White Privilege

My ancestors came to America fifty years after slavery had been abolished, but because I’m white, I’m somehow responsible for slavery. Isn’t that about as racist an assumption as you can make?

My “white privilege” amounted to my grandparents working hard, everyday of their entire lives, in an endless battle to squeeze an existence out of the dirt here, and survive America’s longest and coldest winters on the edge of the Great Lakes. Their parcel of land was given to them by the U.S. government under the Homestead Act because the government wanted the land occupied, and no one else was willing to live here. Their seven sons went to sea as soon as they were old enough, because sailors made more money than lumberjacks, and those two professions comprised the entire list of available employment.  

It sounds more like slavery than privilege, but no one cried or complained about it, because hard work was all they knew. One of those seafaring sons was my father, who taught himself to navigate ships with his third-grade education, and eventually became a second mate, by applying his work ethic to self-education.

My Mom was born and raised in Brooklyn during the Great Depression, and after her father died, her mother went to work for the phone company so the family could remain domiciled. My Mom had to raise her younger siblings, while supplementing the family income by finding reusable rags in people’s garbage, and re-selling them. I guess the honor of squeezing an existence out of other people’s garbage cans was part of her “white privilege” too.

My Dad met my Mom in NYC, settled down, and started the family I grew up with. We were seven kids and two adults in a five-room railroad flat in Brooklyn, all trying to survive on a bartender’s salary, but there was never an ounce of “privilege” that I saw in my life, or my ancestry. There was only hard work, sacrifice, and responsible behavior, because without all three of those things we wouldn’t have survived. We didn’t collect welfare checks, and there were no “food stamps” back then. You worked, or you starved if you were white, because back then, collecting welfare checks wasn’t an option for anyone with a shred of pride or dignity.

I started work after school when I was sixteen, because it was illegal for kids to work before that age. Before the fax machine was invented, every piece of paper that needed to move from one office in Manhattan to another had to be carried by hand, and messenger services engaged in that business hired thousands of kids, and old men that couldn’t retire. I also worked several other jobs before I became a carpenter, and I still suffer the injuries caused by that occupation. My own life of hard work only ended in pain and poverty, so anyone complaining about my “white privilege”, is only asking to feel my foot against his black ass.

The existence of “white privilege” in America is a myth, and it’s an insult to every white person who has worked hard to make a better life for himself and his family, while other people chose crime and public assistance to make ends meet.

For the most part, white people WORK to improve their lives. They don’t feel they have a right to steal things because they’re poor, and they don’t invade another country looking for hand-outs.

Robbery and thievery have been punished with imprisonment or death in every culture, and every corner of the world since the beginning of recorded history. It’s behavior that all of humanity has always found offensive, so I have to wonder if people who feel entitled to steal suffer from some human deficiency. I’ll not accept anyone’s cheap excuse that they steal because they’re poor. I was always poor, and I never stole a dime. You steal because you’re a lazy bastard, who found an easier way to acquire cash, and is unwilling to make the sacrifices necessary to leading a socially acceptable life.

I don’t like to raise issues regarding race, because I’m smarter than that, and I understand the motives behind the propaganda machine’s incitement of racial tensions in this country, but since so many idiots are falling for these age-old “divide-and-conquer” tactics, it has to be addressed.

The “Black Lives Matter” crew is nothing but a gang of George Soros-funded useful idiots, who believe that crying in unison for the communists will guarantee them a better life, or more government consideration in one form or another. It’s at these idiots specifically that I laugh, for allowing themselves to be used, and their dignity to be stolen, to further the political goals of another Zionist. Black or white, your life doesn’t matter if it’s only a stepping stone to another man’s wealth and power. Black liberation and advancement, as well as all human liberation and advancement, is only available through the preservation of our Bill of Rights. (Read the thing, you fool).

What’s usually described as “racism” by the propaganda machine* is really just friction that always occurs between people of different cultures. Due to this country’s unfortunate history of slavery, white and black Americans are of a slightly different culture. Because slavery isn’t very far in our past, and so much of our behavior amounts to imitation of our parents, there is still some lingering resentment of white people by some American blacks. But the slaves are dead, and the slave owners are dead, so it’s really time to move on and work with what you have, to improve your life as much as possible in the here-and-now. If black people want to hunt down the descendants of the slave owners and take all their money, I really don’t have a problem with that, but to blame all white people for slavery, when so very few of them owned slaves a century ago, is the hallmark of ignorance, and yes, it’s also genuine racism, rather than the mythical, media-created racism that’s used as a political tool today.

