For those of you who are having problems posting comments, this post is for you as we have received several reports of what seems to be take-overs of individual computers trying to comment on From the Trenches, noting that this problem only occurs when trying to comment on From the Trenches and not other sites.

If you are able, tell us what you are experiencing and which browser you are using so that we can get the information to our server and hopefully get to the bottom of this.

If you are not able, send us an email at and we will post it for you.

Originally Posted August 12, 2013

On Friday Michael Rivero released an “Exclusive” article on What Really Happened, attempting to justify what he perceives as his righteous actions in threatening From the Trenches.  In doing so, he attempts to slander our fight here in the Trenches.  He ends his article in stating that it is his aim to head off a smear campaign, when in reality he knows he has tread upon that rattlesnake and the fangs are going in and the poison is going to pump.

Mikey puts forth the notion that we here at From the Trenches violate copyright law because we bring complete articles to the site for discussion, which is what makes From the Trenches unique and indeed powerful because we are not just warehousing information; we are disseminating it and working the problem.   Continue reading “Flashback: From the Trenches’ Exclusive to Michael Rivero’s Exclusive”

SignedTshritThe drawing for the patriot shirt will be this Friday evening, January 2, 2014.

The shirt is signed by Liberty Tree Radio hosts Don Boettcher, Butterknife, Pastor Brooks Conner, JD – US Marine Fighting Tyranny, Joe From The Carolinas, Edward Koernke, Mark Koernke, Larry Lawson, Henry Shivley, and Spike Timmons.

The proceeds will go for equipment in the main Liberty Tree Radio studio, which should improve the broadcast.  So support the station and take a chance on getting a really cool t-shirt.   Continue reading “The Drawing for the Shirt is Today!”


Live Science – by Kelly Dickerson

Legally, chimps are still just chimps, and are not entitled to the same rights as humans, according to the state of New York.

A New York appeals court ruled today (Dec. 4) that a pet chimpanzee named Tommy is not entitled to the rights of a human, and does not have to be released from the cage in which he is housed.   Continue reading “Chimpanzees Are Not Legal Persons, Court Rules”