livingston county man police standoffLivingston Daily – by Lisa Roose-Church

3:50 p.m. UPDATE –– An Oceola Township man was arraigned this afternoon after a more than seven-hour police standoff and the alleged choking of his girlfriend.

Michael George Porr, 43, is charged with assault with intent to commit great bodily harm less than murder, interfering with electronic communication, interfering with a crime report, and animal cruelty.     Continue reading “Livingston County, Michigan man arraigned after 7-hour police standoff”

Victor Ruiz tow truckHuffington Post – by David Moye

It’s hard enough being a parent these days without having your kids taken by a tow truck driver.

And it’s even worse when you’re slapped with child abandonment charges as a result.

That’s the parental predicament being faced by Victor Ruiz, who cops say parked his car in a no-parking zone outside his Houston apartment Thursday and left his two young daughters in the car while he took his groceries inside.   Continue reading “Victor Ruiz Arrested After Tow Truck Tows Away Kids”

fema-truckSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

It’s no secret that the U.S. government has been domestically stockpiling unimaginable amounts of ammunition and weapons. So much ammunition, in fact, that it surpasses even what the military uses on a yearly basis in the mid east theaters of war.

All of these arms and ammunition are being transported within the borders of the United States by third-party truck drivers contracted by the Department of Homeland Security, and some of these drivers are reportedly foreign born originating from countries like Russia and Poland.   Continue reading “FEMA Insider: A Large Number of Truck Drivers Have Vanished While Delivering Weapons, Grenades, Ammo”

Press TV

An American investigative journalist says the US National Security Agency “possesses highly embarrassing communications” of some members of Congress, using the records to “blackmail” the lawmakers.

Wayne Madsen said a hearing on the NSA’s spying programs scheduled to be held at Congress on Wednesday is just “for public consumption.”   Continue reading “NSA ‘blackmails’ members of Congress”

NBC News Chicago

A 95-year-old resident of an Illinois nursing home died early Saturday, hours after being shocked with a Taser and bean bag rounds in a confrontation with police.

Authorities said John Warna was a resident at Victory Centre of Park Forest, on the 100 block of South Main Street in the south suburb. He was threatening paramedics and staff with a cane and a metal shoehorn when police arrived at the complex, they said.   Continue reading “Nursing home resident dead after confrontation with police”

National Review – by Eliana Johnson

In order to ensure Americans understand how to access the benefits available to them when many provisions of the Affordable Care Act go online October 1, the Obama administration announced last month that it is setting up a call center that will be accessible to Americans 24 hours a day.

One branch of that call center will be located in California’s Contra Costa County, where, reportedly, 7,000 people applied for the 204 jobs. According to the Contra Costa Times, however, “about half the jobs are part-time, with no health benefits — a stinging disappointment to workers and local politicians who believed the positions would be full-time.” The county supervisor, Karen Mitchoff, called the hiring process “a comedy of errors” and said she “never dreamed [the jobs] would be part-time.”   Continue reading “Obamacare Call Center Will Not Offer Health-Care Benefits to Employees”

flaaptshooting12.jpgFox News

Seven people were killed, including the gunman, in an overnight shooting at a South Florida apartment building, authorities said.

Police Sgt. Eddie Rodriguez told Fox News that the gunman was shot dead by a SWAT team following a standoff at a five-story building in Hialeah, just a few miles north of Miami.   Continue reading “Gunman among 7 dead in Florida apartment shooting”

The Insitu ScanEagle model of UAV approved for commercial use in the U.S. is based on a design similar to the one in this photo taken on the HMCS Regina during Operation ARTEMIS in the Arabian Sea in November 2012. CBC

Federal regulators in the the U.S. say they have certified two types of unmanned aircraft for civilian use, a milestone expected to lead to the first approved commercial drone operations in the U.S. later this summer.

The Federal Aviation Administration said Friday the drones, officially named unmanned air vehicles (UAV) or unmanned air systems (UAS), are Insitu’s Scan Eagle X200 and AeroVironment’s PUMA.   Continue reading “Drones to fly U.S. skies, FAA approves 1st civilian UAVs”

Center Building at St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, D.C. / photo by User:Tomf688, via Wikimedia CommonsInfowars – by Adan Salazar

The Department of Homeland Security’s plans to occupy an old psychiatric hospital in the Washington D.C. area have slowly been moving forward, despite the project’s enormous projected cost.

The mammoth governmental entity, which has come to umbrella the offices of the Border Patrol Agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, FEMA, the abhorrent TSA, and even the Coast Guard since its creation in 2002, is working to consolidate all of its agencies within one campus at a cost of $4.5 billion.   Continue reading “New DHS Headquarters was a CIA MKUltra Test Facility” – by Douglas Dowty

Syracuse, NY — Three Syracuse residents were charged Tuesday with having a high-capacity rifle magazine under this year’s NY SAFE Act.

