– by Sam Jacobs

In our previous data study on the initial effects of the pandenmic on our business, we outlined increased sales due to the public’s growing leeriness of COVID-19, starting from February 23, 2020 when the news coverage became ominous.

That’s only part of the story, however, because over the last 18 months, we’ve experienced a particularly charged election year, BLM protests amid calls to “defund the police,” a contentious transfer of power, and most recently a surprise ban on popular Russian ammo. Continue reading “Data Study: 18 Months of Ammo Sales during a Pandemic, Protests, and the Biden Presidency”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

On Monday, just hours after the Pfizer vaccine was granted FDA approval, the Pentagon announced that it was set to require vaccinations for all service members. Except, around one-third of US service members have refused the jab. In July, between 60% and 70% of personnel were fully vaccinated – with the Navy being the most vaccinated and the Marines being the least, according to the Washington Post. Continue reading “Pentagon Orders Military Servce Members To “Immediately” Get Covid Vaccine”

Daily Wire – by Charlotte Pence Bond

A fatal shooting took place in Georgia over a dispute regarding wearing masks in a store.

A man “was arrested after he allegedly shot and killed a cashier at the Big Bear Supermarket in DeKalb County on Monday,” as The Washington Examiner reportedContinue reading “Fatal Shooting In Georgia Over Mask-Wearing Argument”

Middle East Monitor

Israel’s longest-serving leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been ousted from office by a loose coalition of rivals from across the political spectrum, united by their wish to end his 12-year run in power.

Israel’s parliament voted 60-59 in favour of a new government on Sunday, ending Benjamin Netanyahu’s 12-year consecutive tenure as premier.  Continue reading “Israel: Netanyahu ousted as Prime Minister after 12 years”

Genesis Times – by Exavier Saskagoochie

(CNN) Brave anchor Chris Cuomo has made it very clear that it is illegal to watch video of poll workers in Georgia committing election fraud.

“Many people don’t know this, but it is a felony to watch video of poll workers doing their jobs. It is our job as the official media to watch the video for you and determine what is going on in the video,” Cuomo said to all 312 of his viewers. Continue reading “CNN: It’s ILLEGAL to watch video of poll workers committing election fraud”