WASHINGTON — A bipartisan collection of senators on Wednesday announced a compromise measure to expand background checks for gun buyers, increasing the chances that a viable package of new gun safety laws will soon hit the Senate floor.

Senators Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia, and Patrick J. Toomey, Republican of Pennsylvania, have spearheaded the deal.   Continue reading “Senators Reach Bipartisan Deal on Checks of Gun Buyers”

Sweetness and Light – by Steve Gilbert, March 21, 2013

From IPT News:

Saudi Arabia, the nation which produced 15 of the 19 hijackers in the 9/11 attacks, is about to become one of a handful of countries whose travelers can bypass normal passport controls at major U.S. airports. Sources tell the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) that this will mark the first time that the Saudi government will have a direct role in vetting who is eligible for getting fast-tracked for entry into the United States.   Continue reading “DHS Plans To Speed Saudis Through US Customs”

The Tunnel People That Live Under The Streets Of America - Photo by Claude Le BerreThe Economic Collapse – by Michael

Did you know that there are thousands upon thousands of homeless people that are living underground beneath the streets of major U.S. cities?  It is happening in Las Vegas, it is happening in New York City and it is even happening in Kansas City.  As the economy crumbles, poverty in the United States is absolutely exploding and so is homelessness.

In addition to the thousands of “tunnel people” living under the streets of America, there are also thousands that are living in tent cities, there are tens of thousands that are living in their vehicles and there are more than a million public school children that do not have a home to go back to at night.    Continue reading “The Tunnel People That Live Under The Streets Of America”

Hauppauge, NY Patch – by Amanda Lindner

A Commack father is pursuing legal action after his pistol license was suspended when his 10-year-old son allegedly talked about using a water gun on bullies who had picked on his friends in school.

John Mayer, who posted his story on, said the issue stemmed from a March 1 incident at Pines Elementary in Hauppauge.   Continue reading “Dad’s Pistol License Pulled After Son Makes Water Gun Threat in School”


While politicians talk about expanding background checks for gun owners, I’m starting to think that what we really need are IQ tests for political officeholders. The only problem is, that might leave us with a lot of vacancies in Congress and America’s statehouses.

The debacle over New York’s rushed-through gun bill is one example of what happens when enthusiasm meets stupid. But another is to be found in Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), who supports a ban on full-capacity magazines without understanding what a magazine actually is.   Continue reading “We need an IQ test for politicians”

AFP Photo / Joe RaedleRT News

Thousands of gallons of oil have spilled from a pipeline in Texas, the third accident of its kind in only a week.

Shell Pipeline, a unit of Royal Dutch Shell Plc, shut down their West Columbia, Texas, pipeline last Friday after electronic calculations conducted by the US National Response Center showed that upwards of 700 barrels had been lost, amounting to almost 30,000 gallons of crude oil.   Continue reading “Third major oil spill in a week: Shell pipeline breaks in Texas”

AFP Photo / Karen BleierRT News

A new ACLU report accuses Ohio courts of imprisoning people who are unable to pay court fees. The group, which claims to have found evidence in seven counties, likened the practice to a resurgence of debtor’s prisons – which were outlawed by the 1830s.

Entitled “The Outskirts of Hope,” the report also accuses Ohio judges of consistently denying those locked up in such circumstances court hearings to prove their financial status.   Continue reading “ACLU catches Ohio jailing those too poor to pay fines”

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff

At a time when the Obama administration and the petroleum industry are advocating for expanding domestic oil production, it is worth pointing out that the nation’s largest refinery is not American owned.

The Motiva oil refinery, located in Port Arthur, Texas, is controlled by Royal Dutch Shell and Saudi Aramco, the largest oil company in Saudi Arabia and in the world.   Continue reading “Largest Oil Refinery in U.S. is Owned by Saudi Royal Family and Anglo-Dutch”

AFP Photo / Gabriel Bouys RT News

Hacktivist group Anonymous has launched a second massive cyber-attack against Israel, dubbed #OpIsrael. Israel declared there haven’t been any major disruptions amid reports of arrests of Palestinian activists suspected of hacking.

Anonymous threatened to “disrupt and erase Israel from cyberspace” in protest over its mistreatment of Palestinians.   Continue reading “Anonymous launches massive cyber assault on Israel, IDF responds with ‘arrests’”

Washington’s Blog

Instead of Changing their Behavior to Prevent Another Crisis, the Powers-That-Be Double Down On the Strategies that Caused the Financial Crisis In the First Place

Liberals blame deregulation and reckless Wall Street greed for the economic crisis.

Conservatives blame bad government policy.   Continue reading “Big Banks and D.C. Politicians Doing the EXACT SAME THINGS Which Caused the Financial Crisis In the First Place”

Oregon children to be vaccinated against parents' willExaminer – by MIKAEL THALEN

Parents in Marion County, Oregon lost their battle in court Wednesday to choose whether or not their eight children would be vaccinated after losing custody to the state last year.

A ruling from The Oregon Court of Appeals said that the parents did not have the right to exempt their children from forced vaccinations after child welfare workers and the Oregon Department of Human Services fought to obtain a court order demanding the children receive multiple vaccinations last year.   Continue reading “Court rules 8 Oregon children to be vaccinated against parents’ will”

Beth Ferrirzzi (Image: WDAY video screenshot)Conservative Truth – by Elena

This is why I hate NY. Most restrictive and convoluted laws nearly anywhere. They have thrown common sense out the window and replaced it with red tape. The latest rubbish coming out of the anti-gun state, makes no sense.

Beth Arneson Ferrizzi legally checked her gun in her departure city, Fargo, North Dakota on a Delta Flight to La Guardia.  She called Delta to find out how to do this legally. They told her the firearm had to be unloaded, stored in a hard sided and locked case. They told her the ammunition had to be stored separated. Not Separate from the gun, but separated, either in their original packaging or in a container that keeps the bullets from touching each other.  She made sure it was exactly as Delta said.   Continue reading “Pregnant mom charged with felony after trying to check an unloaded gun at the airport.”

navyWND – by Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM – Is the Obama administration’s military build up in the Pacific part of the president’s so-called pivot-toward-Asia strategy, a move that could demonstrate the biggest shift in world power since World War II?

Specifically, is Washington using the North Korean nuclear standoff as an excuse to shift massive military might to Asia just as China and other powers seek to create a new economic order that would rival the Western-dominated World Bank and International Monetary Fund?   Continue reading “Is THIS the Real Reason Obama’s Confronting North Korea?”

dirtyharryLiberty Gold and Silver News

For all those savers and investors young enough not to remember the 1971 American film classic, “Dirty Harry,” there is a scene in the beginning of the film in which the protagonist, San Francisco Detective Harry Callahan (played by Clint Eastwood) interrupts an afternoon bank robbery by shooting the three perpetrators as they try to escape.

Harry kills two of the robbers but one wounded bandit lying on the street contemplates picking up his fallen shot gun to shoot Harry. At this juncture, Clint Eastwood levels his .44 magnum hand gun at the wounded robber who is trying to recall if Callahan has fired all the rounds in his revolver. Callahan says, “I know what you’re thinkin’. Did he fire six shots or only five?… You’ve got to ask yourself one question…Do you feel lucky?… Well, do you, punk?”   Continue reading “Dirty Harry to World Savers “You’ve got to ask yourself – Do you Feel Lucky?””