The Hill – by Christina Marcos

The House voted Wednesday to rebuke President Obama by passing a resolution authorizing a GOP lawsuit against his use of executive power.

The 225-201 vote fell along party lines, with five Republicans voting against the measure. No Democrats supported it.

The lawsuit is a direct response to GOP frustration with Obama’s wide-ranging use of executive power.   Continue reading “House votes to sue Obama”

NBC Philadelphia – by Vince Lattanzio and Dan Stamm

Federal agents arrested six Philadelphia Police narcotics officers as part of an ongoing corruption probe and accused the group of swiping more than half a million dollars’ worth of money, drugs and other items over a period of years.

“Unfortunately a very small percentage minority of police officers continue to toss their oath aside and act like the very criminals they sworn to bring to justice,” said U.S Attorney Zane David Memeger.   Continue reading “6 Philadelphia Narcotics Officers Stole Half a Million Dollars From Suspects: Feds”

Vos iz Neias

Washington – The United States has agreed to re-supply Israel with ammunition, after Israeli military officials made its request today to the U.S. Defense Dept.

The U.S. will give access to the Billion Dollar stockpile of American weapons stored in Israel, CNN reported.   Continue reading “Washington – Defense Officials Say U.S. Re-Supplying Israel With Ammunition”

Senate Border Bill Moves ForwardInfowars

A measure in the Senate purportedly designed to deal with an influx of around 120,000 illegal immigrants has cleared a key procedural hurdle.

Formal debate on the legislation will begin following a 63 to 33 vote. The bill will provide $2.7 billion in emergency funding for the federal government to deal with the influx of illegal immigrants.   Continue reading “Senate Border Bill Moves Forward”

Fox News

An Ohio sheriff on Tuesday sent an ‘Open Letter’ to Mexico’s president requesting $900,000 for “dealing with your criminals.”

The Cincinnati Enquirer reported that Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones sent the letter to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto requesting repayment for the 3,000 Mexican nationals arrested in his county over the past ten years. It was rough math, but he wants to charge Mexico for their jail time, which he figured was about five days, on average.   Continue reading “Ohio sheriff sends Mexico $900,000 bill for jailing illegals”

AP photoFlorida Watchdog – by Marianela Toledo

MIAMI — Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina says $2 billion in federal aid and other U.S. investment in Central America could help end the flood of migrants across the U.S. southern border.

But it’s a fool’s game, says the leader of a charity serving immigrants from Honduras.

“I think giving money to these governments is a serious mistake,” said Francisco Portillo, president of the Honduran Francisco Morazan Integrated Organization in Miami.   Continue reading “Guatemala’s president: $2 billion ought to help border crisis”

Israel's Gaza Massacre: "Operation Energy"Daily Sabah – by Hatice Karahan

The attacks launched by Israel on Gaza on July 8, 2014 caused hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries in a period of three weeks.

While the so-called “Operation Protective Edge” conceals itself behind the fake “self-defense” argument, what lies at the root of the on-going massacre is totally different: Energy. Continue reading “Israel’s Gaza Massacre: “Operation Energy””

NogalesteenUSA Today -by Bob Ortega

Nearly two years after her teenage son was shot to death in Nogales, Mexico, by one or more Border Patrol agents, Araceli Rodriguez is headed to court to find out who killed him.

Attorneys for Rodriguez, including the American Civil Liberties Union, filed suit in federal district court in Tucson Tuesday, seeking civil damages against the agents involved in what their suit terms the “senseless and unjustified” death of 16-year-old Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez, on Oct. 10, 2012.   Continue reading “Mother of dead Mexican teen sues Border Patrol”

Inmate_pot1WFMY 2 News

GOODRICH, TX (KHOU) – A deer hunter stumbled upon thousands of pot plants in what could end up being one of the biggest marijuana busts in Texas history.

The hunter was at his deer lease in Goodrich off Old Highway 35 Saturday when he saw the suspicious plants and alerted authorities.

Polk County deputies say they’ve already recovered 44,000 plants and they haven’t even started clearing out 16 additional fields spotted by air.   Continue reading “Inmates Help Load Up 44,000 Pot Plants In TX”

Fuel Fix – by Rhiannon Meyers

Iraq’s lawyers Monday warned a Houston maritime company against unloading a controversial load of Kurdish crude oil from a tanker anchored off the coast of Galveston, arguing the cargo is stolen property.

The letter requested that Houston-based SPT inform the Iraqi government if asked to transport any of the crude and return any cargo offloaded from the tanker. The lightering company said it has never been contacted about offloading the crude and has no plans to do so.   Continue reading “Iraq warns against unloading tanker of Kurdish crude anchored off Galveston”

Fox News – by Lucia I. Suarez

U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Jesus Jimenez fought two separate battles over the last seven years. He served one year in the Middle East as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and, while he was stationed overseas, he also fought Miami-Dade County in Florida to keep his home.

