Yahoo News

Target CEO Brian Cornell says the company isn’t backing down from its stance on transgender bathrooms, despite a widespread backlash.

More than 1.2 million people have signed a pledge to boycott Target after it announced last month that it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity.   Continue reading “Target CEO fires back at boycott threats”

Fox News Latino

Montana state officials are not allowed to report the immigration status of people seeking state services, the state’s high court ruled on Tuesday.

In a unanimous decision, the court struck down the last piece of a voter-approved law meant to deter undocumented immigrants from living and working in the “Treasure State.” It upholds a 2014 ruling stating that the law denying unemployment benefits, university enrollment and other services to people who are in the country illegally was unconstitutional.   Continue reading “Montana court strikes down anti-immigrant law, allows undocumented to get services”

Investor’s Business Daily

A new investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary Clinton took in at least $100 million from Middle East leaders. Can such a financially and ethically compromised candidate truly function as our nation’s leader?

The investigation by the Daily Caller News Foundation has uncovered a disturbing pattern of the Clintons’ raising money for the Clinton Foundation from regimes that have checkered records on human rights and that aren’t always operating in the best interests of the U.S. By the way, the $100 million we mentioned above doesn’t appear to include another $30 million given to the Clintons by two Mideast-based foundations and four billionaire Saudis.   Continue reading “Hillary’s Latest Scandal: She And Bill Siphoned $100 Mil From Mideast Leaders”

Yahoo News

The Obama administration tomorrow will instruct public school districts nationwide to allow transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity, sources tell ABC News.

As a condition of receiving federal funds, “a school may provide separate facilities on the basis of sex, but must allow transgender students access to such facilities consistent with their gender identity,” reads a letter outlining guidance for schools, obtained by ABC.   Continue reading “Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms”

ABC News

In cities across America, the middle class is hollowing out.

A widening wealth gap is moving more households into either higher- or lower-income groups in major metro areas, with fewer remaining in the middle, according to a report released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center.

In nearly one-quarter of metro areas, middle-class adults no longer make up a majority, the Pew analysis found. That’s up from fewer than 10 percent of metro areas in 2000.   Continue reading “Middle Class Shrinks in 9 of 10 US Cities as Incomes Fall”

CNS News

U.S. Customs and Border Protection said yesterday that Border Patrol agents on Monday found “37 illegal immigrants” in a house in southern Texas that featured a shrine to “La Santa Muerte” or the “goddess of death.”

“Border Patrol agents along with Texas Department of Public Safety troopers conducted a traffic stop on a known smuggler which led to the discovery of the stash house,” CBP said in a release published on Wednesday. “After obtaining consent to search the residence, agents found 37 individuals inside. Among them were three juveniles from Mexico and Honduras. All subjects were transported to the McAllen Border Patrol Station and were processed accordingly.   Continue reading “Border Patrol Finds 37 Illegal Immigrants in House Featuring Shrine to ‘Goddess of Death’”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. judge on Thursday handed a victory to congressional Republicans who challenged the implementation of a provision of President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law involving reimbursements from the government to private health insurers.

U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer, based in Washington, ruled that the Obama administration cannot spend funds Congress did not appropriate in reimbursing insurance companies for reductions they are required to make under the law to customers’ out-of-pocket medical payments.   Continue reading “U.S. judge hands win to Republicans in Obamacare challenge”

Press TV

It seems the Pentagon is planning to implement former US Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger’s strategy of world domination, says Don DeBar, an American journalist and political commentator.

DeBar made the remarks while commenting to Press TV on Wednesday, after US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter presented Kissinger with the Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Award, the Pentagon’s highest honorary award for private citizens and foreign nationals.   Continue reading “‘Pentagon wants to implement Kissinger’s world domination plan’”

Business Insider – by Alex Dobuzinskis

(Reuters) – Environmental groups have asked the U.S. government to seize hundreds of jailed militant rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle, saying unregulated grazing of his herd on public lands in Nevada threatens habitat for federally protected desert tortoises.

