Fortune – by Lucinda Shen

Goldman Sachs has enacted a set of rules that bans the firm’s top employees from contributing to certain campaigns, including the Trump-Pence ticket.

The rules kicked in Sept. 1 and will apply only to partners of the firm. The memo detailing the rule change was first reported by Politico. The firm says the rules were meant to remove any implication of so-called “pay to play.” Four years ago, the bank paid $12 million to settle charges that a former Boston-based banker had picked up bond underwriting business in the state while working for and contributing funds to the campaign of a then Massachusetts state treasurer and governor-hopeful, Tim Cahill.   Continue reading “Goldman Sachs Bans Employees from Donating to Trump”

Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — An American Indian tribe succeeded Tuesday in getting a federal judge to temporarily stop construction on some, but not all, of a $3.8 billion four-state oil pipeline, but its broader request still hangs in the balance.

U.S. District Judge James Boasberg said Tuesday that work will temporarily stop between North Dakota’s State Highway 1806 and 20 miles east of Lake Oahe, but will continue west of the highway because he believes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lacks jurisdiction on private land.   Continue reading “Judge grants partial stop on North Dakota pipeline work”


Trouble is brewing in New England for gun manufacturers. The Massachusetts attorney general has launched an innovative investigation of major firearm makers based on her state’s expansive consumer-protection law.

The probe targets at least two companies—Glock Inc. and Remington Outdoor Co.—and possibly others. The investigation came to light because of lawsuits the gun companies recently filed seeking to block or narrow the Massachusetts safety investigation, calling it overly intrusive.   Continue reading “A New Legal Assault on Firearm Makers: Some Guns May Be Dangerous”

Fox News

Newly released emails suggest a senior Hillary Clinton aide stage-managed her first hearing on the Benghazi terrorist attack by feeding specific topics Clinton wanted to address to Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, who at the time was acting chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

“We wired it that Menendez would provide an opportunity to address two topics we needed to debunk (her actions/whereabouts on 9/11, and these email from Chris Stevens about moving locations,)” Clinton media gatekeeper Philippe Reines wrote to Chelsea Clinton the morning of the Jan. 23, 2013 hearing.   Continue reading “‘We wired it’: Emails suggest Clinton aide stage-managed Benghazi hearing questions”

Liberty Gold and Silver

In Elliott Wave terms, a bullish up move contains five waves; 1, 3, and 5 are upside and 2 and 4 are corrective waves. As we analyze the waves that began in January of this year, we can see that wave 2 was a sideways consolidation to work off the initial thrust up off the January lows and wave 4, using the rule of alternation, was a very sharp and quick pullback relieving the overbought condition of the July/August wave 3 up tick. We believe that wave 5 up to new recovery highs may have begun Thursday, August 25. Without getting too technical, this was a much needed pullback to set the table for the next bullish rally. Quite likely, the sharp pull back was exacerbated by the dog days of August as volume is light going into another school year and the last week of summer vacation.   Continue reading “The Rule of Alternation Is The Precious Metals Correction Over?”

Fox News

A California gun shop sees sales of firearms that use bullet buttons to swap magazines sky rocket as new gun laws that will ban those types of weapons looms.

Christopher Lapinski, the operations manager at Last Stand Readiness & Tactical in Sacramento, told Fox 40 Sacramento that he’s seeing more people coming in to buy the gun before the law takes effect.   Continue reading “Sale of firearms that use bullet buttons surge ahead of new California gun law”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On August 29, Senators Steve Daines (R-MT), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Charles Grassley (R-IA), James Inhofe (R-OK), and others sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry intended to block current backdoor gun control efforts by the State Department.

The senators’ goal is to prevent the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) from continuing to target businesses tied to arms and/or ammunition with new fees and regulations.   Continue reading “GOP Senators to Block State Department’s Backdoor Gun Control”

Asian Correspondent

THE United States Government has pledged an additional US$90 million over the next three years to clear the tens of millions of unexploded bombs the U.S. dropped on Laos during the Vietnam War.

The announcement came Tuesday during President Barack Obama’s visit to Laos. He is the first sitting U.S. president to set foot in the impoverished, landlocked country.   Continue reading “In maiden visit to Laos, Obama commits US$90m to clear wartime bombs”

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Fox News

Phyllis Schlafly, the iconic pro-family activist who rose to fame in the 1970s when she campaigned against the Equal Rights Amendment, has died at age 92, according to the Eagle Forum, the conservative organization she founded.   Continue reading “Longtime conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly dead at 92”

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Heard Citizen

(Meriwether County, GA/ — An elderly woman that was attacked during a home invasion has died after spending weeks in the hospital.

