The Occidental Observer – by Kevin McDonald

A theme at TOO, most recently the early days of the Israel Lobby,  is that Jewish wealth and willingness to contribute to ethnic causes is a cornerstone of Jewish influence. Simply put, Jewish causes are lavishly funded and provide ample career opportunities. Now the Forward is beginning a series of articles on “the Jewish charity industry”: “26 billion: the Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered.“    Continue reading “Forward Study of the Jewish Charity Industry”

join-plantedFarm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Podcast with host Kimberly Hartke

Episode 15 of the Food Rights Hour podcast is about the importance of preserving the right to farm sustainably. During this episode, our host, Kimberly Hartke, speaks with an underground dairy farmer; a small farm advocate, Leon La Jeunesse; the forbidden oysterman, Greg Garrett; the raw food farmer, Lee Ann Hoovey; and FTCLDF Vice President and attorney, Elizabeth Rich!   Continue reading “Episode 15: Underground Dairy, Forbidden Oysters, Let Us Farm!”

Kevin Annett, Native American, Canadian Human Rights Campaigner, Crimes of Church and State Researcher and AuthorBBS Radio

Guest Biography:

Kevin Annett – Hidden From History – The Canadian Holocaust

Kevin Annett reveals Canada’s darkest secret – the deliberate extermination of indigenous (Native American) peoples and the theft of their land under the guise of religion. This never before told history as seen through the eyes of this former minister (Kevin Annett) who blew the whistle on his own church, after he learned of thousands of murders in its Indian Residential Schools…”    Continue reading “Kevin Annett: How do we Unravel the Corrupt Matrix?”

Weapons displayed to state media by Interior Affairs Minister Rodriguez Torres (right) today. (AVN)Venezualanalysis

Mérida, 14th March 2014 ( –Three paramilitary groups have been captured in the Venezuelan state of Carabobo, following a series of deadly shootings during protests on Wednesday.

President Nicolas Maduro announced on Thursday that the paramilitaries had been allegedly operating in Carabobo’s state capital, Valencia.   Continue reading “Paramilitaries Armed With C-4 Detained in Venezuela”

Alt Thai News- by Tony Cartalucci

Farmers in Thailand have found themselves at the center of a long, protracted political struggle pitting Thailand’s traditional establishment against a “populist” upstart backed by foreign interests. The resulting spotlight farmers now find themselves in is an opportunity to share their plight with a wider audience and by doing so, perhaps receive the care and attention they so badly need and rightfully deserve.    Continue reading “Let Me Tell You About Thailand’s Rice Farmers”

Harold Martin, the Michigan assistant attorney general, making believe he's not listening to Mark Baker's lawyer, during arguments last Wednesday before Judge William Fagerman. (Photo by Randy Buchler)The Complete Patient – by David Gumpert

I have found myself thinking a lot about last week’s courtroom antics of Harold Martin, the Michigan assistant attorney general, which have been viewed more than 1,000 times already on YouTube.  While it’s tempting to simply label Martin as unprofessional and less than competent, I think there was much more to it than that. I explore some of the less obvious messages in an Open Letter to Martin.    Continue reading “Hidden Message in MI AG’s Court Shenanigans: Baker Hog Case Far from Over”

Ukrainian marines look at a Russian ship floating out of the Sevastopol bay on March 4, 2014 (AFP Photo / Viktor Drachev)RT News

Ukraine’s statement at the UN that 16,000 Russian soldiers have been deployed to Crimea has caused a frenzy among Western media which chooses to ignore that those troops have been there since the late 1990s in accordance with a Kiev-Moscow agreement.

Western media describes the situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as if a full-scale Russian invasion were under way, with headlines like: “Ukraine says Russia sent 16,000 troops to Crimea” and“Ukraine crisis deepens as Russia sends more troops into Crimea,” as well as “What can Obama do about Russia’s invasion of Crimea?”    Continue reading “Russia’s 25,000-troop allowance & other facts you may not know about Crimea”

chinaknifeattackDaily Slave

An incredibly bizarre story has emerged from China.  According to various media reports a slashing rampage has allegedly left 29 people killed and over 100 wounded at a train station located in Southern China.  Several individuals wearing masks and wielding knives were allegedly responsible for the attacks.  Police were said to have shot and killed 4 of the attackers increasing the death toll to 33.  Based upon the information that has been released so far, this whole event appears to be a staged hoax.   Continue reading “Knife Attack Rampage at Chinese Train Station Appears to be Another Staged Hoax”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

While the images and local news have been suggesting that Russia is in control on the Crimean peninsula, US officials (according to Bloomberg) have confirmed this:

A Voice from the Margins – by Ajamu Baraka

With the predictable failure of the Syrian peace conference, the call for the Obama administration to wage a humanitarian war to save civilians in Syria is once again being championed by some elements of the mainstream media in the U.S. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, since certain powerful voices in the U.S. corporate media have long been in lock-step with some of the most hawkish elements in the Obama administration regarding the use of force in Syria.    Continue reading “The Syrian Subterfuge part two: The Case for Humanitarian War- Again”


Ukrainian lawmaker Oleg Tsarev has claimed that there may be up to 1,000 NATO troops in Western Ukraine.

This is according to Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Information Clearing House – by F. William Engdahl

February 28, 2014  The events in Ukraine since November 2013 are so astonishing as almost to defy belief.

An legitimately-elected (said by all international monitors) Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovich, has been driven from office, forced to flee as a war criminal after more than three months of violent protest and terrorist killings by so-called opposition.   Continue reading “The Rape of Ukraine: Phase Two Begins”