The request from nine organizations in a letter sent on Monday to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has the potential to increase tensions in the debate over federal control over vast areas in the West.   Continue reading “Groups ask U.S. to seize rancher Bundy’s cattle to protect tortoises”

Richmond Times Dispatch

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Maryland’s ban on assault weapons and large-capacity gun magazines is back before a federal appeals court.

A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond raised concerns about the constitutionality of the restrictions in February. The panel sent a lawsuit challenging those provisions back to a judge who upheld them and ordered her to take another look using a more rigorous legal standard.   Continue reading “US appeals court to hear Maryland gun-control case”

Fox News

A Wyoming man threatened with $16 million in fines over the building of a stock pond reached a settlement with the Environment Protection Agency, allowing him to keep the pond without a federal permit or hefty fine.

Andy Johnson, of Fort Bridger, Wyoming obtained a state permit before building the stock pond in 2012 on his sprawling nine-acre farm for a small herd of livestock.   Continue reading “Wyoming welder, facing $16M in fines, beats EPA in battle over stock pond”

Oregon Live – by Maxine Bernstein

Ammon Bundy led the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge intending to force a civil court to take up the constitutionality of federal land management policy, his lawyers contend in new court papers filed Monday.

He had expected the government to issue an eviction or ejection claim instead of arresting and indicting the occupiers on federal charges in criminal court.   Continue reading “Ammon Bundy had intended refuge occupation to end up in civil court, lawyers say”

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The Guardian

A man has been arrested over an online video that reportedly shows a dog making a Nazi salute.

The 28-year-old, from Coatbridge in North Lanarkshire, faces hate crime charges over the video, Police Scotland said.   Continue reading “Man faces hate crime charge in Scotland over dog’s ‘Nazi salute’”

ABC News

The State Department said today it can’t find Bryan Pagliano’s emails from the time he served as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s senior information technology staffer during her tenure there.

Pagliano would have been required to turn over any official communications from his work account before he left the government. State Department officials say he had an official email account, but that they can’t find any of those records he would have turned over and continue to search for them.   Continue reading “Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missing”

Fox News

Two years ago, the Obama administration referred to the surge of Central American children and families coming into the U.S. as a “humanitarian crisis.”

This year, it’s worse – as Border Patrol agents apprehend even more Honduran, Guatemalan and Salvadoran immigrants claiming asylum. But due to a backlog in the courts, there is even less of a chance they’ll be deported.   Continue reading “Return of the Surge: Illegal immigrant minors, families flooding southern US border”

Salt Lake Tribune – by Jennifer Dobner

It reads like a cast of characters for a detective film noir: powerful politicians, shady businessmen, high-ranking law officers and an idealistic, persistent prosecutor.

The plot includes allegations of corruption, cover-ups and the naked exercise of power.

Let’s title this movie “Rogue Runner” — only this story is not fiction. It’s the code name Davis County Attorney Troy Rawlings has given the sprawling probe he has spun off from the investigation that ensnared former Utah Attorneys General Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow.   Continue reading “Utah prosecutor wants grand jury probe of Reid, Lee, others”

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Pennsylvania has been making more than $157 million by selling driver’s license records to private companies and government agencies since 2010, according to an investigative report by NBC10.

The report indicates PennDOT sold personal information and drivers’’ records to customers in every state in the US. The more than 32,000 recipients include car dealerships, insurance companies, and credit agencies. The merchandise includes names, addresses and driver histories.   Continue reading “Privacy Lost: Pennsylvania Makes Millions Selling Residents’ Driver Records”

USA Today – by Karl Baker

WILMINGTON, Del. — A man deported from the United States at least four times since 2000 — each time following an arrest in Delaware — was arrested here again in February, this time with a bag of cash, according to a document made public by the FBI.

Wilmington police suspected that Richard Diaz-Garcia, a citizen of the Dominican Republic, was in the United States illegally after he was arrested Feb. 1 in Newark, Del., about 15 miles away, according to court records.   Continue reading “Man deported 4 times found again in Delaware”