The Hill – by Sarah Ferris

Immigration reform champion Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.) on Tuesday urged undocumented immigrants to take quick advantage of President Obama’s executive actions giving them temporary legal status.

Speaking in both English and Spanish, he urged those eligible for the new program to also get their paperwork ready for legal status.

“When that door opens, we should have hundreds of thousands, if not millions, with their documents, ready to submit them,” Gutiérrez said at a Capitol Hill press conference. “While Republicans are complaining and bellyaching, we’re going to act.”   Continue reading “Gutiérrez presses ‘millions’ to get documents ready for legal status”

Reuters/Kevin LamarqueRT

The long-awaited publication of the so-called “CIA torture report” is expected to finally occur early next week, but would-be readers, be warned: according to leaks, the executive summary will be absent any and all use of the word “torture.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California), the chair of the United States Senate Intelligence Committee, now says that the public will be able to read the executive summary of her panel’s years-long investigation into the CIA’s use of enhanced interrogation techniques next week, with journalist Jason Leopold reporting that the release of the document will come as early as Monday.   Continue reading “CIA torture report to be published on Monday without the word ‘torture’”

Times of India – by Saibal Dasgupta, TNN

BEIJING: China will stop harvesting organs of prisoners on the death row for organ transplants from January 1 next year. The announcement was made by a former official of the Health Ministry at a seminar with the backing of the government.

Future organ transplants will depend entirely on voluntary donations of organs, Huang Jiefu, former vice-minister of Health said at a seminar organized by the government backed China’s Organ Procurement Organization.   Continue reading “China to stop organ harvesting of prisoners from next year”

Fox News

President Obama has picked former Pentagon official Ashton Carter to be his next secretary of Defense, a White House official confirmed.

The official said Obama would announce his intent to nominate Carter to replace Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel during a Friday morning press conference.

The president’s selection of Carter, 60, who was deputy Defense secretary from October 2011 to December 2013, was widely rumored but not confirmed by the White House until now.   Continue reading “Obama picks former Pentagon official Ashton Carter to be Defense secretary”

Truth Revolt – by Bradford Thomas

In a case with several parallels to both the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases, a South Carolina grand jury indicted a white police officer with murder Wednesday for the shooting of an unarmed black man. Despite the significant parallels and timing, however, the national media has largely ignored the story.

In May 2011, Bernard Bailey, a 54-year-old African American, came to the Eutawville (population 300) police department to complain about his daughter’s recent taillight ticket. When Police Chief Richard Combs, 35, attempted to arrest Bailey for obstruction of justice, Bailey refused and marched outside to his truck. Combs pursued Bailey to his truck and attempted to turn off the ignition, which resulted in a physical struggle between the two, ending with Combs shooting Bailey twice in the chest.   Continue reading “SC Jury Indicts White Officer for Killing Black Man – Media Ignores”

View image on TwitterGateway Pundit – by Kristinn Taylor

The Progressive Labor Party, a self-described ‘revolutionary communist organization’,’ handed out a chant sheet at Thursday evening’s Eric Garner protest in New York City.

A reporter for DNAInfo, Lisha Arino, posted a photo of the chant sheet to Twitter:   Continue reading “Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest”

The JungleYahoo News – by MARTHA MENDOZA

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — Police and social-workers on Thursday began clearing away one of the nation’s largest homeless encampments, a cluster of flimsy tents and plywood shelters that once housed more than 200 people in the heart of wealthy Silicon Valley.

Authorities have been trying for years to resolve problems at the camp known as the Jungle, including violence and unsanitary conditions.   Continue reading “Crews break up homeless camp in Silicon Valley”

Tea Party

(Washington Times) – Homeland Security officials wasted little time in ramping up for President Obama’s amnesty, posting 1,000 job openings the day after his announcement and announcing it already has space for hundreds of employees at a new space in Arlington, Virginia — an indication that it had laid its plans well before Mr. Obama said.

And even though Mr. Obama said his policy is temporary, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is hiring the employees for permanent positions, at salaries of up to $157,000 a year, according to the job postings listed on the official federal jobs website.   Continue reading “DHS Already Hiring 1,000 Employees To Carry Out Obama Amnesty”

The Hill – by Timothy Cama

Lawmakers added a bipartisan series of long-awaited energy and public lands measures to a compromise defense bill.

