Gun FactsBuckeye Firearms

Gun Facts is the essential reference for winning the gun control debate and debunking common gun control myths about guns, crime, and the Second Amendment. This free, 100-page e-book presents the most common gun myths along with the facts that prove them false. Gun Facts gives you the ammunition you need to win debates, write letters to editors, e-mail your representatives, and give statements to the media.   Continue reading “Gun Facts: Win every gun control debate!”

Weekly Standard – by Daniel Halper

On Barack and Michelle Obama’s schedule for today, this event is listed:

7:30PM           THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY host a concert celebrating Memphis Soul music as part of their “In Performance at the White House” series; THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks   Continue reading “Another Exclusive Party at W.H.—at Taxpayer Expense”

Contraction: The ultra-Orthodox practice of metzitzah b'peh requires a practitioner to orally suck the baby's penis to 'cleanse' the open wound following its circumcision, making them susceptible to the virus (file photo)Daily Mail – by NINA GOLGOWSKI

Two more infants have been infected with a deadly herpes virus in the last three months after undergoing a controversial religious oral circumcision in New York City.

The latest cases bring the count to 13 infants since 2000, two of which suffered brain damage and two died from the virus which can rapidly spread throughout its body.   Continue reading “Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City”

Image: The Humane SocietyThis is all the more reason to grow your own food or purchase from the farmer market or the farmer directly from the farm if possible.

Cape Cod Online

On one covert video, farm workers illegally burn the ankles of Tennessee walking horses with chemicals. Another captures workers in Wyoming punching and kicking pigs and flinging piglets into the air.   Continue reading “On farm, taping cruelty is becoming the crime”

Veterans News Now – Joe Martino

9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history that sparked a mass awakening across the world. There has been much debate as to how it happened, who is responsible and why. To this day about 1/3 of Americans do not believe the official story. In other areas of the world as much as 90% of the country does not believe the (USG) official story.   Continue reading “24 Hard Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked”

Press TV

Evil creeps up unobserved. Its plans are conceived in secret; the first furtive moves are made, and then it is ready to attack. Unless we turn to spot it approaching we can be quickly overwhelmed.

The latest approach of evil might not seem much – apparently, just some boring trade agreement. But, in reality, it is Evil Incarnate.   Continue reading “Corporate Evil Creeps Up Unobserved”

Journal Sentinel – by Paul Gores

The defense products unit of National Presto Industries Inc. has been awarded a $64.5 million contract to produce ammunition, the company said Tuesday.

The new award, which went to National Presto’s AMTEC Corp. subsidiary, is part of a five-year deal with the U.S. Army starting in 2010 to supply 40mm practice and tactical ammunition. Deliveries are scheduled largely for 2014 and 2015. The new order brings the total amount awarded to AMTEC under the current 40mm contract to $477.8 million, the company said.   Continue reading “National Presto wins $64.5 million defense contract”

Information Clearinghouse – by Courthouse News Service

WACO, Texas (CN) – A Texas sheriff threw two Latino men into jail for 39 days “with no charges, no hearing, and no probable cause” and seized the $14,000 they had saved up to buy a new car, the men claim in Federal Court.

Roberto Moreno-Gutierrez and Jaime Moreno-Gutierrez sued Hill County, the Hill County Sheriff’s Department and the Texas Department of Public Safety, in Federal Court. Hill County, whose seat is Hillsboro, is between Waco and Dallas. Continue reading “Jail for Breathing While Brown in Texas”

FILE - Construction workers and equipment excavate the southeastern corner of the World Trade Center site on in this Jan. 8, 2008 file photo taken in New York. About 60 truckloads of debris that could contain tiny human bone fragments have been unearthed by construction crews working on the new World Trade Center tower in recent years. That material is now being transported to a park built on top of the former Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island. City officials say investigators will spend 10 weeks attempting to identify the remains. Investigators began sifting through newly uncovered debris from the World Trade Center on Monday April 1, 2013 for the first time in three years.Marshfield News Herald – by MEGHAN BARR

NEW YORK — Jim Riches pulled his son’s mangled body out of the rubble at the World Trade Center, but the phone calls still filtered in years afterward. The city kept finding more pieces of his son.

“They’ll call you and they’ll tell you, ‘We found a shin bone,’” Riches said. “Or: ‘We found an arm bone.’ We held them all together and then we put them in the cemetery.”

Those are the phone calls both dreaded and hoped for among the families of Sept. 11 victims. And as investigators began sifting through newly uncovered debris from the World Trade Center on Monday for the first time in three years, those anxieties were renewed more than a decade after the attacks.   Continue reading “Possible human remains found in new 9/11 debris”

nation of sheptThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

America is coming to a nexus point in our history.  As I established in Part 3, America has already entered the second of three stages on the path to revolution. I emphatically have called for nonviolent resistance against the bankers who have hijacked our government. However, I also provided a caveat which clearly stated that if the globalists initiate a major false flag operation, or a series of false flag operations as an excuse to roll out martial law, we should not militarily resist. Rather, we should passively resist in ways that I outlined in Part 1Part 2 and Part 3.

However, if the roll out of martial law includes the beginnings of numerous roundups, mass detainments without due process of law and eventual exterminations, the people will have no choice but to resist.   Continue reading “A Nation of Sheep Being Led to the Slaughter?”

American Militia

A recent discovery by a private citizen after being railroaded in a Kangaroo Superior Court on a fraudulent and completely bogus foreclosure has revealed a dire situation in the State of Georgia. Further investigations are revealing that this situation is likely the case in all 50 states.

While researching Georgia law in preparation for filing an appeal on an unlawful court decision, John Reynolds, a private citizen of Georgia stumbled across the plain language in the Georgia codes, Title 45 Public Officers and Employees, Chapter 3 – Article 1, regarding the oaths of office required by law of “all persons who are employed by and are on the payroll of the state and are the recipients of wages, per diem or salary of the state or its departments and agencies…” (§ 45-3-11).   Continue reading “Obama Just the Wrap Up?”

American’s Republic Party

a. Bank did not set off the account. Debt has already been taken care of.

b. violation of Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

c. an adverse claim found at UCC 8-105(b).

d. violation of 31 CFR 103.35 – FINANCIAL RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING.   Continue reading “Damages unto you by the Bank (Debt Collector) in a Foreclosure”

Servant of the Light – by Don Harkins (The Idaho Observer) 

Today, Donald Rumsfeld is known throughout the world as the zealous [ex-]U.S. Secretary of Defense who was waging a global “war on terror” in search of “terrorists” and …”weapons of mass destruction.” Most people, however, are not aware that Rumsfeld himself unleashed a chemical weapon of mass destruction upon the world in 1981-and it,s still out there destroying people all over the world. That “WMD” is aspartame and it has been scientifically and anecdotally linked to millions of chronic illnesses and deaths.    Continue reading “Aspartame is Rumsfeld’s Disease: A Politically-Induced Biochemical Disaster Of Global Proportions.”

Extinction Protocol

January 28, 2013 – NORTH KOREA – Hungry parents in North Korea have been caught eating their children to avoid starvation, according to reports. One father is said to have been executed by firing squad for killing his two kids for food. And it has sparked fears there could be further cases of cannibalism in the country.

The Sunday Times told how undercover reporters recorded several horror stories from inside the poverty-stricken nation. They included one man who dug up his grandchild’s corpse to eat and another who boiled his child and ate the flesh.   Continue reading “Starving North Koreans ‘are forced to eat their children’”