Blair Dion Odom, 20, of 157 Baldwin Ave.; Diamond Y. Ross-Hardy, 29, of 125 Stinard Ave. and Lloyd R. Brown, 31, of 125 Stinard Ave. were all charged with misdemeanor unlawful possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device, as well as unlawful possession of marijuana, a violation. They were all arrested and sent to the Onondaga County Justice Center jail.   Continue reading “Three Syracuse residents charged with possessing high-capacity rifle magazine under NY SAFE Act”

Bart Sergei NormanSOFREP – by Bart “Sergei” Norman

…I think I should bring your attention to a few recent facts that naturally escape the limelight of glory in the mainstream media. Facts of obviously lesser importance than The New Royal Baby, Zimmerman’s trial and Justin Bieber’s new hairdo, or are they really…

The events that we have all seen in the past months have drawn my inquisitive nose over the great pond and into your part of the globe. And I must say, what I see happening is giving me the creeps.   Continue reading “Dear Friends in America…”

swat-elderly-foreclosureStory Leak – by 

Fail to pay your mortgage due to the collapsed economy? SWAT members may show up wearing full military gear in order to forcefully evict you from your home at the direction of international banking cartels.

There have been numerous instances of this, but one that was really ignored for the most part happened back in November of last year as reported on by AOL Real Estate in a piece that has virtually zero views. Because apparently militarized SWAT troopers removing an elderly woman from her home because she couldn’t keep up with paying the mega banks that are bloated with $83 billion per year in taxpayer funding  is now the role of the ‘debt force’ SWAT team.   Continue reading “Militarized SWAT Forcefully Evict Elderly Woman From Foreclosed Home”

Blacklisted News – by UPI

United Nations is assessing private military and security companies and their commitment to international norms, an envoy said from New York.

The United Nations announced a panel discussion on the use of mercenaries and private security companies is scheduled next week at the U.N. headquarters.   Continue reading “U.N. mulls use of mercenaries for international interventions”

Breitbart – by JOEL B. POLLAK

You don’t have to think the Vietnam War was a good idea to understand that communist dictator Ho Chi Minh, who led North Vietnam in the war until his death, was a not a good guy. Yet President Barack Obama praised Ho Chi Minh today at the White House, comparing him to the Founders of the United States.

From the PJ Tatler:   Continue reading “Obama Praises Communist Dictator & American Enemy Ho Chi Minh”

Screenshot from YouTube user raytheoncompanyRT News

A pair of high-tech Army blimps is coming to the greater Washington, DC area, and soon they will be able to provide the military with surveillance powers that spans hundreds of millions of acres from North Carolina to Niagara Falls, Canada.

The airships are part of Raytheon’s Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System, or JLENS, and when all is said and done they’ll offer the United States military what the defense contractor calls “an affordable elevated, persistent over-the-horizon sensor system” that relies on “a powerful integrated radar system to detect, track and target a variety of threats.”   Continue reading “Pentagon to deploy huge blimps over Washington, DC for 360-degree surveillance”

HAARP operational site on the edge of Denali State Park northeast of Anchorage, Alaska (Ph...Gizmag- by Brian Dodson

Reports that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) had been shut down permanently were apparently a bit premature. According to HAARP program manager James Keeney, the facility is only temporarily off the air while operating contractors are changed. So why does anyone care? Despite being associated with various natural disasters over the past two decades by the conspiracy fringe, HAARP is in reality a facility for studying the ionosphere. Let’s take a look at the goings on at HAARP – past, present, and future. Continue reading “HAARP ionospheric research program set to continue”

StratRisks – by QZ

Downtown Detroit has long been one of the nation’s worst housing markets. Home values have plummetedVacancies abound. And foreclosure numbers are through the roof. Not that that’s surprising; who’d want to live in a neighborhood with soaring unemployment and the highest rate of violent crime in the US?

The bad news for Detroiters is that the city’s bankruptcy will likely only deepen the decay of its downtown housing market.   Continue reading “Bottom Feeding: The latest Chinese investment craze, downtown Detroit housing”


Joe Draego refused to show police his drivers license at the checkpoint because he says he did nothing wrong and does not have to hand it over to them. Draego says it’s his way of standing up against what he calls an aggressive and entitled police force.

“I told him I wasn’t going to give him my ID, that it was unconstitutional,” said Draego, who was stopped at the checkpoint on Old Brooke Road on Thursday on his way home. “I asked him if I was being charged with a crime, he said ‘no’ so I said, I’m free to go.”   Continue reading “Alb. Co. Man Refuses To Show ID At Traffic Checkpoint”