Washington Post – by Anne Gearan

LAS VEGAS — Hillary Rodham Clinton will say Tuesday that any overhaul of the immigration system must include a way for undocumented immigrants to gain full citizenship.

“The standard for a true solution is nothing less than a full and equal path to citizenship,” Clinton’s campaign said in a preview of remarks she is expected to give during a visit to a largely Hispanic high school here.   Continue reading “Clinton to urge ‘full and equal path to citizenship’ for undocumented immigrants”

Market Watch – by Jeffry Bartash

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — American employees and companies evidently are not as productive at work as they used to be.

U.S. productivity fell by a 1.9% annual pace in the first quarter, resulting in the first back-to-back drop since 2006, the Labor Department reported Wednesday. Over the past four quarters productivity has risen at a scant 0.6% rate, just one-fourth the nation’s average since the end of World War Two.   Continue reading “Worker productivity sees first back-to-back drop since 2006”

Sent to us by the author, J.G.

Twenty-two years ago, three eight year old boys, Steve Branch, Michael Moore, and Chris Byers, were brutally murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas.  The crimes were almost immediately pinned on three delinquent teenagers, Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, Jr., and Jason Baldwin, soon after dubbed the “West Memphis 3.”  Two were convicted to life in prison and one to death row.  In 2011, all three were released after accepting a deal allowing them to plea quilty of lesser charges while at the same time maintaining their innocence.  This was done instead of a retrial based on new DNA evidence…leaving these horrific murders still unsolved.  Why would any state not want to find the real murderers and solve a case such as this?  And, why do so many people believe in the innocence of these three teens, including two of the victims’ parents?   Continue reading “The West Memphis 3 and the Unsolved Murders of 3 Eight Year Old Boys…Revisited.”

Caffeine in Chicory CoffeeSent to us by a reader.

Livestrong – by Chance Woods

Chicory is a root vegetable not unlike the beet. It became popular as a coffee substitute as early as the 18th century when coffee was scarce during the Napoleonic wars. The root of the chicory plant when roasted, dried and ground, can be blended with coffee or substitute for it entirely.   Continue reading “Caffeine in Chicory Coffee”

IB Times – by Mugdha Variyar

Charlie Hebdo magazine’s editor and another journalist have distanced themselves from the Prophet cartoon contest in Texas that came under attack by two gunmen on Sunday, stating that they were against racism.

Gerard Biard, editor of the magazine whose staff members were gunned down by two gunmen in January, said Charlie Hebdo had ‘nothing to do’ with the people behind the controversial ‘Draw the Prophet’ contest.    Continue reading “Texas Attack: Charlie Hebdo Cartoonists Distance Themselves from Pamela Geller’s ‘Draw the Prophet’ Contest”

Sent to us by TheRev.

Last Wednesday a passenger in a taxi heading for Midway airport, leaned over to ask the driver a question and gently tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb and stopped just inches from a large plate window.

For a few moments everything was silent in the cab.   Continue reading “First Day”

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Jon Rappoport

I’ve published much information revealing psychiatry is a scientific fraud. Now, courtesy of Dr. Fred Baughman (ADHDfraud.net), I have two more smoking guns.

The first is a letter, dated November 10, 2008, sent from Supriya Sharma, MD, a director general of Health Canada, to a private citizen (name withheld).   Continue reading “2 new smoking guns: Psychiatry is a complete fraud”

Photo - A separate instance of "possible sexual transmission of Ebola has been reported, although the accompanying evidence was inconclusive," the CDC said in a report Friday. (AP Photo) Sent to us by a reader.

