Patrick Henry Society – by Kit Lange, Oct. 7, 2015

It’s been roughly 36 hours since a patriot in Oregon—local activist Casey Runyan—posted on Facebook to say that “on Friday, we assemble.” Runyan’s words were a direct call to patriots in the Pacific NW to stand with citizens in Roseburg who have already made it clear that Obama is not welcome there for his planned visit on Friday. The call was regional…but the answer was national. The rally went viral. Not even the mainstream Obama cheering section can ignore it anymore.   Continue reading “Roseburg Rally Goes Viral, Patriots Standing Nationwide”

Free Thought Project – by Justin Gardner

If you get all of your news from mainstream media and cable TV infotainment, then you’re probably unaware that glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp herbicide) has been linked to cancer. The World Health Organization stated in March that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen, and California will soon label it as such.

The MSM addict will also be unaware that long-term exposure to glyphosate—even tiny amounts deemed “safe” by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)—can lead to liver and kidney damage.   Continue reading “Newly Unsealed Documents Reveal EPA & Monsanto Always Knew Round-Up Was Deadly Toxic”

All News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

According to the mainstream outlet Association of Health Care Journalists, incidents of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia continue to rise all across America. Almost unheard of as a ‘leading cause of death’ for older Americans only 35 years ago as seen in the chart below, we see death rates soaring astronomically with glycophate applications on corn and soil – our foods being sprayed with chemicals.

Google search for mystery illnesses during the past month alone brings up more than 220 entries and looking through them we find Hollywood ‘stars’, athletes, animals and ordinary day-to-day people like you and I, suffering from illnesses and diseases that doctors are unable to put a label on.    Continue reading “Death Raining Down From Above As Mysterious Illnesses Take Hold Across America While Alternative Health Doctors Are Seemingly Murdered With Impunity”

Breitbart – by James Delingpole

The plan by climate alarmists to have other scientists imprisoned for their ‘global warming’ skepticism is backfiring horribly, and the chief alarmist is now facing a House investigation into what has been called “the largest science scandal in US history.”

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), Chairman of the House Committee on Space, Science and Technology, has written to Professor Jagadish Shukla of George Mason University, in Virginia, requesting that he release all relevant documents pertaining to his activities as head of a non-profit organization called the Institute of Global Environment And Society.   Continue reading “Climate Alarmist Caught in ‘Largest Science Scandal in U.S. History’”

Western Livestock Journal – by Theodora Johnson

—Resentencing delayed to October

An eastern Oregon family with a long history in ranching is fighting to keep its cow/calf operation afloat against an onslaught of blows from the federal government. Two members of the Hammond family have been charged under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 for starting two range fires that ended up on federal land.

One of the fires, set in 2001, was a prescribed burn on Hammond’s private property; a routine rangeimprovement practice. The other fire, set on Hammond’s private property in 2006, was a back-burn intended to protect the ranch’s winter pasture from a lightening fire on adjacent federal land. Combined, the two fires burned about 140 acres of federal land. Now, although two Hammond family members have already done time in federal prison for setting these fires, they are facing a resentencing—now scheduled for late October—that could land them back in prison.   Continue reading “Additional jail time for ranchers’ range fires?”

Examiner – by Timothy Whiteman

With it already verified by numerous media sources world-wide that Russian Naval Infantry is already ashore in Syria, it’s now being reported that the Chinese have a mini-armada already dropping anchor in a Syrian port. And as being reported, Beijing is far from done beefing up its presence in the Mediterranean Sea, formerly known in naval circles as an American Lake.   Continue reading “Chinese carrier docked in Syria, Chinese ‘advisers’ to join Russians, Iranians”

Health Impact News – by Mary Holland J.D.

On September 23, 2014, an Italian court in Milan award compensation to a boy for vaccine-induced autism. (See the Italian document here.) A childhood vaccine against six childhood diseases caused the boy’s permanent autism and brain damage.

While the Italian press has devoted considerable attention to this decision and its public health implications, the U.S. press has been silent.   Continue reading “U.S. Media Blackout: Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism”

By Ann Fillmore, PhD

In January 2015, I began receiving reports by email, telephone and over Facebook of very specific symptoms from very specific locations under very specific spraying activity throughout Oregon. From my experience as a counselor, having had to do an internship for drug rehabilitation many long years ago, I instantly recognized that the symptoms were being caused, almost certainly, by lithium intake. How could so many people be suddenly dosed up on lithium? And then it hit here in Reedsport, a tiny town on the central coast of Oregon. I had no more doubt. I posted my findings on the various FB pages.   Continue reading “Lithium and the Experiment over Oregon”

Daily Mail

Giant Sequoiasgrowing in California’s Sierra Nevada are among the largest and oldest living things on earth, but scientists climbing high up into their green canopies say they are seeing symptoms of stress caused by the state’s historic drought.

Patches of brown, dead foliage are appearing more than in past years, say researchers studying the iconic trees, which only grow naturally in the Sierra Nevada.    Continue reading “California’s Giant Sequoias under threat from drought”

Fox News – by Malia Zimmerman

The federal government can tell you how many “Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders” stole a car, the precise number of “American Indian or Alaska Natives” who were arrested for vagrancy or how many whites were busted for counterfeiting in any given year. But the government agencies that crunch crime numbers are utterly unable — or unwilling — to pinpoint for the public how many illegal immigrants are arrested within U.S. borders each year.   Continue reading “Elusive crime wave data shows frightening toll of illegal immigrant criminals”

Natural News – by Ethan A Huff

In the day-to-day happenings of world politics, the United States and Russia are presented on the global stage as arch-enemies. Up in space, however, it’s a completely different story. Enter the International Space Station (ISS), which for years has housed astronauts from both countries along with life-support systems unique to each country’s needs. The two sides have long remained separate from one another until recently.   Continue reading “NASA gives thumbs up to use of colloidal silver as antibiotic in space”