Presidential candidate Tony Funchess at a recent ASPSU debate. Miles Sanguinetti/PSU VanguardProgressives Today

What happens when a social justice warrior’s rape record intersects with his run for student body president?


The startling past of Tony Funchess has come to light. Currently running for student body president of Portland State University, someone distributed a flyer around the college detailing Mr. Funchess’ criminal past, which centered around a 3 year jail term for 2 sex abuse charges; Sodomy III and Attempted Rape II.   Continue reading “EXPOSED: Rape Record For Anti Gun “Social Justice” Advocate”

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In “honor” of his meeting with China Ambassador Cui Tiankai, Washington Governor Jay Inslee has posted the Chinese flag between the American flag and the state flag at the capitol building in Olympia.

You can complain to the Governor’s office at (360) 902 4111.   Continue reading “Washington Flies Communist China Flag, Patriots Strike It!”

Progressives Today

The National Union Of Students Feminist Conference has proposed a resolution telling gay, white males to stop acting like black females. This, after previously deciding that hand clapping was offensive.

Motion 512 Reads:   Continue reading “Feminist Conference Calls on Gay White Males To Stop “Stealing Black Female Culture””

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The gun grabbers in Oregon are back at it. While the big bills are yet to be introduced, one of the bills that was heard on February 26th was SB385, which would ban guns in “municipal courthouses.”

On hand to testify against yet another death-by-1000-papercuts bill was Oregon’s freedom defending celebrity and Cuban communism escapee Manny Martinez, who burst onto the scene 2 years ago with his blistering testimony at another hearing.   Continue reading ““My Rights Are NOT To Be Questioned!” Cuban Refugee To Gun Grabbers”

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Students at Cottonwood Preparatory School have voted for their 2015 prom theme, and the winner is communism.

From KRQE:

“Our students are in the International Baccalaureate program, so they are very academically focused,” said Sam Obenshain, executive director at Cottonwood. “One of the classes they enjoy the most is a world history class.” Continue reading “Cottonwood High School Votes to Have Communist Themed Prom: Prommunism”

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Appearing on KATU’s “Your Voice, Your Vote” program to discuss the topic of guns in schools, Brady Campaign representative Erin Thomas suggests “non violent vocabulary training” as a way to stop school shooters. This, after she laments the “militarization of the world” and lack of a “full time psychologist” at her child’s school.   Continue reading “Brady Campaign’s Brilliant Strategy To Stop School Shootings”

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How can we get it through their thick skulls that they need to register their guns?” Asks Katie, from North Bend , Oregon, during a Brady Campaign conference call that focused on gun control legislation in the state. “I’m a thousand percent supporter of gun registry, but what I have a feeling is that the paranoid people who are against it, they always seem to have something to hide, and that perhaps that is why they don’t want to register their guns… How can we get it across to the paranoid group to please register their guns? How can we get it through their thick skulls that they need to register their guns?”   Continue reading “What They Say During A Brady Campaign Conference Call…”

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The wackjobs were back at it again at PSU, where the Northwest Regional Animal Liberation Forum took place on Feb. 7th.

Among the sponsoring groups were Student Animal Liberation Coalition, Portland Vegans Of Color, Resistance Ecology, Portland Animal Liberation, No New Animal Lab, Cascadia Animal Rights Alliance, Civil Liberties Defense Center, Portland Animal Welfare Advocates, Vancouver Animal Defense League, Free The Oregon Zoo Elephants, and Wildlife Defense League.   Continue reading “Animal Liberation Forum Held At Portland State University”

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The Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project array is nearly ready to go partially online in Nevada. The $737 Million publicly Department Of Energy funded project is intended to produce 110 MW of energy. There’s just one problem.

