Casey Research – by Jeff Thomas

If you hold precious metals in your portfolio, there is a good chance you fear hyperinflation and the crash of fiat currencies.

You probably distrust governments in general and believe they are self-serving and have no interest in your economic well-being. It is likely that your holdings in gold are your lifeline – your hope to get you through these times while holding on to your wealth.   Continue reading “Don’t Dismiss the Possibility of Gold Confiscation”

WND Radio

China is claiming control over the vast majority of the South China Sea in its latest effort to challenge U.S. authority, and President Obama must make it clear that cannot happen, warns retired U.S. Navy Admiral James “Ace” Lyons.

The New York Times recently reported that China is quietly distributing official maps to foreign diplomats showing it controls 80 percent of the South China Sea, considerably more than it has publicly claimed in the past. Six different nations have competing claims for various parts of the sea, which is rich in oil, gas and minerals. If China were recognized as controlling 80 percent of the sea, foreign planes and ships would have to seek permission to enter those critical waters.   Continue reading “China ‘throwing down the hatchet’ with U.S.”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The disclosures involving this (and the prior) administration’s Big Brother surveillance state, which would make Nixon blush with envy are now coming fast and furious (one wonders – why now: even that bastion of liberalism the NY Times, has turned against Obama). Although while the Guardian’s overnight news that Verizon (and most certainly AT&T as well among others) was cooperating with the NSA on spying on US citizens, so far at least the internet seemed, if only to the great unwashed masses, immune.   Continue reading “Meet PRISM / US-984XN – The US Government’s Internet Espionage Super Operation”

Nick+FinchGuns Save Lives

Well this is certainly an interesting case. Apparently Florida Governor Rick Scott has named a new interim sheriff for Liberty County, FL after the current sheriff was arrested for releasing a man who was arrested for carrying a concealed handgun without a license.

The following press release was put out by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement on June 4,   Continue reading “Florida Governor Has Sheriff Arrested, Removed From Office for Allowing Concealed Carry”

NSA headquartersBusiness Insider – by Michael Kelly

Two companies that bugged the U.S. telecommunications network for the National Security Agency (NSA) have extensive links to Israel’s intelligence service, James Bamford of Wired reports.

NSA’s chief General Keith Alexander was called before Congress last week to testify about the $2 billion Utah spy center the NSA is currently building, and he said that the NSA does not have the ability to spy on the confidential personal communications of Americans.   Continue reading “Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid For The NSA”

Yahoo News – by Oliver Knox

Can you hear me now? Eep. The National Security Agency (NSA) has been collecting telephone records of millions of Verizon customers – right down to local call data – under a top-secret court order issued in April, Britain’s The Guardian newspaper reported late Wednesday. UPDATE: The Administration responds, defending a “critical tool” against terrorism and underlining that the government is not listening in on anyone’s calls.   Continue reading “U.S. government secretly collecting data on millions of Verizon users: Report”

The Hill – by Pete Kasperowicz

The House late Wednesday voted to stop the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from entering into new contracts to buy millions of rounds of ammunition until DHS reports to Congress on the need for the ammo, and its cost.

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) proposed an amendment to the DHS spending bill for 2014 that would require the report to Congress before it can pursue plans to buy 1.1 billion rounds of ammunition. Meadows said the speed bump is a necessary reaction to news of the huge purchase, which alarmed many Americans and prompted conservative groups to suspect that the government was stocking up on the rounds to fight citizens.   Continue reading “House votes to delay bulk ammunition purchase by DHS”

Building collapse at 22nd and Market Sts in Center CityCNN

As many as 10 people are believed to be trapped in the rubble of a building that collapsed Wednesday morning in Philadelphia, city Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers said, according toCNN affiliate WPVI.

The four-story building collapsed at the corner of 22nd and Market streets in Philadelphia’s Center City area, WPVI reported.   Continue reading “Building collapses in Philadelphia”

Bloomberg – by Hans Nichols

President Barack Obama is targeting Iran’s currency for the first time under sanctions authorized yesterday as the U.S. increases economic pressure on the Islamic Republic to halt its nuclear program.

