fff_396Veterans Today – by Cynthia Blank

A joint meeting of senior representatives in the Defense Ministry, Foreign Ministry and Prime Minister’s Office resulted in the decision to temporarily suspend dialogue with the United States regarding defense aid to the Jewish state. The freeze will remain in place until the conclusion of talks between Iran and P5+1 world powers on Tehran’s nuclear program, if not later.

The main reason for suspending the dialogue, officials told Walla! News, is the mounting tension between the White House and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s government.   Continue reading “Israel Freezes Defense Aid Talks with US Pending Iran Deal”

Thanks to cavmedic.

Fox News Radio – by Todd Starnes

Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton wants to dig up the bodies of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife and remove them from a city park in the latest and perhaps most despicable example of the anti-Southern cleansing spreading across the nation.

“Which African-American wants to have a picnic in the shadow of Nathan Bedford Forrest?” Wharton said in a Thursday press briefing.   Continue reading “Memphis Mayor Wants to Dig Up Dead Confederate War General”

Business Insider – by Erin Fuchs

The Supreme Court has just ruled that gay marriage is legal nationwide.

Justice Anthony Kennedy issued the ruling, finding that the Fourteenth Amendment requires a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex.   Continue reading “The Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage nationwide”

Fox News – by Todd Starnes

Football fans at Southside High School in Fort Smith, Arkansas have been cheering for the Rebels and Singing Dixie for more than 50 years.

But that long time tradition is about to end, according to television station KFSM.

A school board committee passed a resolution that will ban the school’s fight song – as well as the Rebel mascot.   Continue reading “School To Ban Rebel Mascot and “Dixie” Fight Song”

Supreme Court bldg washington dcFox 17

WASHINGTON (CNN/WXMI) — Obamacare has survived — again.

In a major win for the Obama administration, the Supreme Court held in a 6-3 decision that the Affordable Care Act authorized federal tax credits for eligible Americans living not only in states with their own exchanges but also in the 34 states with federal exchanges.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for himself, Justice Anthony Kennedy and the four liberal justices. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the dissent, joined by Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.   Continue reading “Supreme Court rules in favor of Obamacare”

Confederate tagSent to us by Mary in North Carolina.

Baltimore Sun – by Yvonne Wenger

Gov. Larry Hogan will pursue action to stop the state from issuing license plates bearing images of the Confederate battle flag, aides said Tuesday, as momentum seemed to swing decisively against the controversial symbol of a divided America.

Hogan, a Republican, joined the Democratic governor of Virginia in taking steps toward ridding their states of the Sons of Confederate Veterans plates on a day that retail giants Amazon, eBay and Sears followed Wal-Mart in banning Confederate flag merchandise. A major U.S. flag maker said Tuesday it would stop manufacturing and selling the flags.   Continue reading “Hogan wants to recall Confederate plates in Maryland”

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Sierra Vista Herald – by Derek Jordan

SIERRA VISTA — Shortly before 9 p.m., two F-16 aircraft collided mid-air, crashing off of Leslie Canyon Road near the Cochise County Fairgrounds outside Douglas.

Cochise County Sheriff’s deputies responded and are securing the scene, where the wreckage has sparked a fire near a natural gas pipeline.   Continue reading “Two F-16 aircraft collide, crash near Douglas, Arizona”

generals_bwStripes – by Robert Burns

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army on Wednesday defended its past practice of naming forts and posts after Confederate Army generals, saying they memorialize historic figures, “not causes or ideologies.”

The issue arose following the deadly shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C., and amid debate over Confederate flags and other Civil War-era symbols of the pro-slavery secessionist Confederacy. The white shooting suspect has been shown holding Confederate flags in widely-seen photos.   Continue reading “Army defends past use of Confederate soldiers in base names”

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The Washington Post – by Colby Itkowitz

In the wake of the Charleston shooting, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) are considering ways to renew their failed push to pass meaningful gun-control legislation.

In separate interviews Tuesday night, at a reception before a ceremony hosted by Sandy Hook families where Toomey was honored, the senators discussed their desire to find a new way forward.   Continue reading “Manchin, Toomey both interested in reviving gun control push”

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Yahoo News

Majdal Shams (AFP) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged Tuesday to track down Druze rioters in the occupied Golan Heights responsible for the “lynching” of a wounded Syrian being transported to a hospital.

The Monday attack, roundly condemned by local Druze religious and secular leadership, comes as Druze are increasingly concerned over the fate of their brethren in Syria after attacks by rebels there.   Continue reading “Israel vows crackdown after ‘lynching’ of wounded Syrian”

The Hill – by Kevin Cirilli

The Senate is poised to vote a second time on granting President Obama fast-track trade authority.

The House revived the president’s trade agenda on Thursday, passing trade promotion authority (TPA), also known as fast-track, and sending the bill to the upper chamber. Previously, a package combining fast-track with a Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) measure was derailed in the House. House Democrats voted against TAA to keep the entire package from moving forward.   Continue reading “Week ahead: Fast-track back before Senate”

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Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts’ address to the Conference on the European/Russian Crisis, Delphi, Greece, June 20-21, 2015

Paul Craig Roberts, formerly Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy, Associate Editor, Wall Street Journal, Senior Research Fellow, Stanford University, William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.   Continue reading “Paul Craig Roberts’ Address to the International Conference on the European/Russian Crisis Created by Washington”

Taylor Gaes (credit: Facebook)Sent to us by a reader.

CBS Denver

LARIMER COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)– The Larimer County Health Department confirmed that a teen died from the plague earlier this month.

Taylor Gaes died on June 8, most likely from fleas on a dead rodent or other animal on the family acreage.

The Larimer County Health Department said this is the first Larimer County resident confirmed to have contacted the plague since 1999.   Continue reading “Plague Confirmed In Larimer County Teen’s Death”

Sent to us by the author, Robert Quinn

In previous letters (sections 1 & 2), I wrote how Barack Obama used fraudulent and ineligible documents to justify his presidential eligibility, though he knew full well he was deliberately deceiving America. I also pointed out that neither the Hawaiian Governor, Neil Abercrombie, nor the Hawaiian Hospital, Kapiolani Medical Center, which Obama claimed to be his birth hospital, would confirm that he was born there. In fact, not one Hawaiian hospital has ever claimed to be his birth hospital. Please allow that last sentence to sink in.   Continue reading “America’s Presidential Imposter – Section Three”

Newsmax – by Cathy Burke

Three GOP senators are demanding Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials explain how 156 undocumented immigrant criminals “incredibly” managed to become repeat offenders — yet were never deported.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who chairs the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, reports ICE has disclosed that of 33,007 illegal immigrants with criminal records released from government custody in 2013, 1,000 were convicted of additional crimes — and 156 were then re-arrested and re-released a second time instead of getting deported.    Continue reading “GOP Senators Demand ICE Answers on Repeat-Offender Criminal Illegals”

Fox 8

CHARLESTON, South Carolina — Dylann Roof has been charged with nine counts of murder and possession of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime for this week’s shooting at a historically black church in the city, according to police.

Roof is scheduled to appear in a South Carolina court at 2 p.m. for a bond hearing, Charleston County government official Natalie Hauff said.   Continue reading “Dylann Roof charged with nine counts of murder and possession of a firearm”