It's a good look, don't you think?Sent to us by the author.

The Truth About the Law – by Legalman

ONWARD! The  incremental march to expand the Peoples’ freedoms by taking the rights away from the people continues everyday!  Rejoice Komrad and thank the Peoples’ great leaders!  Lol  

They have taken your “automatic” weapons. They have taken your right to own “military equipment”. They license and control virtually every type of weapon. Now they are going after the ammo. Obviously without ammo, a gun doesn’t do much good. Specifically they are thinking about banning the public from purchasing what are supposedly “dangerous” military “armor piercing” rounds of 223. Of course the government itself will still be able to buy it to use AGAINST the people if it “needs to”.   Continue reading “The Second Amendment has nothing to do with why the ATF cannot ban armor piercing 223 ammo. Nothing.”

XXX NEWS-HUGHES-20140609-171112.JPGUSA Today – by Trevor Hughes

DENVER — Sheriffs from Colorado and neighboring states Kansas and Nebraska say in a lawsuit to be filed Thursday that Colorado’s marijuana law creates a “crisis of conscience” by pitting the state law against the Constitution and puts an economic burden on other states.

The lawsuit asks a federal court in Denver to strike down Colorado’s Amendment 64 that legalized the sale of recreational marijuana and to close the state’s more than 330 licensed marijuana stores.   Continue reading “Sheriffs sue Colorado over legal marijuana”

CNN – by Eliott C. McLaughlin

Florida residents Patrick and Sue Ellen Kilgallon knew the storm was coming. They tried to get out of northern Kentucky on Wednesday night. Instead, they got stuck in the snow on Interstate 65.

The couple and their two dogs were still there Thursday morning, more than 14 hours later.

“We’re just sitting here praying, hoping to get out,” Patrick Kilgallon told CNN on Thursday.   Continue reading “‘Hang tight, we are coming,’ Kentucky National Guard assures stranded drivers”

Sent to us by Gray Rider.

After about 25 Patriots engaged the Curry County Board of Commissioners, in a sometimes contentious discussion, the 2nd Amendment Preservation Resolution was passed 3-0 making Curry County the 19th of 36 counties to have passed similar motions.

Chair Susan Brown was obviously not in favor of the Resolution and irrationally argued that because she had sworn an oath to the WHOLE Constitution, she didn’t need to support any single Amendment.  Huh ????  (Must be some kind of Naturalized Canadian/American Logic.)  She had from the beginning of this effort kept insisting on knowing what legislation this was aimed at and would not accept that it was a preemptive Resolution intended to put the State Legislature on notice that the County would not support ANY current or future State efforts, restricting our rights, especially the 2nd Amendment via anti-firearms legislation.   Continue reading “Big Win for 2nd Amendment Patriots in Curry County”

Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, John Barrasso, John ThuneMilitary Times – by Deb Riechmann, AP

WASHINGTON — A Republican effort to quickly pass legislation allowing congressional oversight on any Iran nuclear agreement is angering Democrats.

A key Democratic sponsor of the legislation, which would allow a congressional vote on any deal the United States signs with Iran to curb its nuclear program, said Tuesday night that he’s outraged that GOP leaders want to fast-track the bill.   Continue reading “Democrats upset with GOP effort to fast-track Iran bill”

Mount Carmel Center on fire surrounded by U.S. Army tanksSent to us by the author.

Outpost of Freedom – by Gary Hunt

Looking Back at Waco

On February 28, 1993, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), raided the Branch Davidians Church, just outside of Waco, Texas.  After a firefight lasting about 2 1/2 hours in which the Davidians continue, through 911, to have the firing cease, the BATF finally withdrew, with their tail between their legs.  The body count was four dead agents and four dead Davidians (a fifth died within a few days).  BATF had far more injuries than the Davidians, and they did not accomplish their mission.  Disgraced because of the failure of the ill-conceived plan for the raid, the big brother, the FBI, came in and took charge of the remaining operation.   Continue reading “Waco – A Lesson in History”

chemtrails-sheetSent to us by Mary.

Geoengineering Watch – by Roger Landry, The Liberty Beacon

So you refuse to get vaccinated, and will never allow vaccines in the system of the children you love and care for so much … Hmmm, sorry but you have little choice in the matter. No I am not talking about mandatory or forced vaccinations … Look … up in the sky … it’s a bird … it’s a plane … no … it’s a delivery system for vaccines that you are not even aware of, never agreed to, and probably never would consent to, but your consent was not sought and was never considered!   Continue reading “Vaccinations From The Sky”

Common Dreams – by Alex Main

On January 29, the White House announced that $1 billion in assistance to Central America would be included in its budget request for fiscal year 2016. The goal of this aid, as Vice President Joe Biden described it in a New York Times op-ed, is to help the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras “change the climate of endemic violence and poverty” that has led to a “dangerous surge in migration,” as exemplified by last summer’s influx of unaccompanied child migrants. Explicitly modeled on Plan Colombia, the aid package would help make the region “overwhelmingly middle class, democratic and secure.”   Continue reading “Will Biden’s Billion Dollar Plan Help Central America?”

Fuel Fix – by Jennifer A. Dlouhy

WASHINGTON — The slumping oil prices that have prompted energy companies to lay down rigs and lay off workers hit domestic producers harder than their international counterparts because of the U.S. crude export ban, Pioneer Natural Resources CEO Scott Sheffield is expected to tell a House panel on Tuesday.