According to family members, 83-year-old Dorothy Dow had been on a ventilator since the incident occurred at her home in Lone Oak just south of Grantville on August 10.   Continue reading “Elderly Grantville woman dies after being beaten, set on fire”

Tax Revolution Institute – by Guillermo Jimenez

When will central-economic planners ever learn? In yet another attempt to influence the economic behavior of a given population through taxation, the state of Massachusetts has decided to subsidize their fledging taxi industry with new fees on ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft.

These new taxes were signed into law by Governor Charlie Baker (R-MA) in early August and levy a 20-cent fee on each trip consumers take with a ride-sharing app. Ten cents will go to the municipalities while the other 10 are split between a state-transportation fund and the taxi industry.   Continue reading “Massachusetts “Uber Tax” Takes Tax Neutrality to a New Low”


A suspected U.S. drone strike killed six al Qaeda fighters in Yemen’s central Marib province on Sunday, residents said, as Washington continues its years-long campaign against militants who have exploited an 18 month civil war in the country.

The men were killed in the bombing of a house in the Wadi Obeida tribal area east of the capital Sanaa.   Continue reading “Suspected U.S. drone strike kills six Qaeda militants in Yemen”


WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite formidable opposition across the political spectrum, President Barack Obama is using his final months in office to fight for congressional approval of a 12-nation free trade pact called the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Obama plugged the trade agreement Monday in China, saying it is “indisputable that it would create a better deal for us than the status quo.” He said he doesn’t have to sell the deal to Asian leaders who were part of the negotiations because “they see this as the right thing to do for their own countries.”   Continue reading “Obama makes TPP top priority in remaining months”

The Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Las Vegas, NV — In America, if you are mentally challenged, you have a 1,600 percent higher chance of being killed by police. Because of this shocking truth, a Las Vegas mother has gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure cops don’t kill her autistic son. She has spray painted her garage door with huge lettering that states, ‘Autistic man lives here cops no excuse.’    Continue reading “Mom Paints Massive Sign on Garage Door to Prevent Cops from Killing Her Autistic Son”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

For decades, the standard practice used for prospecting hard gold deposits have been limited to identifying surface level geophysical anomalies by sight, locating mineral veins and then performing rock sampling to identify areas that may have viable deposits. Once identified, most companies began open pit mining operations to confirm their exploration results. The process is time consuming, costly, and more often than not, it fails to yield positive results. As a result, many companies that may have thought they were sitting on a gold mine turn out to be sitting on nothing more than a pile of sand.   Continue reading “This New Technology Can “See” Beneath The Ground Cover And May Soon Lead To Massive Gold Discoveries In America”

ABC News

President Obama sat down with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in China on Monday, in a meeting that covered a laundry list of hot-button issues, from cyber attacks on the U.S. to the civil war in Syria and ongoing hostilities in Ukraine.

Addressing core issues on Syria and Ukraine, the two heads of state had a lengthy exchange of views, a senior administration official told ABC News. The official described the talks during the 90-minute sit-down as constructive.   Continue reading “Obama and Putin Meet at G-20 Summit, Agree to Keep Working on Syria Pact”

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Antonius Aquinas

To the economic and political detriment of the Western world and those economies beyond which have adopted its precepts, 2016 marks the eightieth anniversary of the publication of one of, if not, the most influential economics books ever penned, John Maynard Keynes’ The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.  Sadly, even to this day, despite its thorough refutation by lights such as Henry Hazlitt and other eminent scholars, The General Theory, which spawned “Keynesianism” and its later variants, remains supreme in academics, financial markets, and public policy.   Continue reading “John Maynard Keynes’ “General Theory” Eighty Years Later”

The Daily Caller – by Richard Pollock

A federal judge ordered the Department of State Wednesday to produce for The Daily Caller News Foundation the security training records of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin within two weeks, or face direct deposition of multiple government officials.

“I’m sure you can appreciate Mr. Lee, there is a certain time sensitivity on this issue,” U.S. District Court Judge Richard J. Leon told Department of Justice Attorney Jason Lee, representing the State Department. “We’re looking down the barrel of a presidential election from now in two months.”   Continue reading “Judge Orders State Dept To Release Hillary’s Security Training Records, Or Be Deposed”