Over 9,000 Haitians are expected to reach Mexico in a few days. They are on their way to the US, of course.
They could be here in a couple weeks.
Dr. Fauci and the US medical elites are not worried about the illegal aliens carrying COVID into the country.
El Solde Mexico reported:
About 9,000 Haitians are stranded in Panama waiting for them to reach the southern border of Mexico in the next few days, reported security sources from the Government of Guatemala, a country that is already preparing to receive these migrants. This group of people is estimated to reach the southern border of Mexico with Guatemala in eight days, after having crossed one of the most dangerous jungles in the world shared by Colombia and Panama.
The contingent is made up of children, women and men who left Haiti due to the political conflict that has existed in that country since the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. Security sources of the Government of Guatemala reported that they are already preparing to receive these people who will seek to reach their national territory and who will advance towards Mexico with the intention of reaching the United States.
According to activists, an average of 300 to 400 people of different nationalities continue to enter the southern border per day, which has generated a migration crisis in Tapachula that has overwhelmed the authorities.
The Haitians are not being tested for COVID before their release into the public.
Haitian migrants tell us they aren't being tested for COVID-19 before being released into the public https://t.co/KSNxbU47iP pic.twitter.com/PB7QFVXVwi
— Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) December 1, 2021
Re: “Dr. Fauci and the US medical elites are not worried about the illegal aliens carrying COVID into the country.”
I don’t know about you, but I hate when they insult our intelligence. Just a button I haven’t been able to yet flatten.
So, we should all be in a panic, have our lives interrupted almost irreparably, but sit back and allow invaders who are magically exempted from all restrictions to storm our lives.
We say it every day: INSANITY!! Today, to be amongst the NON-INSANE is an honor, but it is the toughest job in the world, maybe in any time in recorded history. When a mind refuses manufactured insanity it breathes free, original, independent. It knows what it has to fight.
remember back in the 80s.. all those Haitian and Cuban refugee boats that usta wash up in Miami?? if only theyda known Mexico Texas Arizona border was closer!! whoda thunk it?? this is beyond even being able to comment on. it’s so … GOOFY!! I’m done with all of it. I’m seriously thinking about telling my family.. this is my last Christmas. i don’t think I have a whole nother year of this shit in me.
Is there somewhere to go? I mean I got out my world map and the whole place, continent-to-continent is smeared with tyranny. Where we are is where we are, and there we are who we are. Crazy, cruel, insane demonry all around. Did you know that I am barred from my beloved library? I used to find a corner in there where just for a few moments the world slipped away and good things showed up. All escape routes now being blocked. Bill of Rights plows through all that as does this assertion from Henry: “The highest law on this planet is the law of the gun. All other law on this planet depends on the law of the gun for authority…” I think because we are coming into the season of light, the returning of the light, the ugly, dark things are showing up more clearly and they’re easier to see. I’m seeing them as a putrid weakness that will ultimately be overcome.
The Synagogue of satan is a nasty bunch, hell bent on destroying everything that is good and decent in this world.
Revelation 2:9 and 3:9
Most immigration attorneys are so called jews in america and around the world, all working together to cause chaos.