New York Daily News – by Nicole Hensley

A gunman killed during his attack on an Islamic prophet Muhammad art show in Garland, Texas, reportedly bought a pistol through a botched federal firearm sting.

Nadir Soofi bought a 9-mm pistol at a Phoenix gun shop in 2010, one report said, that sold illegal firearms through ATF’s heavily criticized Operation Fast and Furious to track firearms back to Mexican drug cartels.   Continue reading “Garland shooter bought pistol through ATF’s controversial gun running sting to track drug cartels”

Daily Mail – by Mia de Graaf

It has been submerged in water for more than 80 years.

But now, following this summer’s record drought, Lake Mead has almost completely dried up, revealing entire towns that disappeared decades ago.

And tourists are flooding in.   Continue reading “A whole new world: Astonishing drought unveils lost Wild West town that has been submerged under Nevada’s Lake Mead since 1935”

Sustainable Pulse

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences into law, including a new article establishing liability for the violation of mandatory requirements for the labeling of food products that contain GMOs.

Putin signed the new bill on the last day of 2014 TASS news agency reported.

The bill which was submitted by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) imposes fines for vague or unclear labeling on food products containing genetically modified ingredients.   Continue reading “Russian President Putin Signs GMO Labeling Liability Law”

The Smoking Gun

JULY 17–But who will care for all those Confederate flags?

The North Carolina man who responded to the South Carolina church massacre by further covering his property in the rebel flag was arrested and jailed this week on a probation violation charge, records show.   Continue reading “Stars And Bars Fanatic Is Now Behind Bars”

Curry Coastal Pilot – by Jane Stebbins

If the citizens of Cedar Valley — illegally sprayed with herbicides in October of 2013 — felt invalidated and ignored after a settlement with the aerial sprayer was announced last week, they were even more stunned Tuesday when State Sen. Jeff Kruse (R) denounced their characters, as well.

His statement came during the third hearing of House Bill 3549 — the so-called baby buffer bill — that would require pilots to avoid homes and schools when they spray poisonous chemicals.   Continue reading “Citizens “illegally sprayed with herbicides” denounced by Sen. Kruse”

State of the Nation

Recall Movement Issues APB On Governor Jerry Brown

Groups Joining Forces To Form Grassroots Organization to Remove Brown From Office Before California ‘Crashes and Burns’

by Californians Determined To RECALL Governor Jerry Brown   Continue reading “CA Governor Jerry Brown Being Recalled By Furious Grassroots Movement”

Or so they say …

But didn’t they just sufficiently demonstrate such abilities in the Black Sea with the Donald Duck?

Where do you think they got the Patents for such?   Continue reading “Russia claims to have developed secret ‘superweapon’ capable of switching off foreign satellites and enemy weapons”

Investment Watchblog

Supreme Court says corporate entities cannot be used to evade Constitution

Reader C., whose primary focus is Home Owners Associations et al., send us the following, wherein it appears a Supreme Court decision involving AMTRAK should also apply to HOA issues.

But wait – shouldn’t it also apply to “Corp. US”…? Seems to me it definitely should. 🙂 In which case the Court has set a precedent that would make any unConstitutional statutes and regulations passed in roughly the past one hundred years “void ab initio”.   Continue reading “Supreme Ct says corporate entities cannot be used to evade Constitution”

The Mind Unleashed – by Jay Syrmopoulos

London, U.K. – An ancient Anglo-Saxon potion, used to treat eye infections in the 10th-century, has shown the potential to eradicate the modern MRSA superbug, according to research.

The ancient remedy was uncovered in the British Library in a leather-bound edition of what is considered one of the earliest known medical textbooks, Bald’s Leechbook.   Continue reading “Scientists Find 10th Century Medicine that kills MRSA”