55yo father beaten by ‘terrorist’ Jewish Defense League outside AIPAC


Footage has emerged of a 55-year-old Palestinian-American being beaten by members of the Jewish Defense League outside the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) meeting in Washington D.C.

Video of Sunday’s attack shows a group of JDL members beating Kamal Nayfeh, who is on the ground. A number of the group use their American and JDL flags to hit him, while others kick him.  

Nayfeh was taken to hospital where he was treated for his injuries which included cuts and bruises. He received 18 stitches around his eye, 972Mag reports.

Two members of the JDL, Yosef Steynovitz from Ontario and Rami Lubranicki of New Jersey, were arrested and charged with a felony assault with significant bodily injury, and a simple assault misdemeanor, respectively, reported Washington Jewish Week.

The JDL was described as being a “right-wing terrorist group” by the FBI in 2001. Founded in New York in 1968, it was responsible for a number of attempted bombings in the city.

Another video shows more clashes outside AIPAC. One of the violent instigators, seen wielding his flag, is pulled away by another member of the JDL, who tells him, “Never f**king do that again,” and makes him sit down before police come over.



7 thoughts on “55yo father beaten by ‘terrorist’ Jewish Defense League outside AIPAC

  1. This vermin needs to be sent to that shitty little hell hole called Israhell, citizen or not. Permanently. And then nuke the shit out of it.

  2. The current halftime score on today’s world cup super hate bowl….

    Jews 1 = Terrorists 0

    This current halftime report is brought to you by our proud sponsor…
    We do falafel…right….or we’ll beat your terrorist azz down.
    Mcfalafel….a place to call home.

    Heyeahhh….call home for help as you get your matzi balls squished on the concrete.

  3. “One of the violent instigators, seen wielding his flag, is pulled away by another member of the JDL, who tells him, “Never f**king do that again,”

    “At least not on camera, or in front of pigs.” he added.

    Scumbag jew TRASH!!!

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