You Do Not Have Healthcare. You Suffer Under Disease Management Control.

Video Rebel’s Blog

Your body has to build a billion cells a day. Does your doctor talk to you about a plan to help your body build a billion cells a day to maintain good health?

American drug companies have 100 drugs to manage the disease known as Hypertension. An American doctor will usually consider any Blood Pressure above 120 over 80 to be abnormal and sufficient cause to write you a prescription. But in Europe they don’t treat anyone for High Blood Pressure until it goes over 180. In India doctors think that any BP under 140 is dangerous and a sign of pathology.  

Let’s take a look at an American Medical Association Journal article that most doctors ignore. Mortality rates are four times higher for people with systolic pressure under 120 than for those with pressure over 160. This study was based on examination of records for 48,000 patients from 259 US hospitals. It would seem that doctors pay more attention to salesmen from pill pushing Big Pharma than they do to scholarly research articles.

To state this so simply that even a drug company salesman can understand it: Higher Blood Pressure means lower death rates. Think of it this way: The heart is a pump. It delivers oxygen through the blood to every cell in your body. If you have damage to the heart or to the arteries, wouldn’t it make sense that higher pressure from your pump would make you live longer because it delivered more oxygen to your cells?

A lack of common sense combined with an inability to read and understand peer reviewed scientific articles has produced the following plan of attack: To give you a more normal Blood Pressure reading, doctors will give you a medication that lowers the ability of the heart to deliver oxygen to your body’s cells. This causes your bodily organs to wear out at a faster rate and for you to experience premature aging.

To achieve these goals your doctor will prescribe Beta Blockers, ACE Inhibitors (Angiotensin Converting Enzymes) and/or diuretics. The result of this strategy is early death from cancer, heart disease and/or diabetes.

A disease is caused by either deficiency or toxicity.

Tylenol is a deadlier drug than heroin or cocaine. Tylenol thickens and damages blood vessels

Most people do not drink enough clean water. Water is the best blood thinner. If you have high blood viscosity, try drinking clean water before you try anything else. If your blood is too thick – from a lack of water – you will have higher blood pressure.

Clean water does not include fluoride. Dr Dean Burk PhD, 34 years with National Cancer Institute, said fluoride causes more cancer deaths than any other chemical.

Pulse Pressure is the difference between between Systolic and Diastolic. 120 minus 80 is 40 and normal. 150 minus 110 is also 40 and is also normal. Blood viscosity should also be measured. Neither is considered by doctors who practice Disease Management Control.

Things that increase blood viscosity: Blood Pressure meds, NSAID’s (Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, diet products, dehydration, diuretics and all medications except rat poison (coumadin),

Anatomy lessons unheeded by the AMA: The spleen checks every blood cell every 20 minutes. If a red blood cell is not functioning properly, the spleen will pass it over to the liver. The liver breaks down damaged red blood cells and turns them into bile so you can digest fats. If you have a poor diet or have toxic blood, the spleen will not function properly. That means you will have old red blood cells, so your blood cells cannot carry enough oxygen.

In 1983 there were 10 vaccines given before the age of 6. By 2010 there were 38 vaccines given before the age of 6. Before 1950 children rarely ever died from cancer. Today cancer is the leading cause of death in children. Children from birth to age 18 are given 74 shots of 16 different viruses.

The National Coalition of Organized Women did a study of the H1N1 vaccine given in 2009-10. They determined that the H1N1 vaccine caused 3,587 stillbirths and miscarriages. Vaccines are injected into the bloodstream. These vaccines include cancers and viruses.

MSG has 40 different names which the Fraud and Deception Association allows corporations to use to trick consumers into taking a toxic substance.

The colon produces vitamin K. The appendix is a lymph tissue associated with the colon. In America the appendix is removed if it becomes inflamed. An appendectomy increases your risk of colon cancer by 60%. If you had an appendectomy, your doctor probably did not tell you that you need to drink lots of vegetable juices and eats lots of soluble fiber to clean the blood and colon.

And, if your gall bladder was removed, did your doctor tell you that you will have a problem with fat metabolism and have increased cancer risk? Did your doctor to increase your intake of healthy saturated fats?

90% of Seretonin is produced in the gut so if the gut is not functioning properly, them there is a strong possibility that the brain might be impeded in its proper functioning.

Every medication slows or stops a metabolic process. That is not healthcare.

4,000 of the 5,000 a year who die from asthma actually die from their asthma drugs. That is disease management at work.

The above information was taken from a video entitled Detoxification which I posted below the Related Articles. The first of the related articles has more health information and a video lecture from the same man.

Related Articles:
Video: Enzymes, Cancer And Healthy Blood Pressure

Video: GMO Ticking Time Bomb, The Bankers Want You Sterilized And Then Dead

Video Rebel’s Blog

One thought on “You Do Not Have Healthcare. You Suffer Under Disease Management Control.

  1. Dr. Bergman is excellent!
    Thank you video rebel for this post
    When I was working as an RN I had a saying… “the numbers looked good but the patient died”
    As far as pediatric cancer goes….a flat out intentional assault on our children via vaccination…..and here is the kicker….doctors KNOW!

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