“Price cycles come with the territory, and we will navigate this downturn as we have in the past,” Sheffield says in prepared testimony filed with the House Energy and Power Subcommittee, ahead of a Tuesday afternoon hearing on “world energy markets.” “Producers of domestic oil are especially disadvantaged compared to foreign producers, however, because they cannot receive global prices.”   Continue reading “Oil, gas industry urges lawmakers to lift crude exports ban”

Sent to us by a reader, American National Radiation Network.

I’ve been a volunteer monitor ( radiation ) with the for almost 3 years, due to Fukushima.  On 2/28/2015 I had a 145 CPM ( Counts or decays per minute ) Alert.  The ONLY other station here in the Bay Area that is a constant participator is 2 miles due north of me, and he registered a 151 CPM peak, so, we had a ” hot plume ” pass through.  Shit happens all the time, but this was a hot one.  Bio-accumulation is my concern.  My Leandro station and SL CERT’s graphs below.   Continue reading “San Francisco Radiation Spike – 2-28-15”

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Fox News

General David Petraeus has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge in connection to his handling of classified material — striking a plea deal with the government that avoids an embarrassing trial and that will likely keep him out of prison over whether he leaked private information to his mistress when he headed up the CIA.

Federal prosecutors will ask the judge for two years of probation for Petraeus.   Continue reading “Petraeus pleads guilty to misdemeanor charge in plea deal over claims he leaked classified info to mistress”

XXX DB4_0111.JPG USA DCUSA Today – by Gregory Korte

WASHINGTON — The nuclear deal now being negotiated between Iran, the United States and its allies “doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb; it paves Iran’s path to the bomb,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Congress Tuesday.

But despite the friction with the White House caused by his appearance to a joint meeting of Congress, Netanyahu struck a more conciliatory tone, saying the relationship between the United States and Israel “has always been above politics, and must always remain above politics.”   Continue reading “Netanyahu: Stop Iran’s ‘march of conquest’”

Sent to us by Gary Hunt.

The Last Bastille – by Kyle Rearden

Politicians insist that the government has a “right to know” about the intimate details of an entire citizenry. What they fail to realize is that governments do not have rights, which also means that the government has no inherent right to know anything about anybody. Despite this fundamental truth, these self-imagined rulers arrogantly demand that Americans acquiesce to these invasions of privacy on the grounds of whatever their latest crusade happens to be, yet they insist on maintaining their state secrets privilege. Their desire for the government to become nearly omniscient is so self-evidently dangerous to liberty that their attempts to implement a panopticon ought be commonly resisted.    Continue reading “A History of Dragnet Wiretapping”

ABC News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted Monday that despite recent differences with the Obama administration over a looming nuclear deal with Iran the alliance between his country and the Unites States was “stronger than ever.”

Kicking off a charged visit to Washington that has sparked criticism both in the U.S. and Israel, Netanyahu told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that “reports of the demise of the Israeli-U.S. relationship are not just premature, they are just wrong.”   Continue reading “Netanyahu Tells AIPAC That US-Israel Alliance Is Strong”

Sent to us by Bill in Illinois.

Counter Punch – by JP Miller


For the purposes of this article, the “New left” is defined as a genuine group, party, or organization in the United States (US) that promotes Marxist revolutionary, Socialist principles in opposition to the Capitalist US government construct and society. This does not include anarchists, Democrats or independents. Also, the “Old Left” is celebrated as that great agitator and loosely revolutionary composite of unions, parties, and individuals, that historically brought us much needed reform from the 1900’s to the 1950’s. More in tune with this article is the contributions that the “New Left” provided through the Civil Rights movement and the anti-Vietnam war movement in the US along with the grassroots led social movement that gripped much of Europe during the 1960’s and 1970’s.   Continue reading “Does the US have a Left, Left?”

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CBS News

WILSON, N.C. — North Carolina authorities and the FBI are investigating the theft of an estimated $4 million worth of gold allegedly stolen during an armed robbery along Interstate 95 on Sunday evening, CBS affiliate WRAL reports.

After mechanical problems with their truck, two armed guards who were traveling from Miami to Massachusetts with a shipment of silver and gold pulled over at mile marker 114 on the Interstate.   Continue reading “$4M in gold stolen in I-95 truck robbery, report says”

Munoz-ReconquistaSent to us by a reader.

Independent Sentinel – by Sara Nobel

The White House has plans to legalize 13 to 15 million illegal immigrants who will then establish a “country within a country.”

The following Mark Levin interview with Susan Payne is shocking but it also puts all the pieces into place.

Susan Payne is a contributor to WCBM, Baltimore and Co-Host of the Pat McDonough Radio Show,   Continue reading “WH Plans to Develop a “Country Within a Country” of 15 Million “New Americans””

Chris Curtis /  Chris Curtis / Shutterstock.comSent to us by a reader.

Western Journalism – by F. Peter Brown

An attorney for Sheriff Joe Arpaio made a filing with the federal judge who ordered the halting of President Obama’s executive amnesty, asking that a hearing be held on Obama’s refusal to comply with the court’s order.

The attorney, Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, stated to the judge in the filing:   Continue reading “Sheriff Joe Arpaio Has A Dire Warning For Judge Standing In Obama’s Way”