4 thoughts on “Why is Trump sending Israel billions while America looks like this?

  1. They’re comin’ in full-steam ahead, determined to kill whatever peace the planet is trying to keep in place, and then to put in a brand new bully-system whose motto seems to be: “There’s nothing you can do about it.” Fights are being created everywhere; old allies are now potential enemies. Ruthlessly, The Greater Israel project is marching forward.

    They must, they must, they MUST, constantly create tensions and conflicts. They must ever threaten war or disease or starvation, or viscous enemies. False tensions. False conflicts. False diseases. False scarcity. False weather. False enemies. False. False. FALSE!! How else to stomp on our freedom and replace it with total control? And let’s not leave out FALSE RELIGION, that ubiquitous paradigm wearing different hats and gaudy skirts. It is in the name of religion that most of today’s atrocities are being carried out, and also in its name is their remedy presented. Beware religion. Entrapment disguised as beneficence. I bet God hates religion.


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