My best apprentice was a black kid named Ricky. He was hard working and intelligent, so I took the time to teach him things, because I knew my lessons weren’t falling on deaf ears. He went on to become a successful contractor in Brooklyn, more successful than myself, and I take pride in the fact that I helped to teach him the trade.

Ricky wasn’t an American black; he was from Ghana, and that’s why he was a hard worker. American blacks have earned their reputation of being “lazy” because they’re the descendants of slaves, and as such, you can’t really expect them to have a positive attitude about working for white people who own the majority of businesses.

It’s an unfortunate result of our unfortunate history, but American blacks need to overcome this, because as long as one small segment of our population is responsible for such a large percentage of the crime in our society, they’re always going to be avoided, and shunned.

I’ve known black people from Haiti, Senegal, Ghana, and Jamaica, and they were all hard-working, and intelligent. American blacks need to shake off their history, and start living in the modern world. No one hates you for the color of your skin. Everyone hates criminals, and people who refuse to pull their own weight. Everyone always has.

White and black unity is what our criminal “government” fears the most, and if we all unite to preserve the Bill of Rights, we’re unstoppable. If we allow the propaganda machine to divide us, and convince us to kill each other for their convenience, how much is anyone doing for themselves, or their race?  — Jolly Roger

“In all things that are purely social, we (black and white) can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress.”    — Booker Taliaferro Washington

*I use the term “propaganda machine” rather than “Zionist media”, because it also encompasses your Zionist-controlled education, the movies you watch, the books available for sale, etc. 

35 thoughts on “White Privilege

  1. “White and black unity is what our criminal “government” fears the most,…”

    It’s what their jew masters fear most. Racial/religious division has always been one of their most effective tools… for their own survival.

    I’ve always gotten along well with blacks in my lifetime. Likely because the ones I knew didn’t buy into that ‘racist’ b.s. any more than I do. Anyone stupid enough to judge a person by their skin color, instead of what they say and do, isn’t worth my time.

    Good article, JR. You know far more of your history than I ever bothered to find out about mine.

  2. I know nothing about my true history, never bothered to find out. I was adopted at birth. It’s interesting as hell to read about your family history JR. As for the color thing, well I’ve had a couple bad experiences, so I’ll keep my mouth shut. But to give you a hint, I got my ass kicked by a big black kid in a wrestling tournament as a kid, things went down hill from there 🙂

    Thanks for the great read as usual

  3. JR, very thought provoking, or, should I say, reminiscing? When you talk about the time we grew up compared to today, it’s like we went to sleep, woke up, and discovered someone had stolen everything from us, our wealth, nationality, our very souls.

    This “White Privilege” bullsquat you touched on is just that, bullsquat! These so-called “under-privileged” classes, be it niggers, spics, chinks, and such, they can call us racists, but look at them. Almost, not quite, as bad as a F’N joo, “We Be Victims” of “Whitey”. Taking lessons from the “Victims Supreme”, this joo infection is spread by word of mouth or the smell of a “Stinking Jew”.

  4. I appreciate your appeal but don’t be a fool and think for one second that appealing to logic will stop the globalist international communist socialists from using the illogic of slavery, reparations, white privilege, etc. to motivate mindless useful idiots to rage in the streets and create the chaos necessary for bolshevism’s last bit of “hope and change” to be brought down upon our heads and destroy life for us all.

    The goal is new world order of slavery, death and tyranny. The goal is closer every day.

  5. “If black people want to hunt down the descendants of the slave owners and take all their money, I really don’t have a problem with that, but to blame all white people for slavery…”

    It is most important to realize that all slaves were not black, that the Irish and Scotts, Asians, and American Indians, etc were all slaves at that at that period ion time and before. That was how things were done. Africans captured those of other tribes, etc and sold them to the merchant ships and slave traders (usually of Jewish as they were the merchants of that time).

