SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Weeks after New York enacted the nation’s toughest gun laws, California lawmakers said Thursday they want their state to do even more in response to recent mass shootings, particularly the Connecticut school massacre. Continue reading “Calif. Seeks To Adopt Nation’s Toughest Gun Laws”
(CN) – The 3rd Circuit upheld New Jersey’s so-called One Gun Law, which prohibits the purchase or sale of more than one handgun per person per month, including BB and air guns.
On Monday, January 28, 2013, a group of about 30 individuals came out to support the introduction of the Liberty Preservation Ordinance to the Sunbury, PA City Council and Mayor. Attendees included members of the People Against the NDAA, American Civil Liberties Union, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, Oathkeepers and the Susquehanna Valley Liberty Alliance.
Also in attendance was State Constable Ed Quiggle, Jr., the Constable for Sunbury’s 9th Ward, who signed a similar resolution for his ward last year. Constable Quiggle introduced the ordinance to the city council speaking in favor of its passage and reminded the councilmembers of their oath to support and defend the U.S. and Pennsylvania Constitutions. Continue reading “Sunbury Constable and Activists Urge Council to Approve Anti-NDAA Ordinance”
A heartfelt wish of many folks in the US is to have more products manufactured here instead of being imported. This is especially true in the current economic times. Just Water, LLC is very proud to announce that they have successfully ‘on-shored’ the production of ceramic water filters and will very shortly be rolling out various products that use these. Homespun Environmental, LLC is equally proud to announce that they are the very first distributor to have these US made ceramic water filters available on their website. Both companies have worked hard to meet customer’s needs and having US made products was high on that list. Continue reading “Ceramic Water Filters Now Manufactured in the USA”
A 10-year-old Alexandria boy was arrested after police said he brought a toy handgun to school on Tuesday, a day after he showed it to others on a school bus.
1. Start investigating the education programs at the library. Like in history and what many towns are seeing, the library is being used to push an agenda. So as an example, our town library is preaching hate towards those with obesity. They use meetings, filming events and widespread advertising throughout the town. The “obesity agenda” is part of the global agenda. The library also publishes and teaches about parenting as well.
2. Look into the social programs that are established in your town. Ask yourself what the agenda is of each of these programs is and what the hidden message might be. We have many that I believe are linked to the global agenda. One is relatively new and it is called the “Wellness Coalition.” It is for a “healthier community.” They have the obesity program, suicide prevention/ mental health, etc. This coalition, openly states, it is what is teaching our doctors, teachers, administrators, police, psychologists, clergymen, hospitals etc. This is including who is “mentally ill.”
Basically, what they have been doing is infiltrating from the top and letting their agenda trickle down. If you think the media propaganda is bad, what they have been teaching the leaders of your community behind closed doors is most likely worse. Question any medical agendas that go through because those who want to rule have found that our desire to help others can be used to control others.
Also, there is already an assumption that “professionals” know best and are above the average citizen. I would recommend setting up “professional” training and making appointments to talk with your community leaders. Re-educate. When a person is turned in for “mental health” this person will lose all Constitutional rights without question, because it is for his/her own good. And remember this is not just tailored towards the mentally ill, we have noticed a huge change in how parents are being viewed. There has been a lot of propaganda that teach that parents are incompetent, negligent and need a village to raise a child.
***Research what your states mental health screening is for children. You may be able to snag a copy of the actually screening tools. This will give you an idea of the information they are collecting on families and how they are planning to label people. Schools, just like medical, are going to be used to police people and to control people.
3. Look for any task forces being set up to consolidate all nonprofits under one roof. In our town, the Wellness Coalition is actually running this program as well. What is being done in many towns is that a task force establishes a new agenda that all the nonprofits will have to follow. Contact these organizations and express your concerns.
4. Check into any transportation agreements that have been set up for mass transportation of people. Follow up with investigating all the connections.
5. Examine all your States legislative bills closely. Ask yourself what is this for, can it be used for something else and could it lead to anyone losing their Constitutional rights without a trial, jury or crime.
6. Scan through all your State departments and local departments to see what is really set up. So like the Department of Immunization or Suicide Prevention etc. In the 8 Stages of genocide, there is always governmental departments established and most people who commit genocide are normal people who have developed a justified hatred or belief that they are better or know better than a certain group of people. This will give you an idea of potential areas the government can use to subjugate its citizens.
7. Organize with others.
8. Write editorials.
9. Post flyers.
10. Set up training.
11. Put together a party to talk about these issues.
12. Have a movie viewing showing others some of what they might have missed.
13. Teach others how to read and see through the manipulation and propaganda by themselves.
14. Start a conversation with a neighbor.
15. Use bumper stickers, business cards, or t shirts.
16. Set up a booth at a fundraiser/bazaar that talks about this or set up a game to ask questions.
17. Create an awareness event.
18. Contact local churches, veterans clubs, libertarian parties, local shooting ranges, express your concerns and get theirs as well.
19. Work with others that may be different, but share the goal of stopping tyranny and keeping to the principal of individualism.
20. Reach out to local businesses that may share the desire to maintain freedom.
21. Try to set up informal survival skills basics for those who are interested.
22. Contemplate the technology that could be used against the population: bio, chemical, sound etc. Like the military, go over scenarios to help prepare mentally for what might come. Find like minded individuals and bounce ideas off of them.
23. Keep spreading the word and great job on all that you do. Thank you.
Tired of what they say is the Legislature’s “diminished” status as a “lap dog” for Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Republicans in the State Assembly proposed amending the state Constitution to forbid legislative activity after midnight.
Over two dozen legislators gathered for a Tuesday morning press conference to push for the amendment, which would also make it harder for a governor to waive a required three-day waiting period for bills with a “message of necessity.” While this issue has simmered for years, the legislators were spurred by their unhappiness with Cuomo’s push for a gun control measure that was voted on less than 24 hours after it was unveiled. Continue reading “Comparing Cuomo to dictator, GOP pushes for sunlight”
I don’t pretend to be a Chris Kyle expert. I never even heard of him before this past weekend. I just know what I have recently read.
Apparently, the guy’s first kill in Iraq was a woman holding a baby in one hand, a grenade in the other. She obviously cares a lot about whatever she is standing up for. Obviously this is not some Al Queda that came in to fill the vacuum of the Sadam-less Iraq. This is an Iraqi woman, standing up to the invader. Continue reading “Chris Kyle’s first kill, with no regrets”
The U.S. and Canada have made significant progress in advancing the Beyond the Border deal and continue to implement various perimeter security initiatives. Without much fanfare, they have signed an immigration agreement that would allow them to share biographic and at a later date, biometric information. As part of a North American security perimeter, both countries are further harmonizing border security and immigration measures. Canada is further taking on U.S. security priorities and this could include a bigger role in the war on terrorism. Continue reading “U.S.-Canada Harmonizing Border Security and Immigration Measures”