Natural News – by White Wolf Von Atzingen

The medical arena states that everyone should be immunized against Tetanus every 10 years. Thus the “Tetanus Shot” is indeed an immunization. Now all Tetanus shots I know of contain the Peruses vaccination as well. It is a combined vaccine. I might touch upon Peruses in another article but my main focus he is the reality of Tetanus, otherwise known as Lockjaw.   Continue reading “Tetanus Naturally”

Dr. Mercola

The warming spice cinnamon has been valued for its culinary, medicinal, and natural preservative powers since ancient times. First described by Shen Nung, the father of Chinese Medicine, circa 2800 BC, ancient Egyptians used cinnamon as part of the mummification process.

In the first century CE, Europeans treasured the spice so much that they paid 15 times more for it than sliver.1 Cinnamon is actually the brown bark of the cinnamon tree. It can be found in quill form (the dried “stick” variety) or ground as a fine powder.   Continue reading “Surprising Benefits of Cinnamon”

All News Pipeline – by Deborah Dupre

St Louis residents dying in record numbers is sending locals fleeing, becoming refugees from a sacrifice zone, secretly kept for decades. A cover up was effective until community action resulted in reports explaining the myriad of local “environmental diseases” causing violent deaths was from ingesting and eating radioactive material in their homes and community, linking the horror to the United States war machine’s nuclear weapon system.    Continue reading “St Louis Radiation Poisoning Death Toll Revealed”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

Because there is almost no expectation of privacy in open areas — which can include backyards and fenced-in land — it’s very difficult for a law enforcement agency to violate anyone’s Fourth Amendment rights with aerial surveillance. Whether this is accomplished with a drone, plane or helicopter, the Supreme Court has held that any place that could theoretically be viewed by a member of the public can also be observed by a government agency. (From the Supreme Court’s OTHER Riley decision — this one from 1989.)   Continue reading “Court: When Aerial Surveillance Resembles An ‘Invasion,’ It Becomes An Illegal Search”

In the Land of the Fee and Home of the Slave should we not honor, respect and bow down to all the petty Tyrants, Mass Murders and Feudal Lords of history; or as they arise?

Would NOT some scream Romans, 13 if you do not???

After all, to be Politically Correct and Obedient now days we MUST be ‘inclusive and tolerant’ of them when we are being Disposed Of as ‘their’ mere Human Resource simply because they claim to be a Government, and Governments are ‘Ordained by God’ so they and their Pastors, Holy Men, Blacked Robed Bandits and Agents would tell us as they HARVEST all our wealth, useful organs and then put that 40 Cal up to the base of our skull and then we can believe that this is THE WILL OF GOD for us … BECAUSE THEY SAID SO!!!   Continue reading “Karl Marx fans livid over cemetery’s $6 fee”

New Hampshire Business Review – by Bob Sanders

Sturm, Ruger & Co. is getting into the ammunition business for the first time, partnering with a Georgia company to produce what it calls a “revolutionary bullet” that “changes everything you know about ammo.”

Ruger, which is headquartered in Connecticut but has a major facility in Newport, will be putting its brand on bullets produced by Savannah-based PolyCase Ammunition LLC for a .45-caliber handgun and .38-caliber pistol. PolyCase has a pending patent on its process, which injects a dense polymer copper matrix into a mold. The resulting bullet in the PolyCase Ruger ARX line has several advantages over the traditional metal jacket bullet, according the company’s website, most notably that it’s cheaper and faster to produce with very little waste and doesn’t contain lead.   Continue reading “Ruger enters ammo business with ‘revolutionary’ technology”

The Peter Schiff Show – by Peter Schiff

My father Irwin A. Schiff was born Feb. 23rd 1928, the 8th child and only son of Jewish immigrants, who had crossed the Atlantic twenty years earlier in search of freedom. As a result of their hope and courage my father was fortunate to have been born into the freest nation in the history of the world.  But when he passed away on Oct. 16th, 2015 at the age of 87, a political prisoner of that same nation, legally blind and shackled to a hospital bed in a guarded room in intensive care, the free nation he was born into had itself died years earlier.   Continue reading “Irwin Schiff Passes Away”

The Guardian – by Alex Hern

Users of Google’s voice-control features such as OK Google are probably aware that the company stores the voice recordings it receives when they talk to it. But it’s still a bit of a shock to be confronted with a list of all the recordings the company has ever made of you.

Google’s voice and audio activity page isn’t promoted heavily by the company, and visiting it gives a hint as to why. If you have (or have ever had) an Android phone with Google’s “OK Google” voice-control system, the page should show a list of every command you have ever given it – replete with a little play button next to it.   Continue reading “How to listen to (and delete) everything you’ve ever said to Google”

Free Beacon – by Morgan Chalfant, October 9, 2015

The United States has pulled the USS Theodore Roosevelt, an aircraft carrier that has been central in the fight against the Islamic State, from the Persian Gulf, military officials said Thursday.

NBC News reported that the U.S. Navy now, for the first time since 2007, has no aircraft carrier in the sea. The aircraft carrier was taken out late Thursday so that it can undergo maintenance, but its temporary removal is also part of budget cuts.   Continue reading “U.S. Pulls Aircraft Carrier Central in Fight Against Islamic State From Persian Gulf”