    England HATED and wante4d to totally wipe out the Irish and Scotts and paid for them to be captured and either killed or enslaved – yet one does not hear them whining about that history. Nor do you see American blacks being angry and blaming those of other African tribes for capturing their ancestors and selling them.

    They never bothered to learn that slavery was what the Scots have survived for a thousand years. The early ancestors of the Scots, Alba and Pics were enslaved as early as the first century BC. Or that hundreds of thousands of Scots sold into slavery during Colonial America.

    We know because of the Egerton manuscript, British Museum, the enactment of 1652 that it “may be lawful for two or more justices of peace within any county, citty or towne, corporate belonging to the commonwealth to from tyme to tyme by warrant cause to be apprehended, seized on and detained all and every person or persons that shall be found begging and vagrant.. in any towne, parish or place to be conveyed into the Port of London, or unto any other port from where such person or persons may be shipped into a forraign collonie or plantation” as slaves.

    King James II and Charles I – also continuously worked to enslave the Irish. Plus add into that mix Britain’s Oliver Cromwell continued and further developed this practice. The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 IRISH prisoners as slaves to the New World. Yeah, whites.

    The earlier British Proclamation of 1625 REQUIRED Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers. Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white. (http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-irish-slave-trade-the-forgotten-white-slaves/31076).

    The only reason this historic “slavery” (ignoring the slaves of other colors) is brought up so much isthat it causes a “divide” mentality which makes it much easier for those working to destroy America and the US Constitution, just like instead of immigrants becoming Americans after naturalization they keep their former allegiance and try to recreate it here.

    May I recommend that those “blacks” who are supporting the over throw and assisting in the division being created here to use their minds and study what all the “isms” (communism, fascism, etc) have done to those of different races and different political outlooks? It is not a pretty history, and that is exactly what they want to do today here in America and are laughing that those that are willing to be so used for the destruction of what they consider a “lesser” human and their own “race – mixed or otherwise”, if considered a human at all – and that is all of us of mixed race, non pure blood ancestors; not just black/white, but any mixed race are considered at best for labor. Stop allowing them to USE you and learn the TRUTH.

    1. Thanks for bringing up the Scots and Irish…my great grandmother was Scots-Irish and when I did a history of her ancestors I found out the earliest ones came before 1800s–as indentured servants! Which is a kinder-gentler name for slave. Fortunately her father was a free man born in Delaware in 1830-something.

  6. “If black people want to hunt down the descendants of the slave owners and take all their money, I really don’t have a problem with that” -Jolly Roger

    F#@k you Jolly, shit like that keeps it going, that is how the JEWS act and believe even if the clause for it is made up. You want some punk to knock off a white (or black because BLACKS owned slaves too, who do you think rounded up blacks in Africa to sell blacks? Blacks.) because their great, great, great grandfather or grandmother owned a slave or had something to do with it? Hell with you.

    If we really want to see all this BS end all we have to REALLY do it shut down all welfare and ease off the SS system till it is gone permanently, as in from X date on no one pays, nor will payment be accepted. You can get your money back if you paid in but otherwise hit the road. Shut down the communist and jew media and the whole works comes crashing down. So long as there is a teat to be sucked off of this will never end, nor do those on the teat want it to stop despite their blustering.

    Media = feeds the “white privilege” BS and jews are right there to help and fund it.
    Government = welfare teat working hand in hand with media to finish hooking them.

    If anyone wants to make a real advance in things, quit with the BS race to start with and just be an AMERICAN. No more “black” or “white” Americans just plain old AMERICANS first and nothing else. The second you add X American you are starting the problem all over again. LEARN from the past instead of repeating it.

    1. “F#@k you Jolly, shit like that keeps it going…..You want some punk to knock off a white (or black because BLACKS owned slaves too, who do you think rounded up blacks in Africa to sell blacks? Blacks.”

      Read carefully, bone-head. I didn’t identify any slave owners by race, or suggest the entire white race should be victimized because of slavery.

      If black people want to hunt down the descendants of slave owners (by family), they’ll be attacking the same people you want dead, too.

      No one said anything about killing anyone. I said “take all their money”, and any descendants of slaves have grounds for a civil suit against them.

      Don’t read my articles. You missed the entire point, and latched on to the black-white divide that was drummed into your head by others.

