9 thoughts on “White agents provocateur in car driving around handing bricks out to black protesters get called out by black woman

  1. Rockefeller POS trying to run end around common sense. Rockefeller scum showing its hand.

  2. awesome lady….I will admit if it had been me they would have gotten their brick returned via the back window

  3. Blacks…heck, everybody!…needs to wake up and stand up for the unalienable Bill of Rights!

    Andhelp round up the Sorosians regardless of race and send them to the South Pole or thereabouts…let them eat each other….

  4. “Communist agents provocateur in car driving around handing bricks out to communist protesters get called out by smart woman”

    Fixed it for them and only racists focus on race.

  5. They say whites handing out bricks but I think it’s the chosenites. They got some good white looking camo despite being semetic. Ish.

    1. She looks to have a pint of some booze. He looks dark curly hair with Rick moranis glasses and driving a nice shiny Mercedes.

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