Washington Examiner – by Robert King

The deadly Ebola virus may be transmitted through sex long after a person has been cured, a major finding that could change how the virus is combated.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention investigators looked into the case of a Monrovia, Liberia, woman who contracted the disease. The agency identified only one link to Ebola: unprotected sex with an Ebola survivor who was not presenting symptoms.   Continue reading “CDC: Woman may have gotten Ebola after sex with survivor”

Baltimore Riot Police - Public DomainThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

We now have official confirmation that the rioting in Baltimore on Monday was purposely allowed to spiral out of control.  Up until now, there had been some unconfirmed reports that police in Baltimore had been ordered to “stand down” during the riots, but nobody had been willing to come forward and go on the record.  Now that has all changed.  Michael Lewis is the Sheriff of Wicomico County, Maryland and what he has to say is absolutely jaw dropping.  When he saw what was happening in Baltimore, he gathered up some of his fellow officers and drove down to the city to help.  But when he got there, he says that all of the police were being ordered not to take any action and to let the rioters destroy property.  Lewis made this astounding claim during a discussion on a Baltimore radio station…   Continue reading “It’s Official: Police Were Ordered To Stand Down And Let The Baltimore Riots Rage Out Of Control”

gitmozuley_0.jpgCommon Dreams – by Sarah Lazare

A new report from human rights investigators and medical professionals reveals that the prestigious American Psychological Association secretly helped the administration of former President George W. Bush legally and medically justify its post-9/11 torture program.

The findings are based on emails obtained by James Risen, the New York Times reporter and author who has found himself at the center of a nation-wide debate about free press for refusing to reveal his sources.   Continue reading “Report Exposes American Psychological Association Complicity in US Torture Program”



Pastor Mike has compiled a vast amount of Data, from the US Government (and other sources), that prove H.I.V and A.I.D.S. are MAN MADE DISEASES!!!

Man Made Plagues
Pastor Mike Treis

A series of articles published in Texas documenting the man-made nature of AIDS. Soon to be in a book with LOTS of documentation.   Continue reading “The Man Made Plagues”

Fox News

A charity tied with the Clinton Foundation reportedly failed to reveal the identities of at least 1,100 donors, in the latest detail to emerge about the group’s finances following days of intense public scrutiny.

The Canada-based Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership could be a potential gateway for anonymous Clinton Foundation donations from foreign business leaders because Canadian law prohibits charities from disclosing individual donors without their permission.   Continue reading “Clinton Foundation reportedly failed to disclose identities of 1,100 donors”


The streets of Baltimore were largely quiet overnight, with only scattered arrests reported during a curfew imposed after the latest wave of rioting fueled by anger against U.S police killings of black men.

Shortly after the curfew began late on Tuesday night, police in riot gear fired rubber bullets and lobbed gas canisters at a few hundred protesters who stood in front of a pharmacy that had been burned out.   Continue reading “Baltimore streets quiet after first night of curfew enforcement”

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Red Statements – by Steven Ahle

George Soros is planning to bribe up to 13.8 million legal immigrants to become citizens before the 2016 election.  They will find you, teach you about the naturalization process and even pay your $680 dollar naturalization fee.  And once you are finished, you will get a fresh supply of democratic campaign literature and an application for food stamps.  Soros will fund the campaign through his Open Borders group.  Not to be left out, Obama is also getting involved.  He set up a program called, the White House Task Force on New Americans.   Continue reading “George Soros Funding Plan to Naturalize Millions of Immigrants for the 2016 Elections”

President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visit the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, with the Washington Monument in the background, on April 27, 2015. Abe is on a week-long visit to the U.S.CNBC – by Jacob Pramuk

The United States and Japan will look to lead a “swift and successful conclusion” to negotiations over the highly-contested Trans-Pacific Partnership, U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday.

Speaking next to visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Washington, Obama contended that the 12-country trade deal will “level the playing field” and benefit workers in the U.S. and Japan. Some officials in the U.S. and abroad—including members of Obama’s Democratic party—have voiced opposition to a potential agreement.   Continue reading “Obama: US, Japan will lead TPP partners to swift conclusion of trade talks”

Breaking: Baltimore Mayor Key Player in Obama's Federal Takeover of Local PoliceInfowars – by Kit Daniels

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who gave rioters “space to destroy” property and reportedly told police to stand down, was a key player in the Justice Dept.’s plan to expand federal control over local law enforcement.

Rawlings-Blake was one of three mayors who provided broad input into President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which advocates the federalization of police departments across the country by forcing them to adhere to stricter federal requirements when they receive funding.   Continue reading “Baltimore Mayor Key Player in Obama’s Federal Takeover of Local Police”