Obama signed an executive order that would impose penalties on “foreign financial institutions that knowingly conduct or facilitate significant transactions for the purchase or sale of the Iranian rial,” according to a statement yesterday from White House press secretary Jay Carney. It was the ninth executive order that Obama has signed sanctioning Iran, which will hold presidential elections June 14.   Continue reading “Obama Authorizes New Iran Sanctions Targeting Currency”

McClatchy – by Sheera Frenkel

TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel’s military fumed Monday over the discovery that the U.S. government had revealed details of a top-secret Israeli military installation in published bid requests.

The Obama administration had promised to build Israel a state-of-the-art facility to house a new ballistic-missile defense system, the Arrow 3. As with all Defense Department projects, detailed specifications were made public so that contractors could bid on the $25 million project. The specifications included more than 1,000 pages of details on the facility, ranging from the heating and cooling systems to the thickness of the walls.   Continue reading “U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret”

BernankeLeavingBilderberg2008Raw Story – by Ben Quinn, The Guardian

Heads of big tax-avoiding firms set to attend secretive group’s four-day summit being held near Watford

George Osborne and his Labour shadow, Ed Balls, are on a list of those attending this week’s UK summit of the secretive Bilderberg group alongside the heads of Amazon and Google, both of which are under unprecedented political pressure over their companies’ aggressive tax avoidance policies.   Continue reading “Amazon and Google chiefs join other corporate tax avoiders at annual Bilderberg confab”

Electronic Frontier Foundation – by JILLIAN C. YORK

We knew it would happen.  After months of anticipation, Jordanian authorities have initiated a ban on news sites that have not yet registered and been licensed by the Press and Publications Department, effectively blocking more than 300 news websites.  According to local media organization 7iber (which means “ink” in Arabic):   Continue reading “Jordan Takes a Disappointing Turn Toward Censorship”

Bilderberg Meetings

61st Bilderberg conference to take place on 6-9 June 2013 in Hertfordshire, UK

Hertfordshire, 3 June 2013 – The 61st Bilderberg meeting is set to take place from 6 until 9 June 2013 in Hertfordshire, UK. A total of around 140 participants from 21 European and North American countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media have been invited.    Continue reading “Bilderberg 2013 Attendee List”


LANCASTER, Calif. Nearly 3,000 people from some 700 homes were under evacuation orders Monday as a wildfire north of Los Angeles kept growing, feeding on old, dry brush, some of which hadn’t burned in decades.

The blaze had burned about 35 square miles in the mountains and canyons of the Angeles National Forest, destroying at least six homes and damaging 15 more.    Continue reading “Thousands ordered to flee massive blaze outside L.A.”

State Police Lt. Paul Vance addresses a horde of news people a day after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.Hartford Courant

Newtown massacre: Still no report

Who made the state police king? Why do they continue to drag their feet in releasing a final report on the investigation into the devastating Dec. 14 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School? Who gave that agency the authority to decide what the public should know and when they should know it?   Continue reading “Six Months On, And Still No Sandy Hook Report?”

1011 – by Steve Ross

Hunter Spanjer says his name with a certain special hand gesture, but at just three and a half years old, he may have to change it.

“He’s deaf, and his name sign, they say, is a violation of their weapons policy,” explained Hunter’s father, Brian Spanjer.   Continue reading “Grand Island Preschooler Asked to Change the Sign for His Name in School”

World Events and the Bible – by Brandon Ward

WEB Notes: This is not a surprise to many of us, but it is sombering to see nonetheless. The state of California is well on their way to usurping the United States Constitution and your right to bear arms. The first step to confiscation is registration and this is exactly what they are calling for with this bill just passed by the California State Senate. This is not an official law at this time, however, it appears that this bill will become law shortly.   Continue reading “SB 374: California Set To Attack Second Amendment By Demanding Gun Registration”

High winds snapped a power pole on Highway 81 near El Reno, Okla., on Friday as tornadoes rolled into the area.USA Today – by Robin Webb and Michael Winter

Officials were preparing to survey the damage Saturday morning after tornadoes hit the Oklahoma City metro area Friday, killing at least 5 people and injuring 50.

The storm, the second fatal one to strike the region in 11 days, spawned several tornadoes, toppled cars and left commuters trapped on an interstate highway during Friday’s evening rush. Law enforcement officers and Red Cross workers planned to head to hard-hit areas after dawn to assess the damage.   Continue reading “5 dead after tornadoes, floods strike Oklahoma”