We the People platform quadruples the number of signatures required on petitions before they merit the Obama Administration’s attention.
Future petitions to the White House to build a Death Star, have Piers Morgan deported, or fire Aaron Swartz’s prosecutor will have to attract more support in the future to merit the White House’s attention.
Beginning today, petitions filed on WhiteHouse.org’s We the People platform will need to log 100,000 signatures in 30 days to receive an official response from the Obama Administration, quadrupling the previous minimum of 25,000.
The higher threshold will “ensure we’re able to continue to give the most popular ideas the time they deserve,” Macon Phillips, the White House’s director of digital strategy, wrote in a blog post today. “This new threshold applies only to petitions created from this point forward and is not retroactively applied to ones that already exist.”
Activity on the petitions platform skyrocketed in late 2012, with the average time that petitions took to cross the 25,000-signature platform being slashed from 18 days during the first 10 months of the year to 9 days for the last two months. More than 60 percent of the petitions receiving 25,000 signatures last year did so in November and December.
“It’s wonderful to see so many people using We the People to add their voices to important policy debates here in Washington and bring attention to issues that might not get the attention they deserve,” Phillips wrote.
Launched in September 2011, the Obama Administration’s online petition platform has become a venue for citizens to make serious policy suggestions, as well as air disapproval of recent events and enjoy a little whimsy. Recent petitions have sought to have the Westboro Baptist Church legally recognized as a hate group and persuade the government to build a Death Star — a proposal that was met with an equally light-hearted response from the White House on Friday.
More about participation on the platform:

How about a petetion to lower the number back down to 25,000 !!!
Looks like Emperor Obama has had quite enough input from the peasants. What was it that Marie Antoinette is alleged to have said “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” (“Let them eat cake”). Well, we all know how that turned out for her and those of her ilk (not very well).
Just curious; are there any guillotine manufacturers still in business? Could be a great opportunity for some ambitious young entrepreneur. Talk about your growth industries.
Alan S. Pedersen
Fort Mill, SC
There are plenty of guillotines on military bases across the country, so apparently someone is manufacturing them.
As for petitions, the only ones the so-called ‘government’ is interested in are those that further the NWO’s agenda. All others are a waste of time.
I cant for the life of me believe people petitioning and whining to the govt., ever thought the govt. would just say….”OK…we will stop then….y’all just have a nice day now,..and thank you for your concern”
Texas may remain a part of the US, but what about The Republic of Austin, The Republic of San Antonio, The Republic of Huston, The Republic of Dallas, etc? If we really want change people, we have to take over at the local level. Involve your Sheriff, they are elected officals and the highest law of the land. As a municipality, the counties were never signatories to any union. If you can change your local government and your neighbors change theirs, you can work together to change the state government. We can all then stand together to throw off the federal criminals in DC.
Hahaahaha! I can see that WE THE PEOPLE are getting to Obama. He’s obviously not taking our petitions well. Is he going to increase it to 300 million signatures next to make sure EVERYONE approves?
This guy is such a snake and a coward. It’s pathetic.