      1. I got your entire point, you are trying to stamp approval on crime, in this case assault and theft on people who have nothing to do with happened 150 years ago. By your faulty logic anyone in your families history whosoever committed a crime, you are legally bound to pay for it by blood relation. You are judging someone on blood not on their physical crime, in this case there is none because unless you can prove they are dealing in slavery or otherwise in the here and now they are innocent of any crimes. You are trying to push old BRITISH law on AMERICANS by saying we are subject to “bad blood” and should be held accountable for what someone else did. You are also trying to have someone held accountable for something that their own parents were never alive to see let alone themselves and you are also attempting to say that just because somewhere down the line 150 years ago someone in their family had one or more slave, they are subject to punishment in the present.

        At one time many people owned a slave in this nation, they needed extra hands on the farms or laboring because the machinery did not exist yet. If you take into account 150 years of marrying and childbearing you want to punish about half the nation because anyone who married into that line will be held accountable by your own words. This means your own family, if it ever married someone from the USA will be held by “bad blood” until someone can trace them back and find out and YOU will be on the stocks getting robbed because someone on one side married someone who married someone else who married someone else who once upon a time owned a slave.

        Also, when does this stop? If you are liable for something done 150 years ago and everyone involved even the sons and daughters who are now dead… Do we stop and call it even tomorrow? Ten years from now? Another hundred fifty? When has the price been paid? When is the individual of the present no longer held accountable for what someone 150 years ago did? Do we go farther back? Europeans owned slaves too, no doubt somewhere down the line your own family is responsible for taking slaves or owning them, so how far back do we go to find “bad blood” and punish the far flung descendants?

        You will also find if you do some research that there were many types who owned slaves be they factory owners right down to tiny farm owners who needed that extra hand, so who exactly IS the enemy then by your own definition? Anyone who ever owned a slave? If so consult above, you will also find that those who had the most dealings in slaves were not actually the owners but the SHIPPING companies that brought them in and sold them in Massachusetts. Even after slavery was made illegal they kept it up for over twenty some years running slaves to Haiti and elsewhere. That is a few more generations to consider flogging then? Or are they exempt because they did not keep them for themselves?

        The black and white divide only exists because fools like you keep pushing this “endless shame” upon folks today who have nothing to do with anything. Also, who are you to declare that some family that owned one slave 150 years ago or 360 years ago deserves to be robbed at gunpoint because they needed extra help on their farm or whatever their job vocation required.

        If you want to see more white against black division just keep spewing what you do, that is why it happens and you refuse to see it. You want to harm people who have nothing to do with anything from 150 years ago and have them punished and shamed before the world not because of anything THEY did but because of what happened over 150 years ago.

        If you truly believe your statement, you are going to cause more division and are no patriot, you are BRITISH at heart from the 1600’s and a eugenicists because you believe that the simply relation of BLOOD 150 years later is enough to punish someone.

        AMERICANS do not criminally charge others unless they PERSONALLY had something to do with it, so unless they built a time machine, went back 150 years and bought, sold or owned a slave in any regard they CAN NOT be held accountable for it. I want to see this “eternal shame” garbage pushed by the media, jews and other enemies of Americans stopped, you are perpetuating it.

        If you do not like critique of your articles do not post them to the public.

        1. “I got your entire point, you are trying to stamp approval on crime, in this case assault and theft on people who have nothing to do with happened 150 years ago.”

          You’re NOT getting my point, because you’re an idiot who doesn’t know how to read very well. Where in the hell do you see me putting a stamp of approval on crime?

          You’re arguing with your own twisted imagination, and this has nothing to do with anything I’ve written.

          1. “If black people want to hunt down the descendants of the slave owners and take all their money, I really don’t have a problem with that” -Jolly Roger

            That is a crime JR, a CRIME! You are going to punish someone for a crime they did not commit, could NOT commit (they were not alive 150 years ago) and therefor it is a CRIME! Criminal acquiescence without the reluctance.

            Let me put this in a way you can understand since logic fails you: YOU will have everything you own stripped of you including your money for all the foreseeable future taken away because 150 years ago some family member of yours committed what someone today considers a crime.

            Wear those moccasins for a bit and think on what you proposed.

