The World Economic Forum (WEF) led by Klaus Schwab tweeted out a video on Friday celebrating global lockdowns.
Schwab and the WEF cheered the empty streets insisting the global pandemic lockdowns were “quietly improving cities around the world.” The video highlighted deserted streets, empty factories and grounded planes. Evidently, the WEF has no concerns for the world’s poorest citizens who suffered greatly under the Fauci lockdowns for a virus that targeted 80-year-olds.
The Fauci global lockdowns will plunge 100 million into extreme poverty.
Klaus Schwab also made clear lockdowns are a wonderful option for fighting global warming. Look for the globalists to push lockdowns in the future for their nefarious agenda.
The next lock down will be you people! And we’ll experience peace and quiet!
Because they are sick and evil people . They need to be lock up with a ball and chain
Yep, in Antarctica….outside, that is. That way, they can stop complaining about ‘global warming’! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah!