Sacramento Business Journal – by Allen Young

California lawmakers on Wednesday will consider a bill to regulate electronic cigarettes with the same laws that govern regular cigarettes. Senate Bill 140 would ban “vaping” in restaurants, bars and other workplaces.

A long list of health organizations support the bill as a way to protect young people from addiction to potentially harmful chemicals derived from tobacco. In opposition, e-cigarette industry representatives say they should not be held to the same restrictions as tobacco products because their product is safer.   Continue reading “Lawmakers consider banning e-cigarettes from bars and restaurants”

Yahoo News – by Dylan Stableford

The FBI and state police searched the Indiana home of Subway restaurant spokesman Jared Fogle early Tuesday.

The Indianapolis Star reports that electronics were removed from Fogle’s house in Zionsville, Indiana, and loaded into a mobile forensics van parked in his driveway.

Fogle was seen entering and exiting the van during the search, and later left with his attorney, according to the paper.   Continue reading “FBI agents search Subway spokesman Jared Fogle’s home”

Breitbart – by Michelle Moons

Five-time deportee, seven-time convicted felon Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez said in a new interview Sunday with a local ABC News affiliate that he came to San Francisco because he knew the sanctuary city would not hand him over to immigration officials.

He also claimed that he was “looking for jobs in the restaurant or roofing, landscaping, or construction.”   Continue reading “Murderer: I Chose SF Because It Is A ‘Sanctuary City’”

Fox News

At least five children received improper immunization shots from a clinic in New Jersey, revealed a state compliance audit of the Shots for Tots program released on Saturday. The statement comes from Salem County, which runs the clinic, according to

The five children who received the incurred medications were: two children who were injected with expired vaccines; one child who received the flu mist dose but was under the recommended age; one boy who received the Gardasil injection; and one child who received a vaccine that officials have not yet determined. The parents of the unidentified children were notified on Tuesday, June 30, officials said.   Continue reading “At least 5 New Jersey children received incorrect vaccines, officials say”

New York Daily News – by Tobias Salinger

A county official and three other people were found dead at a house in South Carolina on Sunday afternoon, according to reports.

York County Assistant Manager Anna Hubbard Moore, 50, her husband, Randy Eugene Moore, 55, her son Jason Lockamy, 31, and Lockamy’s girlfriend, Lora Kathryn Young, 31, died from gunshot wounds, York County Coroner Sabrina Gast said in a statement to the Rock Hill Herald.   Continue reading “County official is 1 of 4 found fatally shot in South Carolina home: reports”

Fox News

Greece lurched into uncharted territory and an uncertain future in Europe’s common currency Sunday after voters overwhelmingly rejected demands by international creditors for more austerity measures in exchange for a bailout of its bankrupt economy.

Results showed 61 percent voted “no,” compared with 38 percent for “yes,” with 97 percent of the vote counted. The referendum — Greece’s first in more than four decades — came amid severe restrictions on financial transactions in the country, imposed last week to stem a bank run that accelerated after the vote was called.   Continue reading “Greece enters uncharted territory after referendum ‘no’ vote”

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Giza Death Star – by Joseph P. Farrell

Do you remember all those strange acts of vandalism over the past couple of years? First, there was the bizarre, and very professional, assault on an electrical power substation at the very southern end of Silicon Valley in California, an assault that left part of the region without electrical power for a few hours. The papers and media tended to report this as an act of vandalism. The trouble was, you’ll recall, that the “vandals” knew exactly what to to, and what to target, inside the sub-station, and were in, out, and gone before local law enforcement even had a chance to respond. In short, the team that hit the sub-station were not vandals at all; they were professionals.   Continue reading “You Tell Us: “Vandals” Sever Another Internet Cable In California…So What’s Going On?”

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CBS Sacramento – by Lemor Abrams

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A week after Amazon stopped selling Confederate flags in the wake of a deadly shooting, Jewish organizations are calling on Amazon to ban books denying the Holocaust.

Sacramento Rabbi Mendy Cohen is leveling serious charges against Amazon for selling books denying the Holocaust.   Continue reading “Sacramento Rabbi Calls On Amazon To Stop Selling Books Denying Holocaust”

Paid protesters, some of them from Mexico, held up signs on behalf of a Jewish group that opposes same-sex marriage.Sent to us by a reader.

New York Times – by Andy Newman and James Estrin

Some of the most curious costumes worn along the parade route belonged to protesters.

Behind a barricade, a group of men wore the fringed Jewish prayer garment known as the tzitzit and held up anti-gay signs bearing the logo of a group calling itself the Jewish Political Action Committee.   Continue reading “Orthodox Jews Hired Mexican Workers To Protest Gay Rights”

Hot Air – by Jazz Shaw

This seems to be the week for old government corruption to be cleaned up. First we heard about Leland Yee packing his bags for the crowbar motel and now we see that Jeffrey Neely will be doing three months (?) in prison. This is a name that you’re probably familiar with if you’ve been following government waste, fraud and abuse stories for the past few years. (From the WaPo)

Jeffrey Neely, the senior executive whose appearance in a video drinking wine in a hot tub at a Las Vegas hotel became the public face of a conference where hundreds of federal employees partied at taxpayer expense, was sentenced Tuesday to three months in prison. Continue reading “Jeffrey Neely, the GSA “hot tub” exec to spend three months in prison”

Reuters / Michaela Rehle RT

US negotiators in Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks fought on behalf of big drug-making companies, championing intellectual property laws that would protect their profits from competition by generic medications, leaked documents have revealed.

The protections proposed by US trade representatives may even transcend US patent laws, according to a draft copy of TPP’s intellectual property chapter leaked to Politico this week. The 90-page document, leaked to the paper by a critic of the trade deal, contains the draft proposal as it stood on May 11, before the latest TPP talks in Guam.   Continue reading “Leaked TPP document shows US favoring Big Pharma”

CNBC – by Sarah Whitten

As the Fourth of July weekend looms and Americans prep their grills and ready their fireworks, some citizens are packing their bags.

A recent online poll of more than 2,000 adults by TransferWise, a peer-to-peer money transfer service based in the United Kingdom, revealed that 35 percent of American-born residents and emigrants would consider leaving the United States to live in another country.   Continue reading “Survey says: 35 percent of Americans would expatriate”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Police and FBI officials gave the “all clear” signal at the Washington Navy Yard on Thursday, two hours after reports raised fears of an active shooter at the facility, media reported.

Police said streets have re-opened, according to CNN. FBI officials said they have given the “all clear” at the yard, the local CBS affiliate said.   Continue reading “Authorities report ‘all clear’ at Washington Navy Yard: media”

Vincent Broughton (credit: Colorado Springs Police)CBS Denver

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4)– A Colorado Springs man was arrested after police believe he left racist messages outside a church.

Vincent Broughton, 44, who is black, is facing charges for committed a bias-motivated crime and disorderly conduct.   Continue reading “Black Suspect Arrested After Racist Message Discovered Outside Predominately Black Church”

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Truth Frequency Radio

A Colorado police officer pleaded guilty to attempted third degree assault after he was recorded on body camera video repeatedly beating a hancuffed man.

Video of the December incident obtained by KMGH shows Federal Heights Officer Mark Magness appearing to punch and kick a suspect while pulling him from a patrol car at the police station. A minute later, Magness slams the man into a concrete wall.   Continue reading “Colorado officer reminds fellow cop of body cam but he beats jailed man anyway”

new-co2-rules-should-aid-keystone-xl-approval-transcanada-says-2015-6.jpg (450×299)Reuters

TransCanada Corp said on Tuesday that tightening climate-change rules from the governments of Canada and the province of Alberta help justify the construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline project.

The company, Canada’s No.2 pipeline operator, released a letter sent to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and other department officials saying that increased carbon levies for Alberta oil sands producers and new Canadian targets for greenhouse-gas emission cuts should serve to help assuage U.S. concerns that approving the C$8 billion ($6.41 billion) project would increase climate change.   Continue reading “New CO2 rules should aid Keystone XL approval, TransCanada says”

Ars Technica – by Cyrus Farivar

On Tuesday, California Governor Jerry Brown (D) signed into law one of the most stringent vaccination laws in the United States, eliminating the state’s previous personal and religious belief exemption for vaccines.

Under the new law, which takes effect January 1, 2016, all California schoolchildren must prove that they have been vaccinated in order to attend school. They can only be exempted when that child’s physician explicitly approves it.   Continue reading “California governor signs bill eliminating personal vaccine exemptions”