The war monger Mike Huckabee appeared on FOX News yesterday, setting the stage for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s meeting with President Barack Obama this coming Tuesday.  Huckabee, a Zionist Jew in Christian clothing, said that he had just returned from a ten day visit to Israel and of course this good peace loving Christian is making the case for an attack on the people of Iran.

Huckabee stated that the Iranian government has declared that they want to wipe Israel off the map.  This lie has been confronted many times and proven to be a lie.  The full quote Huckabee referred to translated directly to English is, “The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.”
Continue reading “Mike Huckabee – Traitor Extraordinaire”

Obama is out on the campaign trail blaming high gas prices on America’s dependency on foreign oil and telling those who will listen that we must dump more taxpayer wealth into green energy.  Everyone does realize that General Electric and other energy giants are Obama’s big money corporate backers and indeed green energy is a social communist scam.  Low interest loan monies are made available so the international corporate elite can build green energy operations in the United States, which are bankrupted by design and then dismantled and moved to China.

The assertion that gas prices are soaring as a result of having to import crude is an out and out lie and Barry knows it.  It is being reported on literally every channel that there is in reality a glut of oil on the US market, so much in fact that gas and diesel are now our number one export.
Continue reading “Obama Seeks Out the Mentally Challenged and the Lazy”

I just returned home from town where I had discovered that literally everything I had purchased had gone up 20%.  I turned the television on and there was John Stossel, a neo-con in libertarian clothing, doing a segment in defense of economic terrorism.  He said it was in defense of bankers and capitalism.  I tell you what Johnny, I know the difference.

He was interviewing an investment banker who was defending Bain Capital and Mitt Romney.  This banker put forth the notion that these investment hit squads were actually good people, whose job it is to save businesses.  He said that they saw where the inefficiencies were, and in correcting those inefficiencies, saved businesses that would have otherwise went bankrupt.  BUULLLSHIT!!!
Continue reading “John Stossel Defends Economic Terrorism”

The reality of a totalitarian dictatorship in the United States can no longer be denied, as one piece of treasonous legislation after another is sleazed through our Congress and signed into law by the treacherous insurgent, Barack Obama.  The laws contained in the Constitution and especially in the people’s Bill of Rights, are meant to be absolute, and all other laws found to be in contradiction, null and void.

The Constitution is designed with checks and balances.  Many people believe that these consist of the three branches of government, the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial.  In reality there is a fourth and that is we the people as the organized Militia.
Continue reading “Time to Face Up to the Inevitable”

Well it would seem that the Keystone Pipeline is going to be a fait accompli in one form if not another.  Though the portion of the pipeline that would have crossed the US border, passing through Montana and Nebraska has been shelved for right now, the larger portion of the project, which will run a pipeline from Oklahoma to Texas, will be going forward.

There has been little fanfare over this development for a specific reason, as the completion of this section will prove the assertion that the pipeline represents a benefit to the American people to be a lie.
Continue reading “Stop the Export of the United States”

The good people of Arizona and Michigan will be going to the polls today as it is their turn to be disenfranchised and made to realize that they have absolutely no say in the running of the government they pay for.  There has been blatant election fraud in every primary and caucus to date, as the fraudulent status quo has made it clear that they do not care if they are caught.  They will commit any and every fraud necessary to keep Ron Paul from acquiring the GOP nomination.

Many are saying to hell with the GOP.  Ron Paul can run as an Independent and win.  So what is the theory here?  Those who count the votes in the primaries and caucuses will not be the same corrupt individuals counting the votes in the national election?  How soon we forget.
Continue reading “Arizona and Michigan Primaries, Get Ready for More Election Fraud”