Just what exactly are you up to here? You don’t really expect anyone to answer this stupid question, do you?
            Go down there with your own group and pick a spot. You do your own thing. No one has the authority to set policy for the whole.
            This will develop as it develops.
            If you want to know what your militia group will do, form one yourself among like minded individuals and you will know what the policy is.
            There is no central command. We are all militia and guided by our own conscience.

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