            The moment to you no longer oppose something is the moment you support it and condone such actions. I will always stand against anyone who tries to violate the Bill of Rights by condoning such criminal acts as to steal from people who have committed no crime. You most certainly condone such illogical theft because you support it.

    2. You habitual “line crossin” son of a bitch. FU and the horse you rode in on Vekar! Any and every comment I see from your sorry ass will be followed up with a retort. Please don’t spam him yet. He needs to suffer.

      Yeah bitch, you brought it on.

      1. If you are going to argue against me do it in a civilized manner. Also, read the comment I just posted to Jolly as it covers you as well.

        I have no idea what “habitual line crossin” means since you fail to explain yourself in a civilized manner.

        1. You skirt the line between sense and non-sense is what it means. I read your “explanation” and it answers nothing. You still sound like your owed something.
          “I want my reparations!”

          1. When did I say I am owed anything? I am speaking against it. Show me anywhere that I claimed to be owed anything at all, you will find I am arguing to prevent anyone from claiming the rights to rob people today because of what someone did 150 years ago. JR is the one ok with people being robbed because of being a far flung relative, not me.

            If you are incapable of seeing that I am arguing in favor of individual rights and against blatant theft based on blood relations you are a lost cause, never once did I claim anyone has the right to seize the property of another because of entitlement which is what Jolly Roger is claiming, not I.

            Read JR’s words yourself:
            “If black people want to hunt down the descendants of the slave owners and take all their money, I really don’t have a problem with that” -Jolly Roger

            He is claiming criminal acquiescence on stealing from people TODAY because of something from 150 years ago that no one today can claim on because all those people died over a century ago.

            If I am wrong for giving rebuttal to both JR and YOU for supporting stealing from descendants of slave owners merely because of relation from a century ago… Then you are no friend of the Bill of Rights, you are placing guilt on people who had nothing to do with it because they were not alive then, in your eyes they are guilty only because of blood relation. To which I say someone should dig up dirt on your family from a hundred years ago or more and take all YOUR money away simply because you are related to them but not alive when it happened.

          2. It’s not that you ask directly, read your own F’N comment a few times and maybe a hint of light will shine through. I am not going to argue semantics with you. Were definitely not on the same page. I’m leaving it at that.

  7. I hate everyone.
    I’m an equal opportunity hater.
    I judge people by their actions not words.
    You can be a nigger hating cracker.
    That’s your right.
    But when you physically try to push your beliefs on me.
    Try to steal what I’ve worked so hard for, that’s where I draw the line.
    I don’t care what fkng color you are.
    I just hate stupid ignorant dumbed down people now.
    Good article JR.

  8. Divide and conquer. invite the worlds races into america and then start a race war by declaring the native people to be racist. just like the govt did to the indians.

  9. The things you wrote…….95% of my life, but, I have to say the other 5 percent are pretty stark in difference.

    I have been hated for my skin color since I was 10. You get used to it, like breathing. After some time, after all the stabbings, shootings, theft, rape, and arson- everyone pretty much just goes home. It takes about a generation, depending. Mexicans, they let things go pretty fast, about half a generation. The rest? Never. Seen that, done it, lived it. Just don’t give a f#@k anymore. You are all in my range when the paychecks stop by the way 🙂

    You see, I actually live in Burkina Faso, Capetown, Johburg, Haiti, Liberia
    and places and Islands you will never find on google “). If you’re f#@king bitching about how bad it is, and pull that “I don’t see color” shit……buckle up brothers and sisters cuz you got no mother f#@king idea WTF is coming up the asspipe of amerika that is S. Florida. YOU JUST DO NOT KNOW….YET.

    You all can still make a left turn at the light I’m wagering? You all don’t carry a gun 24-7 just to make it through the week I’m still betting? Black people still serve you when you order something, they don’t go on break?

    Let me stop the answers that are going to come in. There is nothing, Ghandi, MLK, ad infinitum, that will change the behavior of the people that are here, and come here daily to destroy the white culture, period. They say it to your god damn face….so save your uninformed, not ON THE MOTHERF#@KING TRENCHES (with respect) asses from telling me how I don’t get it. No I get it, I used to think just like all of you save 1 or 2. F@#k! Philosophy was a god damn minor of mine in college and I started that in high school, it’s just pure drivel when they walk over your graves, is it not?!

