Fox News

A good Samaritan is expected to recover after being shot more than a week ago by an illegal immigrant trying to kidnap a woman, according to a report.

Fox 31 Denver reported Friday that former paratrooper Brian Geer was shot when the woman, a total stranger, ran up to his house and frantically banged on the front door for help.   Continue reading “Good Samaritan shot trying to stop kidnapping by illegal immigrant, report says”

ABC News

A Long Island Rail Road train carrying approximately 600 passengers derailed Saturday night east of New York City, leaving 33 people injured and of those, four seriously injured, officials said this morning.

The eastbound commuter train derailed east of New Hyde Park, around 9:10 p.m., officials said.

“When you look at the actual damage to the situation, the silver lining is we are fortunate that more people weren’t seriously hurt,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said at a news conference this morning, adding that the National Transportation Safety Board will investigate into the cause of the incident.   Continue reading “Commuter Train Derails East of NYC, Injuring 33”

New York Post – by Isabel Vincent

The Clinton Foundation failed to properly file non-profit paperwork required by New York state for years and did not disclose government grants on its filings as required by law, yet Attorney General Eric Schneiderman gave it a pass.

A search of the New York charities database by The Post found that for the years 2010 through 2014, the Clinton Foundation was years late in submitting the required paperwork to raise money in New York — waiting until 2016.   Continue reading “Clinton Foundation was late to file paperwork, but got pass from AG”

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Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The Clinton campaign (Washington Post) released audio on Friday of Donald Trump talking about hitting on a hot woman in 2005.

Hillary Clinton tweeted out that she was “shocked!” in response to the audio!   Continue reading “Hillary “Shocked!” By Trump’s Sex Talk… But Here’s Video of Hillary Threatening Sex Assault Victims in 1998”

Fox News

Hillary Clinton told bankers behind closed doors that she favored “open trade and open borders” and said Wall Street executives were best-positioned to help reform the U.S. financial sector, according to transcripts of her private, paid speeches leaked Friday.

The leaks were the result of another email hacking intended to influence the presidential election.   Continue reading “Clinton called for ‘open trade and open borders’ in private, paid Wall Street speeches”

The Weather Channel

Note: has a complete list of shelters available to evacuees on its website. Click here to see that list.

As Hurricane Matthew continued its march along the Florida coast, hundreds of thousands in Florida were without power.

According to the Florida Power and Light, more than 307,250 customers were without power early Friday morning.   Continue reading “As Hurricane Matthew Continues Its March Up Florida Coast, Hundreds of Thousands Without Power”

The Hill – by Katie Bo Williams

Four Republican committee chairmen on Wednesday pressed Attorney General Loretta Lynch on what they termed “the unusual restrictions” placed on the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of State.

In a letter to Lynch, they pointed to a pair of letters from Beth Wilkinson, an attorney for two of Clinton’s lawyers, that laid out a limited immunity agreement that the Department of Justice (DOJ) agreed to in exchange for cooperation with the investigation.   Continue reading “GOP chairmen slam ‘unusual restrictions’ on FBI Clinton probe”

Chicago Sun Times – by Tina Sfondeles

The Kankakee prosecutor on Tuesday announced an “unprecedented” investigation into allegations of “individuals from Chicago” offering gifts to residents in exchange for votes — only to have his office itself accused of harassing and intimidating voters.

The Kankakee County State’s Attorney’s Office said it opened the voter fraud investigation in response to allegations that “gifts” were given to voters in exchange for a vote for Democratic state Rep. Kate Cloonen, presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and “others.”   Continue reading “Vote fraud, intimidation allegations hurled about in Kankakee Co., Illinois”

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The PPJ Gazette – by Marti Oakley

The view from a political atheist

To all of you whiners and criers out there who whimper or scream hysterically that if I don’t vote I have no right to complain……..the hell if I don’t. I have watched this cycle every four years devolve into some kind of sick comedy act, and this election has got to be the final insult to the American voters.   Continue reading “Election 2016: Are we really going to let them get away with this?”


