Healthy Holistic Living

You’ve heard of Monopoly, right? The fun little board game with fake money, little plastic houses, and get out of jail free cards? It’s a great way to pass the time. That is, depending on who you’re playing with.

But when it comes to real-life properties, business, and products, however, a monopoly becomes a whole lot more dangerous.   Continue reading “Monsanto And Bayer Are Moving To Create A Monopoly On Marijuana”

Tech Dirt – by Karl Bode

For several years now cable and broadband providers have been using hidden fees to covertly jack up their advertised rates. These fees, which utilize a rotating crop of bullshit names, help these companies falsely advertise one rate, then sock the consumer with a significantly higher-rate post sale (often when locked into a long-term contract). The practice also allows the company to falsely claim they’re not raising rates on consumers. They omit that they’re talking about the above the line rate being charged, implying that anything below the line (where real fees like taxes are levied) is outside of their control.  Continue reading “Comcast Under Fire For Using Bullshit Fees To Covertly Raise Rates”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Ecuador has partially restored Julian Assange’s communications in their London Embassy after UN officials met with Ecuador’s president, Lenin Moreno on Friday, reports the Belfast Telegraph.

Assange, who has lived in the embassy for over six years, had his phone and internet access taken away in March over political statements he made in violation of “a written commitment made to the government at the end of 2017 not to issue messages that might interfere with other states.” His visitor access was also limited to members of his legal team.    Continue reading “Ecuador Restores Julian Assange’s Internet, Phone And Visitation Privileges”


ICANN has scheduled the Root Zone Key Signing Key (KSK) Rollover for today, and it could affect some DNS users all over the world.

By Rolling the KSK, ICANN implies that a new cryptographic public and private key pair will be generated and the private key will be distributed to internet service providers, enterprise network administrators, and Domain Name System (DNS) resolver operators.  Continue reading “Global Internet Outage Over Next 48 Hours Could Affect Some Users, According To ICANN”

Bill Bonner

BUENOS AIRES – Today, we woke up in Buenos Aires with a disagreeable headache… and a depressing hypothesis:

First, it doesn’t matter whether Brett Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court or not; one more Deep State toad won’t make any difference.

Second, the Supreme Court has been derelict in its duty for the last 80 years.  Continue reading “How Executive Order 6102 Doomed America”

Revolution of the Mind


This story begins back before the United States was the United States.

The original thirteen colonies printed their own currency, and it worked very well at empowering commerce and turning the young America into a powerful growing economy, free of the poverty and unemployment that even then crippled London. The public currency was operated as a public utility. Continue reading “The Truth About the Federal Reserve”

ABC 7 News

The Superior Court judge said the law violates the rights of charter cities.  Continue reading “Orange County judge rules California’s ‘sanctuary state’ law unconstitutional”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

The Ninth Circuit Appeals Court has upheld the stripping of immunity from a school resource officer who clearly violated the rights of multiple students, but still felt the need to be told twice by consecutive federal courts.

School is school and kids will get in fights. Some accusations about bullying brought several seventh grade students to the school’s office, along with Deputy Luis Ortiz. Ortiz reached the limits of his training and experience extremely quickly when he was unable to determine who was bullying who or why these seventh grade students wouldn’t give him the respect he so clearly felt he was owed. So, here’s how he made the most (constitutional violations) of a bad situation. From the decision [PDF]:   Continue reading “Ninth Circuit Says No, You F-king May Not Arrest A Bunch Of Middle School Students To ‘Prove A Point’”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

You can violate Constitutional rights and still dodge liability. You just have to do it in a way that doesn’t immediately summon precedential cases on point. That’s the beauty of qualified immunity, the doctrine the Supreme Court decided was needed because expecting law enforcement to operate within the confines of the Constitution is just too much to ask.   Continue reading “After Fielding Third Case On Point, Court Finally Decides Curtilage-Violating ‘Knock And Talks’ Are Clearly Unconstitutional”

“Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad” is spoken byPrometheus, in the poem “The Masque of Pandora” (1875), by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

“When an honest man, honestly mistaken, comes face-to-face with undeniable and irrefutable truth, he is faced with one of two choices, he must either cease being mistaken or cease being honest.” – Amicus Solo   Continue reading “The opinions of philosophers, physicians, and poets are to be alleged and received in causes”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

The FBI uses the “no fly” list as leverage. What should be used to keep threats to national security off airplanes is being used to turn people into informants. If someone travels to a country the US government views with suspicion, citizens and legal residents are often approached by FBI agents who use the threat of revoking flying privileges to obtain new info sources.

DOJ policy expressly forbids this sort of behavior, but the FBI doesn’t care. It tells the CBP to keep an eye on travelers who visit or originate from certain countries, accost them in the airport, and subject them to invasive searches/interrogations with an eye on converting them to unofficial G-men.   Continue reading “Court Won’t Let FBI Dodge Lawsuit By Removing American Citizen From No-Fly List Shortly After Being Sued”

New Atlas – by Michael Irving

If a device connects wirelessly to other things, chances are high that it has an antenna in it. But as crucial as these components are, the rigid metals they’re made of can limit what devices they can be built into. To help with that, researchers at Drexel University have developed a new kind of antenna that can be sprayed onto just about any surface.

The antenna is made up of an incredibly thin, metallic material known as “MXene” (pronounced “Maxine”). This stuff is a two-dimensional form of titanium carbide that’s highly conductive, which allows it to transmit and direct radio waves.

Continue reading “Sprayable antennas turn surfaces into ultra-thin, transparent transmitters”

Anti-War – by Grant Smith

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was ordered to register as an Israeli foreign agent on November 21, 1962 when it was part of the American Zionist Council. AIPAC has never complied with the order, and the Department of Justice has never enforced it. AIPAC’s associated think tank, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) was spun off from AIPAC as a survival tactic during a 1980s FBI investigation into AIPAC over economic espionage that produced America’s worst-performing bilateral trade agreement. Incredibly, decades later both organizations appeared to want to get into law enforcement and were instrumental lobbying President George W. Bush for the 2004 launch of the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (OTFI) Treasury unit. (See Washington Institute for Near East Affairs congressional testimony in support of the creation of OTFI to be headed by Stuart Levey)   Continue reading “Treasury Sanctions Foreigners for Israel”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

James O’Keefe just dropped the fourth installment in his series exposing the corruption and bias in the ‘deep state’. This report features two Internal Revenue Service (IRS) officials who candidly discuss the IRS’s unfair treatment of conservative non-profit groups.

The two officials in the report are Thomas Sheehy, an IRS tax examiner and member of the Austin Democratic Socialists of America in Texas, and Jerry Semasek, an IRS attorney in Washington, DC.   Continue reading ““I Don’t Give A Shit If It’s A Crime”: Fourth Veritas Video Reveals IRS Still Targeting Conservatives”