Scott Walker speaks. | AP PhotoPolitico – by James Hohmann

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker participated in a “criminal scheme” to coordinate fundraising for Republicans trying to beat back efforts to recall him and state senators from office, local prosecutors argue in court documents released Thursday.

Walker, his chief of staff and others were involved in the coordination effort with “a number of national groups and prominent figures,” including Karl Rove, special prosecutor Francis Schmitz alleged.   Continue reading “Prosecutors: Scott Walker part of ‘criminal scheme’”

Wheelbarrow of MoneyThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Have you noticed that prices are going up rapidly?  If so, you are certainly not alone.  But Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, the Obama administration and the mainstream media would have us believe that inflation is completely under control and exactly where it should be.  Perhaps if the highly manipulated numbers that they quote us were real, everything would be fine.  But of course the way that the inflation rate is calculated has been changed more than 20 times since the 1970s, and at this point it bears so little relation to reality that it is essentially meaningless.  Anyone that has to regularly pay for food, water, gas, electricity or anything else knows that inflation is too high.  In fact, if inflation was calculated the same way that it was back in 1980, the inflation rate would be close to 10 percent right now.   Continue reading “Inflation? Only If You Look At Food, Water, Gas, Electricity And Everything Else”

Reuters / Toru HanaiRT News

The text of a 19-page, international trade agreement being drafted in secret was published by WikiLeaks on Thursday as the transparency group’s editor commemorated his two-year anniversary confined to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Fifty countries around the globe have already signed on to the Trade in Service Agreement, or TISA, including the United States, Australia and the European Union. Despite vast international ties, however, details about the deal have been negotiated behind closed-doors and largely ignored by the press.   Continue reading “Secret trade agreement covering 68 percent of world services published by WikiLeaks”

DHS to Pay For Illegal Immigrants to be Escorted Into U.S.Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

The Department of Homeland Security is set to pay for illegal minors up to the age of 17 to be escorted into the United States, according to a new solicitation posted at FedBizOpps.

Entitled ‘Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children’, the solicitation reads;   Continue reading “DHS to Pay for Illegal Immigrants to be Escorted into U.S.”

Hxvhftu3lrklqeskprfyTalking Points Memo – by Eric Lach

Breitbart – by Bob Price

UPDATE: Texas Governor Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and Speaker Joe Straus today directed the Texas Dept. of Public Safety (DPS) to immediately begin law enforcement surge operations on the Texas/Mexico border. The DPS will attempt to combat the flood of illegal immigration into the state in the absence of adequate federal resources to secure the border. State leaders have authorized approximately $1.3 million per week to fund border security operations.    Continue reading “Texas Approves Border Security Surge”

"Riot Control" Drone To Shoot Pepper Spray Bullets At ProtestersSent to us by a reader.

Infowars – by Steve Watson

A drone that is capable of firing 400 rounds of pepper spray and paint balls, as well as employing “blinding lasers” and loudspeakers to deter protesters has been developed and sold to an undisclosed company following a demonstration at a trade show in London.

Reports indicate that an undisclosed mining company in South Africa has purchased 25 of the “Skunk riot control copter” devices developed by military surveillance and communications contractor Desert Wolf.   Continue reading ““Riot Control” Drones to Shoot Pepper Spray Bullets at Protesters”

Fox News

The embattled Phoenix branch of the Department of Veterans Affairs apparently has paid out $10 million in bonuses during the past three years, far more than previously reported.

The Arizona Republic obtained and published the bonus records after seeking them from the VA for months. The documents showed 4,188 bonuses were paid in that period to more than 2,150 employees.    Continue reading “Scandal-marred Phoenix VA paid millions in bonuses”

Thanks to cav medic.

CNN – by Ralph Ellis

Honduras will ask the United States not to send any more children stopped at the border back to Honduras, the Honduran Foreign Ministry said.

Honduran Chancellor Mireya Agüero Corrales instructed the Honduran Embassy in Washington to work on the proposal, the ministry said.   Continue reading “Honduras to ask U.S. not to deport Honduran kids”

Fox News

More than 500 armed Mexican military and law enforcement personnel have crossed the U.S. border without permission over the past decade, raising questions over why a U.S. Marine remains jailed in Mexico for a similar offense.