    P.S. Yes, there are some good one’s. Just like some of my NAZI relatives, YUP, you’re right, it’s possible! They unload the jails, that’s the shit we get. Learn it, live it, love it. BOHICA.

  10. To those blacks who STILL cry over slavery:

    It is government that wants to DIVIDE (us) AND CONQUER.

    To the Jews still crying over the hollocost:

    Americans welcomed you into this country and to safety.
    It is government that wants to DIVIDE (us) AND CONQUER.

    To everyone on the planet:
    UNITED WE STAND if we want to live in peace and remove the war mongers. The war mongers do NOT go to war, nor do their families.
    They send US, and our CHILDREN to die and be maimed while they dine at expensive restaurants and laugh at how foolish we are.
    Example: Henry Kissinger

    We, as a people, must come together and stand for each other, all of us, and remove those that want to dictate over us.
    None of us will ever be free until we realize this.

    There are MILLIONS OF US, and only hundreds of them.

    Please think about that.
    Show kindness to your neighbors, whoever they are.
    Show caution with “authority”.

    Do your own homework.
    Learn to think for yourself.
    Stop believing everything you hear and, especially on TV.

  11. List of the largest American slave owners

    The list below is compiled from the 1860 United States Slave Census Schedule.

    1. Col. Joshua John Ward of Georgetown, South Carolina: 1,130 slaves.
    2. Dr. Stephen Duncan of Issaquena, Mississippi: 858 slaves.
    3. John Burneside of Ascension, Louisiana: 753 slaves; Saint James: 187 slaves. Sugar plantations.
    4. Meredith Calhoun of Rapides, Louisiana: 709 slaves. Sugar and cotton plantations.
    5. William Aiken of Colleton, South Carolina: 700 slaves.
    6. Gov. John L. Manning of Ascension, Louisiana: 670 slaves. Sugar.
    7. Col. Joseph A. S. Acklen of West Feliciana, Louisiana: 659 slaves. 6 cotton plantations.
    8. Gov. Robert Francis Withers Allston of Georgetown, South Carolina: 631 slaves.
    9. Joseph Blake of Beaufort, South Carolina: 575 slaves.
    10. John Robinson of Madison, Mississippi: 550 slaves.
    11. Jerrett Brown of Sumter, Alabama: 540 slaves.
    12. Arthur Blake of Charleston, South Carolina: 538 slaves.
    13. John J. Middleton of Beaufort, South Carolina: 530 slaves.
    14. Elisha Worthington of Chicot, Arkansas: 529 slaves.
    15. Daniel Blake of Colleton, South Carolina: 527 slaves.
    16. J. C. Jenkins of Wilkinson, Mississippi: 523 slaves.
    17. J. Harleston Read of Georgetown, South Carolina: 511 slaves.
    18. John Butler of McIntosh, Georgia: 505 slaves.
    19. Charles Heyward of Colleton, South Carolina: 491 slaves.
    20. Alfred V. Davis, Concordia, Louisiana: 500+ slaves. 4 Cotton plantations.
    21. O. J. Morgan, Carroll, Louisiana: 500+ slaves. 4 Cotton plantations.
    22. Levin R. Marshall, Concordia (2), Louisiana: 248 slaves. Madison (1), 236 slaves. Cotton.
    23. D. F. Kenner, Ascension, Louisiana: 473 slaves. Sugar.
    24. R. R. Barrow, Lafourche, Louisiana: 74 slaves; Terrebonne: 399 slaves. Sugar.
    25. Mrs. Mary C. Stirling/Sterling, Pointe Coupee (2), Louisiana: 338 slaves. Sugar. West Feliciana: 127 slaves. Cotton.

    There they are. How many of their descendants are NOT sitting on corporate boards, engaged in politics, or leading Masonic lodges today?

    So, yeah, if black people want to hunt them down and take all their money, I don’t have a problem with it.