A global agreement to combat climate change by shifting the world economy away from fossil fuels will take force next month after passing a threshold for ratification on Wednesday with support from European nations.

Support for the Paris Agreement has widened to nations representing 56.75 percent of world greenhouse gas emissions, above the 55 percent needed for implementation, a U.N. website showed. The deal will formally start in 30 days.   Continue reading “Paris climate accord ratified, to start next month: U.N.”

Triple Pundit – by Leon Kaye

Weed, California, home to around 2,500 people and just south of the Oregon border in the shadow of Mount Shasta, is best known for its offbeat name and its appearance in John Steinbeck’s classic “Of Mice and Men.”

But now this small town in Siskiyou County is the focal point in the fight between a community’s right to local water and a company’s right to sell it. In an area still recovering from the devastating 2014 Boles Fire, Weed is the David trying to find a voice against a Goliath that insists the town’s water is better served if it is bottled and exported to Japan.   Continue reading “French Billionaire Clashes With Rural California Town Over Water Rights”

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Arutz Sheva

A new report presented by Gil Troy of Mcgill University in Canada, shows that 50% of donations to Secretary Clinton’s campaign come from Jewish contributors. The study also found that 25% of donations to the Republican Party also come from Jewish donors.

In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, Troy stated that this is why presidential campaigns are aimed at Jews even though they only make up 2% of American voters.   Continue reading “50% of donations to Clinton campaign come from Jews”

USA Today – by Susan Page

The most controversial presidential campaign  in modern American history has sharpened a long-standing debate: Is it ethical to not vote?

More than 92 million Americans who were eligible to vote four years ago didn’t cast ballots. But politics in the Age of Trump has prompted editorial writers, Democratic partisans and even some Republicans to argue that Donald Trump is so unacceptable as a potential commander in chief that citizens have a heightened duty to show up to cast their ballot against him.   Continue reading “Propaganda Alert: Is it ethical to not vote this year for president?”

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Infowars – by Mikael Thalen

Documents allegedly taken from the Clinton Foundation were released online Tuesday by the hacker Guccifer 2.0.

The hacker claims to have obtained “hundreds of thousands” of documents after gaining access to Clinton Foundation servers at an unknown time and date.   Continue reading “Guccifer 2.0 Drops Alleged Clinton Foundation Documents”

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Backwoods Resistance – by Scott M Terry

Radio news broadcasts echoed “”The South Carolina School shooter, who was homeschooled ….”

Fox News reported..   Continue reading “Media Blames Homeschooling For Expelled Public Schooler’s Murder Spree”

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Backwoods Resistance – by Scott M Terry

Water is arguably the most important element for human survival. In a survival situation locating a source of water must be a top priority, but locating water is only the beginning of the process; it must be purified. Drinking water straight from the source, even in a pristine wilderness setting, is extremely dangerous. Water from a stream, pond, or lake may contain bacteria, parasites, or viruses. Any of these things can kill you or contribute to your death, especially if your immune system is compromised and you do not have access to medical help.   Continue reading “How To Purify Water In The Field”

ABC News

The leader of an armed takeover of a national wildlife refuge took the witness stand in his own defense, tearfully telling jurors he was initially reluctant get involved in the plight of two Oregon ranchers ordered to return to prison.

Ammon Bundy, 41, of Emmett, Idaho, wore blue jail scrubs Tuesday afternoon and had a copy of the U.S. Constitution in his front pocket. He has rejected the option of civilian clothes, contending he’s a political prisoner.   Continue reading “Leader of Armed Standoff Describes What Led Him to US Refuge”

Washington Examiner – by Rudy Takala

Gun sales hit the 17th consecutive monthly record in September according to FBI data released on Monday, and overall sales are up 27 percent compared to the same period last year.

A total of 1,992,219 background checks were processed through the bureau’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System for the month of September, higher than the 1,795,102 conducted in September 2015.   Continue reading “Gun sales hit 17th straight monthly record, up 27 percent”