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Outpost of Freedom – by Gary Hunt

Du Hua was just 7 years old when I left Vietnam. I never met him until, recently when I read his book and then spoke with him on the phone.

It was about 10:00 AM, September 19, 1967, when I boarded a commercial flight from Bien Hoa Air Base, Bien Hoa, Republic of South Vietnam. After a 15-hour flight, we landed at Travis Air Force Base, California, at about 10:00 AM, September 19, 1967. Because of the International Date Line, my flight, by local times, was a matter of minutes.   Continue reading “The Escapes – And My Journey to Freedom – A Review”

PHOTO: The St. Louis County Police posted images on their Facebook page of a bloodied police helmet on the ground after two police officers were shot outside of the Ferguson Police Department early March 12, 2015.ABC News

Two Missouri police officers shot overnight in Ferguson were released from the hospital this morning after sustaining non-threatening injuries following a night of renewed protests, the St. Louis County Police said in a Facebook post.

“Both were in serious condition before being released from Barnes Jewish Hospital,” the post read.

The cops, who have not been identified, were “lucky” they weren’t killed, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar had said earlier today.   Continue reading “Ferguson Shooting: Police Officers Released From the Hospital”

Killings by Police Fe_Cham64036003.jpgFox News

Two police officers were shot and seriously wounded early Thursday outside the police department in Ferguson, Mo. amid protests that followed the resignation of the town’s police chief.

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar told a news conference that a 41-year-old officer from St. Louis County was shot in the shoulder at around midnight local time, while a 32-year-old officer from suburban Webster Groves was shot in the face. Both victims were taken to a local hospital. Belmar said both men were conscious, but had no further word about their condition except to describe the injuries as “very serious.”    Continue reading “Two officers shot, seriously injured outside Ferguson police department”

LAWFULLY YOURSSent to us by Mary.

AntiCorruption Society – by Al Whitney

Lawfully Yours is a people’s empowerment guide to our corporate-commercial legal system. It contains invaluable information for all Americans.

Since the founding of our country, the ‘elite’ (and their robber baron partners) have fabricated our history, taken control of our economy and altered our form of government and legal system. The whole rather sordid tale is brilliantly exposed in Judge Dale’s The Great American Adventure – Secrets of America.   Continue reading “Lawfully Yours”

We received the following from Misty’s husband:

Dear friends and acquaintances,

I am reaching out to you all for prayers and thoughts for my wife, Misty. She is a warrior for life, love and our family. We just found out she has to have her left kidney removed due to a genetic defect that has caused massive swelling. The Ureteropelvic Junction (UPJ) blockage is caused by a genetic defect that makes the muscle at the junction of the ureter and kidney to contract and not let go. This has destroyed the kidney and the swelling started to effect her health otherwise. Her right kidney has a genetic defect known as “sponge kidney” but it can be lived with okay as long as we take simple measures for it’s health.   Continue reading “Prayers for Misty”


On September 25, 1789, the First Congress of the United States proposed 12 amendments to the Constitution. The 1789 Joint Resolution of Congressproposing the amendments is on display in the Rotunda in the National Archives Museum. Ten of the proposed 12 amendments were ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures on December 15, 1791. The ratified Articles (Articles 3–12) constitute the first 10 amendments of the Constitution, or the U.S. Bill of Rights. In 1992, 203 years after it was proposed, Article 2 was ratified as the 27th Amendment to the Constitution. Article 1 was never ratified.    Continue reading “Bill of Rights including the Preamble”


A Jamaican detainee has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department in Boston, saying it pays hundreds of persons in custody only US$1.00 a day to mop floors, scrub toilets, and perform other janitorial duties at the jail.

His lawyers are seeking $4 million in unpaid wages over the last six years.   Continue reading “Jamaican detainee in Boston suing for more pay to clean jail”

audit-the-fed-reserve-1207Sent to us by the author.


In recent remarks to the Senate Banking Committee, Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen was her typical evasive and non committal self when the topic of interest rate hikes were broached. When the subject of potential oversight of the Fed came up, however, Ms. Yellen became quite forthright in her response.   Continue reading “Abolish; Not “Audit the Fed””

The Economist says in a report that US firms are already signing deals with Iran.  Press TV

Reports emerged on Saturday that said American enterprises have already started taking initial steps to enter the Iranian market in case the current nuclear talks with the country succeed and sanctions against it are lifted.

