A true patriot

A true patriot was put on trial for daring to tell the truth about a dying nation that has forgot its Christian Heritage.  Please listen to the beginning segment of his closing arguments to the jury.  It is the only part that I was able to capture.  If anyone has a complete recording of it, please contact me.  Pray that to the people turn from their wicked ways and that Thomas is quickly vindicated.

Published on Mar 19, 2016 by Call to Decision Bible Studies

6 thoughts on “A true patriot

  1. I wish him the best, but he’s not in a “Common Law” court. He’s in the clutches of the beast, and they’re intent is to make an example of him. They don’t want another batter to step up and take a pitch. The game is rigged, just the way they like it.

  2. If he isn’t a jew, he’ll get no justice in their court.

    And even jews occasionally get thrown under the bus, but only if their crime is too outrageous to be ignored.

    1. You mean like the outrageous “fraud” of the “Holohoax”?

      What “pisses me off” is when you present actual facts, numbers and such, most ignore you like your their favorite term, “Anti-Semite”. “Conspiracy buff”, that’s another well coined label to discredit critics of that hell hole called Israel. They have retribution rumbling their way. The dust cloud is already on the horizon. I’m sure they “feel it slippin'” insofar as their “hypnotism” of the planet for millennia.

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