The Canadian flag flies at half-staff on top of the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Thursday.Wall Street Journal – by PAUL VIEIRA and BEN DUMMETT

OTTAWA—Canada’s federal government said it would introduce legislation as soon as Thursday giving the country’s police and intelligence services greater powers to counter potential terrorist threats.

The planned move took on special significance as lawmakers and public servants here tried to resume their daily routine a day after Ottawa was rocked by a shooting that left a soldier and the suspected shooter dead, forcing a lockdown of the capital for hours.   Continue reading “Canada Lawmakers to Introduce Terrorist Legislation Following Fatal Shooting and Lockdown”

CBS News – by Jake Miller

The man who jumped the White House fence on Wednesday has been charged with assault, according to Secret Service Spokesman Ed Donovan.

Dominic Adesanya, 23, climbed the north Fence of the White House at 7:16 pm on Wednesday evening. He was immediately taken into custody by Secret Service K-9 teams and uniformed division officers, Donovan said.

Adesanya was charged with two counts of felony assault on a police officer for attacking the Secret Service dogs that helped take him down. He was also charged with four counts of resisting arrest and unlawful entry, and one count of making threats.   Continue reading “Latest White House fence jumper charged with felony assault on the Secret Service dogs”

Washington Examiner – by Byron York

Some of President Obama’s most ardent supporters have accused Republicans of “politicizing” the Ebola crisis. It’s not a terribly serious accusation; a public health emergency requires the response of many government agencies, so how could politics not be involved? There’s nothing wrong with that.

One specific charge, though, deserves an answer. The Ebola scare has made many Americans aware that there is no U.S. surgeon general. (The post is filled by an acting official who is not in line for the job.)   Continue reading “Why is there no surgeon general? Ask Democrats”

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Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Montgomery, OH — Dr. Randal Cox was hosting his terminally ill son’s 18th birthday when six police officers from two different precincts showed up to his door.

When Dr. Cox opened the door he was attacked by the officers. The incident was captured on cellphone video from one of the guests at the party.   Continue reading “Doctor Assaulted by Police at Dying Son’s Birthday, Tasered so Many Times He Had a Heart Attack”

PHOTO: Springtime Is ApproachingABC News – by Devin Dwyer

In Washington, pork is often in the eye of the beholder. And retiring GOP Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma sees a lot of it.

Coburn’s fifth annual and final “Wastebook” lists 100 “silly, unnecessary and low priority projects” that he says cost taxpayers a combined $25 billion.   Continue reading “Swedish Massages for Rabbits and Other Taxpayer Expenses You Will Not Believe”

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The Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

As we reported on Monday, a series of riots broke out over the weekend in Keene, New Hampshire during an annual college event that brings thousands of people into the town each year.

Compared to protests and riots that are tied to political and social movements, the police reacted to the mayhem with more restraint than would be expected.   Continue reading “Riot Police Shoot At Houses In Keene And Attack Innocent Bystanders”

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Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Police pointed guns at journalists following a shooting at a war memorial in Ottawa during which a soldier was reportedly shot.

The incident, which occurred at Parliament Hill’s Centre Block, is still ongoing, with authorities searching buildings for the shooter, who is described by eyewitnesses as 5’9-5’10, overweight and wearing a dark jacket. The suspect was reportedly carrying a long gun.   Continue reading “Cops Train Guns on Journalists After Shooting in Canada”

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Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

This week, James Johnson, a former Kentucky correctional officer, avoided jail time after he admitted to sexually assaulting dozens of inmates and supplying the prison with drugs.

Johnson worked at the Kentucky Correctional Institute for women in Pewee Valley, where he admittedly ran a drug ring inside the prison, and sexually assaulted a number of the inmates over a prolonged period of time.   Continue reading “Prison Guard Admits to Sexually Assaulting Dozens of Inmates, Selling Drugs in Prison. No Jail Time”

000The Free Thought Project – by Cassandra Rules

An attorney for the family of Misty Holt Singh spoke out on Thursday, asserting that Stockton police used unreasonable force in the July 16th incident when they took the life of this 41 year old mother of two.

Holt-Singh was taken hostage by robbers at Bank of the West in Stockton, California, in front of her 12 year old daughter who was waiting for her in the car.