The Economist has quoted unnamed foreign businessmen as saying that American companies are using local front men to seal deals in Iran.  Even in one instance, the Economist has quoted an unnamed middleman acting on behalf of an American firm in the oil and banking business as saying that some “prime contracts have already been snapped up.”   Continue reading “US firms already sealing deals in Tehran – Report”

Don GentryHerald and News – by Samantha Tipler, February 20, 2015

A Singapore-based company purchased 197,000 acres of land in Klamath and Deschutes counties this week, including the 90,000-acre Mazama Forest, which was promised to the Klamath Tribes in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. The announcement Wednesday spurred a strong response from the Klamath Tribes Thursday.

“It was very surprising,” Don Gentry, chairman of the Klamath Tribes said. “This is obviously a disappointment.”   Continue reading “Singapore-based company buys land promised to Klamath Tribes”

CIA OverhaulIB Times – by Mark Hanrahan

CIA Director John Brennan has announced one of the most significant overhauls of the U.S. spy agency in its history. The move is expected to bring about dramatic changes in the organization’s management structure.

In a memo to the agency’s staff, Brennan said that the changes were “driven by two fundamental shifts in the national security landscape.” They are an increasing array of complex issues facing policymakers in Washington, as well as the “unprecedented pace and impact of technological advancements,” the document said.   Continue reading “CIA Director John Brennan Announces Major Shake-Up Of US Spy Agency”

Fox News

The Justice Department reportedly is preparing to charge New Jersey Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez with corruption counts over allegations he used his office to help a Democratic donor.

A person familiar with a federal investigation of  Menendez told the Associated Press the Justice Department is expected to bring criminal charges against him in the coming weeks.

The pending charges were first reported by CNN.   Continue reading “DOJ reportedly preparing criminal charges against Sen. Menendez”


Job creation boomed in February by 295,000 despite the brutal winter conditions, and the unemployment rate dropped to 5.5 percent, the Labor Department said Friday.

Despite the strong month, the picture was essentially the same for the American worker: Pay rose just 3 cents an hour, representing a 2.0 percent annualized gain as wage inflation remained elusive after a big jump in January. The average work week was unchanged at 34.6 hours.   Continue reading “Surge! Job creation jumps despite tough winter”

Yahoo News – Reuters – by Edward McAllister and Catherine Ngai

A BNSF Railway [BNISF.UL] train loaded with crude oil derailed and caught fire on Thursday afternoon in a rural area south of Galena, Illinois, according to local officials and the company.

The incident marks the latest in a series of derailments in North America and the third in three weeks involving trains hauling crude oil, which has put a heightened focus on rail safety.   Continue reading “BNSF oil train derails in rural Illinois; two cars aflame”

660-Florida-Church.jpgFox News – by Todd Starnes

A government crackdown on churches has Christians in Lake Worth, Fla., wondering if they live in the United States or the former Soviet Union.

Churches in Lake Worth, population 36,000,  have been ordered to acquire a business license. As if the church has to get the government’s permission to preach and pray?

But wait. It gets worse, folks.   Continue reading “Florida city wages soviet-style crackdown on churches”

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A federal judge was hospitalized late Thursday after being shot in what Detroit police say was an attempted robbery.

Terrence G. Berg, 55, was shot in the leg outside his home on the northwest side of the city shortly after 9 p.m. local time, police said. His condition was not immediately available, but authorities said the injury is not life-threatening.    Continue reading “Federal judge shot, wounded in Detroit robbery attempt”

APSent to us by GrayRider

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On February 27 the West Virginia senate passed a bill to eliminate the need for obtaining a permit to to carry a concealed handgun, citing the 2nd Amendment as reason enough to exercise an “inherent right.”

Five other states–Alaska, Arizona, Montana, Vermont, and Wyoming–already recognize the 2nd Amendment as sufficient justification for carrying concealed. And on February 13, Breitbart News reported that the New Hampshire senate voted to rescind their requirement for a permit for concealed carry.   Continue reading “West Virginia Senate: The 2nd Amendment Is A Concealed Carry Permit”


Harrison Ford was piloting a private airplane that crash-landed today at Penmar golf course in Venice, California.

According to TMZ, the Star Wars and Indiana Jones icon was piloting what appears to be a vintage 2-seater fighter plane when it made an emergency landing. He was the only person aboard the plane.   Continue reading “Harrison Ford involved in plane crash”