The startling figures were provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, in a letter to Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif. CBP Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske reported that roughly 525 armed Mexican soldiers and police jumped the border since 2004, in 152 separate incidents.    Continue reading “Double Standard? Hundreds of armed Mexican officers crossing US border, despite Marine stuck in jail”

Reuters – by Vladimir Soldatkin and Nidhi Verma

MOSCOW/NEW DELHI, June 17 (Reuters) – Some oil companies are pulling foreign staff from Iraq, fearing Sunni militants from the north could strike at major oilfields concentrated in the Shi’ite south despite moves by the Baghdad government to tighten security.

Iraqi officials say the southern regions that produce some 90 percent of the country’s oil are completely safe from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which has seized much of the north in a week as Baghdad’s forces there collapsed.   Continue reading “Oil majors cut staff in Iraq on fears violence will spread”

The Daily Caller – by Blake Neff

A veteran in the student government at the University of Wyoming has been denied in his quest to have meetings open with the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance, reportedly out of the fear it would offend international students, Campus Reform reports.

Cory Schroeder, a six-year Army veteran who has served tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, was elected in May to serve a year-long term as a senator on the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming, the university’s student legislative body. He told Campus Reform that he became upset when he attended meetings and discovered they did not open with the option to say the Pledge of Allegiance.   Continue reading “U. Of Wyoming Veteran Says He Was Barred From Saying Pledge”

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff

Billions of tax dollars have poured out of Washington D.C. since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to help states and local governments better secure their populations against terrorist threats. But the money allocated to one state demonstrates the questionable decision-making that comes from trying to prevent future threats on U.S. soil.

South Dakota, which has only 800,000 residents, has received $100 million in grants from the Department of Homeland Security since 2003. This largesse has been bestowed on a state with no known terrorist threats, now or ever.   Continue reading “South Dakota has Raked in $100 Million in Homeland Security Grants Despite No Known Terrorist Threats…Ever”

Fox News – by Justin Fishel

A suspected terrorist linked to the 2012 Benghazi terror attack that killed four Americans has been captured inside Libya by U.S. forces and currently is en route to the United States, Fox News has learned exclusively.

Sources tell Fox News that the suspect, Ansar al-Sharia commander Abu Khattala, was captured Sunday during a joint U.S. military and law enforcement operation, and will face prosecution in the United States.    Continue reading “Sources: Benghazi attack suspect captured, en route to US”

NewsMax – by Drew MacKenzie

President Barack Obama was set to announce on Tuesday a proposal to turn vast areas of the Pacific Ocean into the world’s largest marine sanctuary, sparking a new fight with Republicans over executive power.

As part of his initiative to clean up the environment, the measure would ban energy exploration, fishing fleets and other potentially damaging industries from using the affected areas, according to The Washington Post. Continue reading “Obama Faces Battle Over Expansion of Marine Sanctuary in Pacific Ocean”

Wall Street Journal – by JAY SOLOMON, CAROL E. LEE and ALI A. NABHAN

The possible depth of the ISIS threat became clearer on Sunday when photos were posted on a Twitter TWTR +0.51% account associated with ISIS claiming to show Sunni militants carrying out a mass execution of captured Iraqi Shiite soldiers, raising the prospect of a broader sectarian war in Iraq.

The photographs, accompanied by captions boasting that as many as 1,700 soldiers had been executed, underscored the mounting sectarian animosity fueling the fighting between Sunni extremists and Mr. Maliki’s Shiite-dominated government.   Continue reading “U.S., Iran Near Talks as Iraq Chaos Worsens”

Church Groups Ship Illegals Deeper Into U.S.Infowars – by ADAN SALAZAR & JAKARI JACKSON

South Texas church groups are working around the clock to shuttle what appears to be hundreds of illegal immigrants to housing facilities, aiding the Obama administration in its deliberate plan to flood America with illegal aliens for political purposes.   Continue reading “Church Groups Ship Illegals Deeper into U.S.”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

President Barack Obama’s administration is knowingly allowing illegal immigrant gangsters from Mexico and Central America into the United States, and some are even being reunited with their family members.

The gang members reportedly belong to some of the most dangerous gangs in Central America and Mexico, like MS-13, but Border Patrol agents are handcuffed, especially if the illegal immigrants are deemed to be “minors.”   Continue reading “Report: Obama Admin Knowingly Letting Illegal Immigrant Gang Members into US”