“Misty was crying,” a witness told KOVR. “She was saying her daughter was alone in the car. She said, ‘I don’t want my daughter to see me coming out with you,’ and they said, ‘Don’t worry, nothing is going to happen,’ and they took her anyway.”   Continue reading “33 Police Officers Fire 600 Bullets into Car Knowing It Contained a Hostage”

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The Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

Last week, the family of a South Carolina Mayor who was killed by a deranged police officer was awarded a $97 million settlement, even though the officer responsible for the death has never been charged for the crime, and is still walking free.

The family of deceased Cottageville mayor Bert Reeves won the settlement on grounds that the city should not have hired former officer Randall Price, the admitted murderer of Bert Reeves, due to his extensive past disciplinary record.   Continue reading “Cop Assassinates Mayor And Walks Free, But Mayor’s Family Gets Nearly $100 Million”

View image on TwitterYahoo Canada News

A uniformed Canadian soldier has reportedly been shot the War Memorial in Ottawa. Police are on the scene.

CPR was performed on the soldier and he has been transported to hospital by ambulance.

Police have told reporters that the suspect, reportedly carrying a “large weapon,” possibly a shotgun or rifle, is still on the loose, and the parliament buildings are on lockdown. Prime Minister is safe and “off the hill.”   Continue reading “Canadian soldier shot at Ottawa War Memorial; shots fired on Parliament Hill”

Current gas prices are shown at a Shell gas station in Encinitas, California October 10, 2014.  REUTERS/Mike BlakeReuters – by LUCIA MUTIKANI

U.S. consumer prices rose marginally in September, painting a weak inflation picture that should give the Federal Reserve ample room to keep interest rates low for a while.

The Labor Department said on Wednesday its Consumer Price Index edged up 0.1 percent last month as a rise in food and shelter costs offset a broad decline in energy prices.

The CPI had dropped 0.2 percent in August and economists had expected a flat reading in September.   Continue reading “U.S. consumer prices rise on shelter costs, but inflation muted”

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NBC News

Opium poppy cultivation has hit an all-time high in Afghanistan despite a 10-year, $7.6 billion effort by the U.S. government to fight it, according to a new report.

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan, who authored the report, warned Secretary of State John Kerry, Attorney General Eric Holder and other top U.S. officials that the gap between expenditures and results should make them rethink their approach.   Continue reading “Afghan Opium Poppies Hit Record High Despite $7 Billion US Campaign”

partial-solar-eclipse-visibility-oct23-2014Fox News – by Joe Rao,

Mark Thursday (Oct. 23) on your calendar as “Solar Eclipse Day,” for if the weather cooperates, you should have no difficulty observing a partial eclipse of the sun.

Nearly all of North America, except for a portion of eastern Canada and a slice of eastern New England, will experience the partial solar eclipse this week. People who live east of a line running from roughly Quebec City to Montauk Point, New York, will miss out on the solar show, since the sun will set before the dark disc of the moon begins to encroach upon it.   Continue reading “Partial solar eclipse to darken US skies Thursday”

Sent to us by Danielle Thompson, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

Press Release – October 20, 2014

Windsor, CO-Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO) filed a lawsuit Monday against the Colorado Secretary of State and Colorado Ethics Watch for their unconstitutional demand for RMGO donor records.   Continue reading “RMGO sues the Colorado Secretary of State and Colorado Ethics Watch”

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I’m just writing to pass on some information that came to me last week nobody seems to be covering about this Dallas Ebola issue.

I have full confidence in this because of the close personal ties I have with the source.

1. Every nurse/staff that treated Duncan at Presby was made to sign a paper stating they would self quarantine due to the obvious facts. Obviously Amber Vinson did not.   Continue reading “Misinfo”

APTOPIX Mexico ViolenceABC News – by Maria Versa

Federal police have taken control of 13 municipalities in southern Mexico where local police are suspected of links to organized crime and possibly to the case of 43 missing students, a top official said.

The municipalities are all within a roughly 125-mile (200-kilometer) radius of Iguala, the town where the students from a rural teachers’ college disappeared more than three weeks ago after a confrontation with police. Twelve of the municipalities are in Guerrero state and one is in Mexico state. Among them are the tourist destinations of Taxco and Ixtapan de la Sal.   Continue reading “Federal Police Take Control of 13 Towns in Mexico”