Soylent Green: Company Wants You to EAT Your Favorite Celebrity celebmeatPrison Planet – by Adan Salazar

A company is aiming to take advantage of the mindless celebrity worship culture by planning to feed fanatics their favorite celebrities.

Hundreds of people are petitioning celebrities to donate tissue samples to, a company that says it will produce “artisanal salami” from celebrity tissue samples for human consumption.   Continue reading “Soylent Green: Company Wants You to EAT Your Favorite Celebrity”

Wired – by SPENCER ACKERMAN, May 25, 2011

You think you understand how the Patriot Act allows the government to spy on its citizens. Sen. Ron Wyden says it’s worse than you know.

Congress is set to reauthorize three controversial provisions of the surveillance law as early as Thursday. Wyden (D-Oregon) says that powers they grant the government on their face, the government applies a far broader legal interpretation — an interpretation that the government has conveniently classified, so it cannot be publicly assessed or challenged. But one prominent Patriot-watcher asserts that the secret interpretation empowers the government to deploy ”dragnets” for massive amounts of information on private citizens; the government portrays its data-collection efforts much differently.   Continue reading “There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says”

ElfReason – by J.D. Tuccille

Ann Musser was arrested at her Holyoke, Massachusetts, home, according tomedia reports, and spent four and a half hours in jail—because she was tardy in paying her $5 dog license fee.

Well, actually, as Holyoke City Clerk Brenna McGee assured me, Musser was actually arrested on an outstanding warrant for failure to appear in court—over the tardy $5 dog license fee. Musser is a little preoccupied these days with ovarian cancer, which may explain why she put an administrative fee on the back burner. But then, it’s common practice in Massachusetts to refer people to court after they’ve ignored or simply missed notices of tickets for even the pettiest of offenses. And since petty offenses have proliferated, including the non-payment of fees for the most mundane activities, court referrals and encounters with the police over…well…bullshit are not uncommon.   Continue reading “Woman Arrested For Late Payment of $5 Dog License—and That’s Business as Usual”

Golden Geese News – by Neil Schnurr

George W. Bush, never looked so good, Bill Clinton, never looked so good, and now, Jimmy (and Rosalynn) Carter, never looked so good.

Today, America is going through some bad times, with a bad president.  It’s not like we haven’t been through this before.  We had the late ‘70’s and we had Carter, but things were no where near as bad in the late ‘70’s as they are today.  The $17 trillion national debt alone, makes the previous sentence undeniably true, but in addition to that, today we have Obama.   Continue reading “Let Them Eat Shit”

CenturyLink – by BROCK VERGAKIS

NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — Navy officials are searching for answers about what may have motivated a civilian to approach a docked destroyer, struggle with security personnel, disarm a sailor, then shoot and kill someone coming to that sailor’s aid.

The civilian was shot and killed by Navy security forces shortly after the encounter late Monday night aboard the USS Mahan at Naval Station Norfolk, the world’s largest naval base.   Continue reading “Navy searches for answers in fatal base shooting”

7.wh obamacare cat gif[5]Michele Obama’s Mirror

We’ve put on a full court press: a White House generated ad campaign to get the young invincibles – who we need more than they need us – to sign up for Obamacare before the March 31 deadline. So we tried everything: PJ Boy, a dunking FLOTUS, Mom dancers, twerking accidents, Muppet accidents…the list goes on and on – butt stops with…cat GIFs? Cat GIFs, for crying outloud?

Great, just what we need around here: cat house and pussy jokes to go along with the bathhouse innuendos.   Continue reading “WTF? LOL Cats Deployed to Help Us #GetCovered”

Doug Ross @ Journal

This appears to be part of a pattern. That is, a real “war on women” — and girls — waged by the impeached and disbarred William Jefferson Clinton.

A new lawsuit has revealed the extent of former President Clinton’s friendship with a fundraiser who was later jailed for having sex with an underage prostitute.   Continue reading “LAWSUIT: Bill Clinton made multiple trips to fundraiser’s private island where underage sex slaves were held”

time-i-obama-amsterdam-140324Patriot Action Network

Big Guy landed Air Force Won at Schiphol airport this morning to begin his whirlwind trip to calm the nerves of a world that once relied on U.S. strength for all their defense needs:

President Barack Obama departed Sunday night for a six-day whirlwind tour through Europe and the Middle East that was supposed to be an ordinary trip to friendly countries to discuss nuclear security and trade while basking in the glow of the new Pope. Continue reading “The Obamas Abroad: Looking For the Secret Trap Doors”