Thanks to your overwhelming support, and the support of other organizations and individuals, Wyoming House Bill 114, the Wyoming Liberty Preservation Act, passed committee 6-3 and will now advance to the House floor.  On Tuesday evening, at the head of a media firestorm, the Transportation Committee held a hearing on the bill, and passed it with a decisive 6-3 vote.

Our battle however, is not yet over.  HB 114 will be debated on the House floor within the next few days.  The deadline for bills to be heard on the house floor is Monday, February 4th, and, if the bill has not come up in committee of the whole by then, it will die due to lack of time left in the session. Continue reading “VICTORY: Wyoming Anti-NDAA Bill passes Committee 6-3, on its way to the House”

El Paso CSO SWAT trainingPro Liberate

Sheriff Terry Maketa of Colorado’s El Paso County has promised his constituents that he “will actively oppose any effort that infringes upon your second amendment rights.”

“Like every elected official in the state, I took an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Colorado,” wrote Maketa in an open letter to El Paso County residents. “This means all rights.” Continue reading “Why is it a “Crime” to Disarm a Uniformed Aggressor?”

air defense systemsSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

As the U.S. government continues to expand surveillance and monitoring systems to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars within the borders of the United States, a recent announcement regarding the country’s southern air defense systems is raising eyebrows.

Our southern border is, in part, protected by the Tethered Aerostat Radar System (TARS), which utilizes moored balloons hovering at about 15,000 feet to identify low flying aircraft and missiles that may penetrate the border and cross into U.S. airspace. Continue reading “Obama to Shut Down Southern Air Defense Systems: “It Will Be Open Season for Terrorists Flying In With Nukes, Low Altitude Missiles, Or Even Full Scale Invasion of America””

bronx elementary schoolNew York Post – by JESSICA SIMEONE and FRANK ROSARIO

A Bronx school went into lockdown this morning after a campus aide overheard a student talking about his gun — a toy gun it turned out, officials said.

The lockdown was called off after an hour and no weapon was found at PS 54, on Fulton Avenue and East 174th Street, officials said. Continue reading “Cops lock down Bx. elementary school after gun rumor sparked by talk about toy”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Global Times, a newspaper described as an “angry Chinese government mouthpiece,” recently published an editorial in which it called for “urgent gun control,” in the United States, the second Chinese Communist Party publication to do so within the last month.

The newspaper’s January 17 front page editorial entitled Political inertia hinders gun control actionstates that there is “clearly an urgent need for gun control in the US,” lamenting that it will “be impossible for the country to ban guns.” Continue reading “Chinese Communist Party Mouthpiece Demands Obama Disarm Americans Again”

International Man – by Jeff Thomas

During the Cold War, Germany moved much of its gold to New York in case the USSR invaded Germany. It was assumed at that time that the US would be a safer storage location, and of course, they could always ask to have it returned if they wished.

But German citizens have become increasingly worried about the security of the 1,536 tonnes of German gold reputedly held at the Federal Reserve in New York. This has resulted in the Bundesbank pursuing repatriation of the gold, beginning with a request to view it in the basement of the Federal Reserve Building, where it is claimed to reside. Continue reading “The Disappearing Gold”

lansdowneBreitbart – by AWR HAWKINS

Lansdowne has gone on record saying: “I could not be more supportive of the president for taking the position he has. I think it’s courageous with the politics involved in this process. [And] I think it’s going to eventually make the country safer.”

He made it clear that it may take “a generation,” but new laws could eventually take all guns off the streets. Continue reading “San Diego Police Chief: We Can Disarm Americans Within a Generation”


PANDA Wyoming announces the introduction of HB 114, the Wyoming Liberty Preservation Act, and issues a call to action to ensure it passes committee. 

On December 31st, 2011, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, containing provisions which authorized the indefinite detention, extraordinary rendition (and assassination) of anyone around the world without charge or trial. This law marked one of the darkest eras in American history, declaring the United States a battlefield and legally subject to the laws of war. Continue reading “Wyoming to Battle NDAA indefinite detention on Tuesday”

burning barrelSurvival Blog – by James Wesley, Rawles

This is a standing invitation to my fellow Americans: If congress ever enacts a law mandating the registration and/or a production ban of detachable magazine semiautomatic rifles then you are hereby invited to the town square of your local community. There, burn barrels will be set up and we will publicly burn Form 4473s, FFL Bound Books, state and local registration records, and the sales receipts for every firearm in the United States. On that same day, FFL holders and public officials holding electronic firearms records will simultaneously erase those records, permanently and irretrievably. (Using special file erasure software such as Blancco,X-Ways, and Stellar Wipe, or though the physical destruction of disk drives.) Continue reading “Nunc Pro Tunc: The Coming Day of Burn Barrels and Blessings”

birth tourismGulf News Weekend Review – by Cindy Chang

Companies operating ‘maternity hotels’ cater to pregnant women from Chinese-speaking nations who want an American-citizen newborn.

USA Baby Care’s website makes no attempt to hide why the company’s clients travel to Southern California from China and Taiwan. It is to give birth to an American baby. “Congratulations! Arriving in the US means you’ve already given your child a surefire ticket for winning the race,” the site says in Chinese. “We guarantee that each baby can obtain a US passport and related documents.” Continue reading “LA’s cottage industry of birth tourism”

Dianne FeinsteinIndyBay California – by Forest Glen Durland, Peter Byrne And Others, published Dec 2nd, 2011

Time for the 79 year old insider trader, China connected traitor, hawkish Dianne Feinstein who funneled over 1 billion in military contracts illegally to her husband Richard Blum to resign. She and her husband with Barbara Boxer’s help sold San Diego ports to Cosco. Her husband was part of the pressure network which caused police to bust up Occupy in Oakland and San Francisco. Continue reading “Insider Trader, War Profiteer, Chinese Company Invested Dianne Feinstein”

Boston Globe – by Mary Williams Walsh

Fresh from persuading a $5 billion pension fund in Chicago to divest from companies that make firearms, the city’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel, on Thursday urged the chief executives of two major banks to stop financing companies ‘‘that profit from gun violence.’’

Emanuel sent letters to TD Bank, which provides a $60 million credit line to Smith & Wesson, and to Bank of America, which provides a $25 million line to Sturm, Ruger & Co., asking the CEOs to push the companies to ‘‘find common ground with the vast majority of Americans who support a military weapons and ammunition ban.’’ Continue reading “Chicago’s mayor tries to enlist banks in anti-gun campaign”

Against Crony Capitalism – by Nick Sorrentino

“A sick joke on all of us.”

This is where the true progressives and the libertarians and conservatives who care about crony capitalism can come together. The nomination of Mary Jo White for SEC chairwoman.

This is complete contempt for the American people. If there is any doubt, at all, about who’s side when it comes down to it this administration is on, look no further than this prospective appointment. Continue reading “This is insane. New head of Securities and Exchange Commission? A Big Time Defense Attorney—For the Big Banks!”


On Monday, January 28th, citizens, including members from groups such as the Susquehanna Valley Liberty Alliance, the Sunbury chapter of PANDA (People Against the NDAA), Oath Keepers, and the ACLU, along with the Constable of Sunbury’s 9th Ward will be presenting the Sunbury City Council and Mayor with an ordinance to uphold the Bill of Rights and interpose against the unconstitutional indefinite detention provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, also known as NDAA. Continue reading “Citizens to Demand Sunbury City Council Take Action on NDAA”