    1. You changed your tune already Jolly, so you only want “the biggest” slave owners descendants punished? Your blanket comment up above says otherwise so please give us the records for every slave owner who ever lived (lets keep this simple shall we?) between the years of 1783 and 1886, also give us a complete list of blood relation, marriages and so on for the next 150 years. If you can supply a list that will no doubt have tens of millions of names due to marriages over the last 150+ years I think you will get how preposterous your statement is. Also who are you to decide that the one slave on that little farm was not sufficient cause to have their owners great, great, great, great grand children and ALL their relations for the past 150 years punished? So what is the lowest number then? 10? 20? Your lowest listed is 74 slaves so do we go with that one?

      Who the hell died and made you god to punish people today for something done 150 years ago that no one today had anything to do with?

      Only a British TYRANT wants to punish people for BAD BLOOD or BLOOD RELATION!

      1. “You changed your tune already Jolly, so you only want “the biggest” slave owners descendants punished?”

        When did I change my tune? By copying and pasting a list I found? You’re grasping at straws to argue with me, but unfortunately you don’t read very well, and you’re making assumptions that have nothing to do with what I said.

        “Who the hell died and made you god to punish people today for something done 150 years ago that no one today had anything to do with?”

        Who did I punish? Who did I say I was going to punish? Work on your reading comprehension skills you moron, because you’re putting words in my mouth that I never said.

        If you’re family owned slaves 150 years ago, you’re one of the “elite” today, and yes, I don’t really care what happens to them. ANY of them.

        1. “If black people want to hunt down the descendants of the slave owners and take all their money, I really don’t have a problem with that” -Jolly Roger

          Thats who you are punishing, folks who have nothing to do with 150 years ago. You are acquiescing (since you are ok with it makes it worse) to others committing crimes and encouraging theft and deprivation of peoples basic rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not to mention their right to trial which is impossible because anyone who was a slave 150 years ago is dead and the ones who owned them too.
          You changed your tune by trying to associate numbers of slaves with guilt, that somehow that will make it “ok” to do what you said:
          “If black people want to hunt down the descendants of the slave owners and take all their money, I really don’t have a problem with that” -Jolly Roger

          Theft, because you want to punish someone who was not alive then and had nothing to do with it. In your case criminal acquiescence without the reluctance.

  12. Most white regular folks were too poor to own slaves

    Now ALL of us in this country are slaves

    We are slaves to this rouge government, and all its representatives and bogus “laws” against us
    If that’s too hard to see , than there is zero hope for any of this situation , regardless of skin pigmentation

  13. As I said above my great grandmother, Scots-Irish, is descended from indentured servants. My great grandfather (whom she married) came over from Germany at age 14 (as shown on ships manifest at Ancestry.com). My grandfather’s mother came over from Germany in the 1880s. On my mother’s side, my grandmother was descended from the Irish (came to NY area likely in 1850s or 1860s or later) and my grandfather is descended from Germans who came over in the same time frame (both grandfather and grandmother on my mother’s side are 3rd generation Americans). Therefore, there is virtually no way I am descended from slave owners in the US, anyway. So, no, I am not doing reparations to any black person!

    1. Nor should anyone, it ended 150 years ago, as “Enemy of the State” pointed out: we are ALL slaves now one way or another. Slaves without shackles and prisoners without bars on the windows.

  14. It reminds of a Dave Chappelle skit where he’s a blind black “White Power” proponent. At the end of the skit, when he finds out he’s actually black, he divorces his wife cause she’s a “nigger lover”.

    The skit pointed out the ridiculousness of the matter. Do infants of different skin color bite and scratch at each other? Nope, they ain’t been taught hate just yet.

  15. I think some people may have had a “knee-jerk reaction” to the sensitive topic addressed here, but before you respond with Pavlovian cries of “racism”, please read carefully, and understand that I’m talking about culture, rather than race, even though the example of my black apprentice being a non-American should have made that obvious.

    Do I think the culture of black Americans has been affected by slavery? Of course. It would be foolish to think otherwise, and it would be foolish to expect them to have a positive attitude about working for white people given this history.

    It’s NOT an insult to any group of people. We’re ALL products of our heritage and culture to some extent, and it has absolutely nothing to do with our race.

    The history is what it is, and it was none of my doing, and I also think it’s a mistake to sweep these facts under a rug and ignore them, rather than learning from them, and improving our interracial relations by understanding history’s lessons.

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