Jimenez, 37, did not win the war back home.   Continue reading “Soldier’s Home In Miami-Dade Illegally Demolished While He Was On Active Duty, Judge Rules”

The Hill – by Julian Hattem

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) will introduce legislation on Tuesday to put sweeping new limits on U.S. surveillance and peel back the curtain on controversial spying programs.

The aggressive bill seeks to address concerns that tech companies and civil liberties proponents had about the House’s attempt to rein in National Security Agency (NSA) by restricting agents to narrow, targeted searches of records about people’s phone calls as well as making the spying regime more transparent.   Continue reading “Leahy unveils ‘historic’ NSA reform bill”

Screen Shot 2014-07-28 at 12.59.05 PMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

Almost exactly one year ago today, I published a post which went on to become extremely popular titled: Why You Should Never, Ever Drive Through Tenaha, Texas. If you failed to read it the first time around, I suggest you take look as it provides a good outline of just what is at stake when it comes to this destructive and abusive practice increasingly utilized by police departments across these United States with zero repercussions for the offending officers. In last years article I noted that:   Continue reading “Asset Forfeiture – How Cops Continue to Steal Americans’ Hard Earned Cash with Zero Repercussions”

The York Daily Record – by Josh Boak

WASHINGTON — More than 35 percent of Americans have debts and unpaid bills that have been reported to collection agencies, according to a study released Tuesday by the Urban Institute.

These consumers fall behind on credit cards or hospital bills. Their mortgages, auto loans or student debt pile up, unpaid. Even past-due gym membership fees or cellphone contracts can end up with a collection agency, potentially hurting credit scores and job prospects, said Caroline Ratcliffe, a senior fellow at the Washington-based think tank.   Continue reading “Study: 35 percent in US facing debt collectors”

PHOTO: Smoke rises from Gazas power plant after it was hit by Israeli strikes in the Nusayrat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, July 29, 2014.ABC News

Israel slammed Gaza with a barrage of airstrikes overnight in what was the heaviest bombardment in the three-week conflict. At least 60 died in the strikes in Gaza overnight.

Symbols of Hamas control came under fire, including TV headquarters, government offices and the home of a top leader. Israel said it targeted more than 70 sites and hit 10 “terror operatives.”   Continue reading “Israeli Airstrikes Slam Gaza”

ABC News – by JIM KUHNHENN Associated Press

In an escalation of tensions, the Obama administration accused Russia on Monday of conducting tests in violation of a 1987 nuclear missile treaty, calling the breach “a very serious matter” and going public with allegations that have simmered for some time.

The treaty confrontation comes at a highly strained time between President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin over Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and Putin’s grant of asylum to National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.   Continue reading “US: Russia Violated 1987 Nuclear Missile Treaty”

Emanuel_Rahm2.jpgFox News

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a former Obama administration chief of staff, wants to expand the city’s efforts to house young illegal immigrants from Central America, reportedly proposing to shelter an additional 1,000 of them by year’s end.

“The influx of unaccompanied child migrants is a growing humanitarian crisis that we can no longer ignore,” said Emanuel, according to The Chicago Tribune. “While we have our own challenges at home, we cannot turn our backs on children that are fleeing dangerous conditions.”   Continue reading “Chicago’s Emanuel wants city to house 1,000 more young illegal immigrants, report says”

michelleobama (1)Sent to us by Joe from the Carolinas

Daily Leak

The popular agriculture company Monsanto is partnering with First Lady Michelle Obama to promote nutritional foods for kids. According to reports from the Associated Press, Monsanto will spend $50 million over five years on a campaign to market ‘healthy’ genetically modified food to children. The agrochemical company will also bring its food offerings for kids in line with the new federal standards for labeling and nutrition.

Obama announced her intentions in front of crates of fresh produce on Thursday. “When I see a company like Monsanto launch an initiative like this, I feel more hopeful than ever before,” said the First Lady. “We can improve how we make and sell food in this country.”   Continue reading “Michelle Obama teaming up with Monsanto to promote children’s food”

Yahoo News – by Yazhou Sun

A waterway in eastern China has mysteriously turned a blood red color.

Residents in Zhejiang province said the river looked normal at 5 a.m. Beijing time on Thursday morning. Within an hour, the entire river turned crimson. Residents also said a strange smell wafted through the air.   Continue reading “River In China Mysteriously Turns Bloody Red Overnight”

A Palestinian stone-thrower kicks a tyre set ablaze during clashes with Israeli police in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Wadi al-Joz during a protest against the Israeli offensive on Gaza July 25, 2014. REUTERS-Ammar AwadReuters – by NIDAL AL-MUGHRABI AND CRISPIAN BALMER

Israel rejected on Friday international proposals for a ceasefire in its fight against Islamist militants in Gaza, but is discussing changes to the truce plan with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, a government source said.

Mediators hope that a truce could come into force ahead of a Muslim festival that starts early next week, but they have struggled to resolve seemingly irreconcilable demands from Israeland Hamas-led fighters, locked in conflict since July 8.   Continue reading “Israel rejects ceasefire plan, source says as death toll nears 850”