Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — A former State Department employee who helped Hillary Rodham Clinton set up her private email server said he will assert his Fifth Amendment right not to testify before the House committee on Benghazi.

Attorneys for Brian Pagliano sent the committee a letter Monday saying their client would not testify at a hearing planned for next week. The panel subpoenaed Pagliano last month.   Continue reading “Worker who helped Clinton set up email server takes Fifth”

Yahoo News – by Adam Samson

Wall Street dropped on Monday in tumultuous action as traders aggressively sold stocks and bid-up only the safest asset classes.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) tumbled 302.7 points, or 1.8%, to 16158.4, the S&P 500 (^GSPC) dropped 43.4 points, or 2.1%, to 1929.6, and the Nasdaq Composite (^IXIC) fell 103 points, or 2.2%, to 4600.6.   Continue reading “Wall Street tumbles in volatile action amid global rout”

Eagle Rising – by Onan Coca

In an incredible story that sounds like the plot from a bad movie or a dime store book, the Environmental Protection Agency’s highest-paid employee and a leading expert on climate change was just sentenced to 32 months in prison for lying to his bosses so he could avoid actually doing any real work. Even more amazing is the lie that he told to get out of working. He told his superiors at the EPA that he was a CIA spy working in Pakistan! Incredible as it seems, even more incredible may be the fact that these lies carried on for some 15 years before anyone caught wind that John C. Beele was committing a massive fraud on the government and the American taxpayers.   Continue reading “EPA’s Highest Paid Employee John C Beele Sentenced to 32 Months in Prison for Fraud and Lying”

Freedom Oupost – by Tim Brown

Fifteen State Attorney Generals have filed suit against Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency for their sweeping and unconstitutional carbon regulations.

The fifteen states who petitioned the court on Thursday are West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming.   Continue reading “15 States Finally Standing Up Against Obama’s Unconstitutional Regulations”

Bull Shit + Bull Shit = …………..You guessed it.  More Bull Shit!!

Yahoo News

SEATTLE (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders spoke to a packed crowd Saturday night at the University of Washington campus about his commitment to criminal justice reform as well as addressing income equality.

Sanders gave his talk to a cheering audience of about 12,000 inside a university pavilion a few hours after he was shoved aside by several Black Lives Matter activists who are calling for changes to the criminal justice system. Sanders eventually left the Saturday afternoon event at Westlake Park in Seattle without giving his speech.   Continue reading “Black Lives Matter activists disrupt Bernie Sanders speech”

Yahoo News – by Maxwell Tani, Business Insider

In an impassioned handwritten letter to a constituent, Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) rejected a request to resign and insulted about half of his state in the process.

According to the Maine Beacon, after resident Louise Sullivan sent a letter to LePage asking him to resign, she received a personal reply back from the governor that dismissed southern Maine residents and called them corrupt.   Continue reading “GOP governor sends bizarre, aggressive hand-written letter to constituent”

The New American – by Alex Newman

In a radical attack on the due-process rights of Americans that received virtually no media attention, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted to give the Obama administration the unilateral power to strip you of your passport and right to travel without a trial or even criminal charges. The scheme does not even include a way to challenge your status as a non-person involuntarily trapped inside U.S. borders on orders from the secretary of state. Lawmakers, some of whom could themselves be caught in the dragnet along with myriad administration officials, praised the effort as a way to stop alleged terrorists from travelling. But critics said it was yet another attack on the fundamental rights of Americans, such as due-process protections, and that it must be resisted.   Continue reading “Lawmakers Vote to Let Obama Take Your Passport Without Trial”

Yahoo News – by Serena Maria Daniels

DETROIT (Reuters) – A Satanic organization unveiled a controversial bronze Baphomet sculpture in Detroit just before midnight on Saturday, after trying in vain to have it installed near a 10 Commandments monument in Oklahoma.

Due to planned demonstrations, the group, which is opposed to Bible-themed displays on government land, kept the location of the unveiling of its 9-foot-tall monument secret until the last moment, when it emailed the information to ticket holders.   Continue reading “Satanic Temple holds public sculpture unveiling in Detroit”

Unplugged – by Lisa

We once had some friends give us several boxes of very ripe black cherries–my very favorite berry! Problem was that they were already starting to go bad and we had to do something with them QUICK. So Nick rigged up a temporary solar dehydrator out of supplies that we had here laying around. 3 cement blocks, a few lengths of 2X4’s, a piece of metal roofing, a fan, and an old piece of glass window pane.    Continue reading “Dried Fruit in a Solar Dehydrator”

Wall Street Journal – by Delvin Barrett

The Obama administration is preparing to release convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard from prison, according to U.S. officials, some of whom hope the move will smooth relations with Israel in the wake of the Iran nuclear deal.

Such a decision would end a decadeslong fight over Mr. Pollard, who was arrested on charges of spying for Israel in 1985 and later sentenced to life in prison. The case has long been a source of tension between the U.S. and Israel, which has argued that a life sentence for spying on behalf of a close U.S. partner is too harsh. Israel has for years sought Mr. Pollard’s early release, only to be rejected by the U.S.   Continue reading “U.S. Preparing to Release Convicted Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard, Officials Say”

Yahoo News – by Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy

A video released on Tuesday by an organization calling itself the Center for Medical Progress says it details a lunch meeting wherein Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s senior director of medical services, discusses how the tissue and organs from aborted fetuses can be best harvested to then be utilized for medical research.   Continue reading “Coincidence … or Is It? Planned Parenthood ‘Sting’ Video Isn’t First to Derail Legislation”

Yahoo News

Tom Petty has a message for the Confederate flag: Don’t come around here no more.

In light of South Carolina removing the Confederate flag from its statehouse, “Refugee” singer Petty has come forward to say that his decision to include the offending banner during his stage shows was “downright stupid.”

In an article published by Rolling Stone, Gainesville, Florida-born Petty admitted that he was “pretty ignorant” about the meaning of the flag as a child. For his tour to support his 1985 album “Southern Accents,” Petty used the Confederate flag as marketing material, a decision he now cringes over.   Continue reading “Tom Petty Regrets ‘Downright Stupid’ Use of Confederate Flag”