Congress had not passed any significant bills related to public lands in years, frustrating lawmakers from western states with large swaths of publicly owned and managed property.

The proposed National Defense Authorization Act, considered a must-pass bill to enable the Defense Department’s programs to continue, had its text released late Tuesday night after months of negotiations by the House and Senate.   Continue reading “Energy, public land measures tacked onto defense bill”

Kim Dotcom at the Dotcom Mansion in Auckland in 2013. Photo: AFPSent to us by a reader.

South China Morning Post – by Lana Lam

Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom won the right to get his hands on HK$330 million in assets frozen in 2012 by the Hong Kong authorities – but the victory was short-lived as a High Court judge immediately reimposed an order to keep the assets under lock and key.

Negotiations will now take place between Megaupload founder Dotcom’s legal team and the Department of Justice in Hong Kong on the terms of conditions of the new order. The assets freeze was imposed by Hong Kong authorities on behalf of the administration of US President Barack Obama.   Continue reading “Kim Dotcom sees HK$330m assets unfrozen by court – before judge locks them up again”

officer hit denverMy Fox 28 – by Sadie Gurman

DENVER (AP) — Denver authorities say a driver had a medical emergency when he hit and injured four Denver police officers who were monitoring a student protest of the Ferguson, Missouri, grand jury decision.

Police Chief Robert White says one officer was critically injured and was in surgery. He says two of the other three were released from a hospital.   Continue reading “4 Denver officers hit by car during Ferguson protest”

(Photo: Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)Fox News

Texas Gov.-elect Greg Abbott announced Wednesday that Texas is leading a 17-state coalition suing the Obama administration over the president’s executive actions on immigration.

The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Texas on Wednesday, and names the heads of the top immigration enforcement agencies as defendants.

Abbott, in a news conference in Austin, said the “broken” immigration system should be fixed by Congress, not by “presidential fiat.”    Continue reading “Texas leads coalition of 17 states in lawsuit against Obama immigration actions”

AFP Photo / Timothy A. ClaryRT

A New York City grand jury has decided not to indict the New York Police Department officer accused of killing a Staten Island man by putting him in an illegal chokehold. The NYPD is now preparing for more protests stemming from the decision.

Early Wednesday afternoon, CNN, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post all reported that a grand jury declined to indict the officer.   Continue reading “Grand jury doesn’t indict NYPD officer accused in chokehold death – reports”

Thanks to Big Dan.

Fox Radio

Tuesday on “The Alan Colmes Show,” former police chief Mark Kessler made one of the most shocking revelations Alan had ever heard, and Kessler said he was exposing it for the first time anywhere.

Kessler, who infamously made online videos insulting liberals and firing his gun, claimed that the federal government put him up to making the videos in order to attract “the worst of the worst” and said the videos even led to arrests of “lone wolf” terrorists. Read some of it below and see if you believe him!   Continue reading “A Government Plot Against 2nd Amendment Supporters?”

Newly appointed Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin (R) and Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk listen to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (not pictured) during a session of parliament in Kiev December 2, 2014.   REUTERS/Valentyn OgirenkoReuters

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk said on Wednesday an accident had occurred at the Zaporizhye nuclear power plant (NPP) in south-east Ukraine and called on the energy minister to hold a news conference.

“I know that an accident has occurred at the Zaporizhye NPP,” Yatseniuk said, asking new energy minister Volodymyr Demchyshyn to make clear when the problem would be resolved and what steps would be taken to restore normal power supply across Ukraine.   Continue reading “Ukrainian PM reports accident at nuclear power plant”

Ronald Reagan caught in gas tax debate crossfireYahoo Autos

With prices at the pump falling along with oil, the idea of raising the federal gasoline tax to help pay for the nation’s ailing infrastructure is gaining steam.

“One of the politicians who raised the gas tax was Ronald Reagan,” Pennsylvania’s Democratic former Gov. Ed Rendell said Tuesday on CNBC’s “ Squawk Box ” during a debate with anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist, an influential voice among conservatives.   Continue reading “Ronald Reagan caught in gas tax debate crossfire”