The great compromise has been made in the Congress.  Today it will go to the Senate and after it is affirmed there, it will be signed into law.  There are a hundred different opinions entangled in speculation as to what the effects will be and the American people seem to be failing to see the forest for the trees.

There is only one decisive thing that is occurring.  We are seeing key parts to our Constitution being repealed without there being a Constitutional Convention, as required under the laws contained therein.  This is blatant subversion and can be described as nothing short of an attempted coup d’etat.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Super Congress Coup d'etat – A Call to Arms”

The Republiscums and Demorats are compromising all over one another in a frantic race to reaffirm the status quo before the August 2nd deadline.  One of the reported points of compromise is a 12 person commission made up of 12 Congressmen who will lay out future spending cuts that, if not enacted, will trigger an across the board cut of 1%.

Well I guess as long as these 12 Congressmen do not screw the people in their home states, they are free to do to the rest of the people in the rest of the states whatever they please without consequence as only the people in their states can vote them out.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Unemployment Extension – You Have Been Sacrificed to Mammon”

The three ring circus in Washington DC continues to put on the greatest show on earth.  We have been told everything from “Nothing will happen on the second of August if the debt ceiling isn’t raised” to “It will not only be the end of the world but” according to Nancy Pelosi, “the universe will be destroyed.”

The only one speaking with an ounce of credibility is Ron Paul.  He is saying we are bankrupt and have in reality been for a long time and that basically we are all pretty much screwed.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – The Truth behind the Debt Deal”

Since its inception From the Trenches World Report has attempted to nullify the lies in the mainstream propaganda simply by telling the truth.  When the mainstream put forth the assertion that the unemployment extension passed back in December was going to the 99ers, we printed the truth, which was that the 99ers were not included.

Also back in January when the new system for calculating the unemployed was being implemented and its true intent was being buried by the mainstream, we told the truth, which is that the new formula for calculation automatically took those losing their unemployment benefits and categorized them as no longer a part of the labor market.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – The Truth Will Set You Free”

Great news on the unemployment front, things have definitely turned around, only 398,000 new jobless claims this week.  Happy days are here again!  Roll out the barrel, we’re in the money!  BULL SHIT!!!!!!  There are 8 million people receiving unemployment benefits and you wouldn’t even know they existed if the elitists had their way.  These 8 million are the people who make up the phony 9.2% unemployment number (the real number is 30%).  In only counting those 8 million we would need 382,000 new jobs per month for the next two years to bring the unemployment number down to 3.5%.

As for this “low” number of 398,000 new jobless claims this week; have you ever cashed a check at your local store when you didn’t have the money in the bank, knowing that monies would be deposited in your account before that check went through?  Well this is kind of the same thing, only in reverse.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension Only 398,000 New Jobless Claims – Oh Yeah”

The more I hear the media campaign commercial to raise the debt ceiling, the more confused I become.  I heard it said that if we do not raise the debt ceiling our debt will become worth less.  I know the CEOs on Wall Street make their outrageous salaries doing nothing more than buying and selling debt.

Now if our debt becomes worth less, shouldn’t that be a good thing?  Or is debt the only thing in this world that is worth less when there is more of it?  It can’t be supply and demand because to say there is a shortage of debt would be ludicrous.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension Get Ready for Austerity”

The intensity of the propaganda push to raise the debt ceiling has become oppressive.  Both the phony left and the phony right are now being revealed for exactly what we have said they are from the get go, and that is the phony one party system of, by, and for the corporations.

Barry the Rat came before the microphone on Monday and put forth the assertion that we the people just do not understand the complicated issue of the debt ceiling.  I think the problem is that we the people now understand exactly what has been and is going on in our secret government.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Mathematically We’re Screwed”

Well this summer is flying by, we are now in the last week of July and can safely say that in the 218 days since the 112th Congress convened, not one goddamn job has been created.  And we are now looking at a 13th week of 400,000+ newly unemployed.  And of course since Google removed From the Trenches from its news index the mainstream propagandists are not even saying the word “job” anymore.

Some of you have suggested that we contact the larger patriot sites and let them know of our plight, and if the patriot movement and the sites involved therein were consolidated toward the single cause of the reinstitution of our Republic under our Constitution, said contact would seem the logical thing to do.  There is just one little problem.  It is called money.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Milking the Revolution”

If you have been following the mainstream propaganda at all you have seen that jobs have been completely removed from the discussion.  We lost 418,000 jobs last week.   From last Thursday up to today another 210,000 have lost their jobs and joined the ranks of the unemployed.  And come Thursday it will be 420,000.  And of course the international elite will have managed to plunder our nation for another week.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension Supporters – The Truth Behind the Debt-Ceiling Crisis”

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.  This statement may have been true in our country at one time but it is not anymore.  Or maybe there just aren’t any tough people left.  Have we become America, land of the candy-ass, home of the slave?  A people with something to lose will naturally take a lot more shit as they do not want to risk what they have.  But for Christ’s sake when a people who have had everything taken and are being abused every day can do nothing more than avert their eyes and tremble, it must be said to be nothing more than pure cowardice.

I know our enemies control all the resources but I could never imagine being reduced to the point that I was afraid to shout my curses at them and spit in their faces if I could get close enough.  You so called men out there, have you ingested so much fluoride from the water and synthetic estrogen from the plastic bottles you drink out of, that your balls have shrunken to useless raisins hanging between your legs?
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Let's Bring Back Dueling”