By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Meet the new face of US imperialism. Continue reading “Biden Admin Official Rachel Levine Pushed International Medical Group to Drop Age Limits For Trans Surgeries”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

The “conservative” Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled on a technicality that the White House and other federal agencies can continue to pressure social media companies to censor lawful speech protected by the First Amendment. Continue reading “Supreme Court Allows Govt to Pressure Social Media Companies to Censor Lawful Speech”

By Will Porter –

The State Department has acknowledged that America’s top partner in Syria, the Kurdish-led “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF), is still using underage fighters after more than 10 years of similar allegations. The Pentagon continues to work closely with the group regardless, as US troops illegally occupy large swaths of territory in northeastern Syria. Continue reading “US Admits Allies in Syria Using Child Soldiers”

By Thomas Stevenson – The Post Millennial

BREAKING: Supreme Court sides with Biden admin over Covid-era social media censorship

The Supreme Court came down with a decision on Thursday in a free speech case, ruling that the plaintiffs in the case did not have legal standing to sue the government. Continue reading “BREAKING: Supreme Court sides with Biden admin over Covid-era social media censorship”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) managed to unseat Rep Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) on Tuesday by spending an unprecedented $14 million on a single House race. Continue reading “Rep. Jamaal Bowman Loses New York Primary After AIPAC Spends an Unprecedented $14M”

By Kyle Anzalone –

While meeting with top Lebanese officials last week, President Biden’s envoy warned Beirut that Washington could not stop Tel Aviv from ramping up its military operations in southern Lebanon. The White House is concerned that the tit-for-tat exchanges across the Israel-Lebanon border will soon escalate to a full-scale war. Continue reading “White House Tells Lebanon US Cannot Control Israel”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

There was an oblique message buried in a New York Times story on the growing crisis in commercial real estate in cities. Yes, this is exactly the kind of article that people pass over because it seems like it doesn’t have broad application. In fact, it does. It affects the core of issues like our city skylines, how we think about urbanism and progress, where we vacation and work, and whether the big cities are drivers or drains on national productivity.

Continue reading “Is The Global Inflationary Depression Already Here?”

By Didi Rankovic – Reclaim The Net

When it comes to privacy and overall security of some of people’s most sensitive (financial, but also, “behavioral”) biometric data, massive global banks and payment processors, and burgeoning biometric surveillance was always going to be that perfect “match made in hell.” Continue reading “Mastercard To Expand Digital Biometric ID and “Behavioral Biometrics””

By Kyle Anzalone –

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he will only agree to a partial deal with Hamas that allows him to restart the assault after a pause to exchange hostages. The remarks show that Netanyahu is unwilling to sign on to an agreement proposed by President Joe Biden. Continue reading “Netanyahu Rejects Any Deal That Leads to Permanent End to War on Gaza”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

The Kenyan capital of Nairobi has descended into violence and mayhem as large street protests by Kenyans outraged at new tax policies and a harsh ‘Eco-Austerity’ program imposed by the government have resulted in the parliament building being set on fire.

Legislators are evacuating after the anti-tax protesters initially breached parliament. They quickly overwhelmed police soon after the lawmakers voted to pass a bill which introduces new nationwide taxes, including an eco-levy which raises the price of basic goods such as diapers, as part of efforts to curb waste management and be more environmentally friendly.

Continue reading “Kenya Protesters Storm Parliament, Police Fire Live Rounds, After Lawmakers Unleash Eco-Austerity”

By Libby Emmons – The Post Millennial

BREAKING: New GOP report reveals CIA contractors colluded with Biden campaign to frame Hunter Biden's laptop as 'Russian disinfo'

The House Judiciary revealed on Tuesday that CIA contractors were among those who colluded with the Biden campaign in 2020 to release misinformation claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop had “all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.” Continue reading “BREAKING: New GOP report reveals CIA contractors colluded with Biden campaign to frame Hunter Biden’s laptop as ‘Russian disinfo’”