130 birds were literally set on fire in mid flight during a recent test run in the span of 2 hours. This is because the array redirects solar energy to a point 1200 feet above ground, right in the flightpath of birds.   Continue reading “Nevada Solar Farm Fries 130 Birds In 2 Hour Test”

Clockwise from upper right: Meera Bhardwaj, Geoff Potter, Lisa Nikodem, and Emily ParzybokProgressives Today

Washington has been one of the target states for Bloomberg and his gun control efforts. Using strategies similar to Obama’s Organizing For America, combined with a multi million dollar public relations push, they were able to successfully pass a ballot initiative that would mandate background checks for private firearm transactions (though, by a considerably smaller margin than their initial polling).

So who are the folks working behind the scenes to make this happen? You probably won’t be surprised that many of them are from out of state, shipped in to “organize”.   Continue reading “Meet Bloomberg’s Out-Of-State Operatives In Washington”

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WARNING: Before playing this video, please swallow your food, put down the coffee, and warn your family members and neighbors about the laughter you will soon be exerting. This is quite possibly the most delusional anti gun rant you will ever hear.

This woman rambles on incoherently, without making a single valid point, while delivering such lines as “The 2nd Amendment was written 1776… every town had guns, they were kept in the armories… We do have armories, but we use them to house the Red Cross when there’s a disaster”… “All of these law abiding citizens are shooting back and forth in front of our house”… “To get that gun, we walked into Wal Mart, went up to the gun counter, showed them our license, he bought the gun and carried it out… Continue reading “Anti-Gun Woman’s Hilariously Awful Public Testimony”

Progressives Today

Kayse Jama, who just happens to be the director of the Center For Intercultural Organizing, the non profit that held the “blacks only” #Ferguson meeting a few weeks ago, was at a recent Portland Public Schools board meeting, to demand 5 new full time staff positions for a Somali immersion program.   Continue reading “Somalis Demand Public School Immersion Program”

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The Adolescent Sexuality Conference is held each April in Seaside, Oregon. The theme for the 2014 edition was “Building Blocks of Youth Sexual Health”, and they say about 25% of the attendees are youths. Their webpage says the conference “is for educators, health personnel, administrators, counselors, social and youth service workers, parents, clergy, teen parent program staff, teens, community members and others who wish to increase their knowledge and skills in addressing adolescent sexuality issues.  Emphasis is on covering a wide spectrum of adolescent sexuality topics.”   Continue reading “Teen Sex Conference Teaches Kids To Do Meth”

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Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action held their lobby day in Olympia, WA on Feb. 10th, 2015. On hand to cover the manufactured PR stunt was Laughing At Liberals.

The day started off at a church near the capitol building, where they bussed in activists, handed out their manufactured signs and propaganda talking points, and where they only wanted their own media present, as Bloomberg/Everytown organizer Meera Bhardwaj ejects LaughingAtLiberals.   Continue reading “Moms Demand Action Lobby Day Gets Crashed”

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Townhall season is in full swing, as elected morons are preparing for their sessions, and actually making some public appearances.

In Oregon, state senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward and rep Mitch Greenlick want to criminalize being victim. As in, if someone steals your gun and uses it in a crime, you are held liable. When asked for clarification on this, they both emphatically state “YUP!” when asked if they want a parent thrown in jail if their child uses a gun in a crime.   Continue reading “Watch These Gun Control Legislators Make Fools Of Themselves”

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Portland State University recently hosted Angela Davis, a renowned Black Panther and former 2 time Communist Party USA nominee for Vice President. Ms. Davis had the honor of giving the keynote address during the university’s MLK Week.

In a video posted by LaughingAtLiberals, her speech including sympathizing with the Charlie Hebdo shooters by saying “It is so sad to see that the use of the term “terrorist”, which reminds me of the way communist used to be used, spreads such fear in people’s hearts…To ask questions about those young men who did that horrible thing in Paris. But what kind of lives were they living? No one talks about the conditions under which they live, in the ghettos surrounding Paris. People don’t like to talk about French racism. Seems to me like we have to be willing to look at the entire story and not simply use the word “terrorism.”   Continue reading “Communist Black Panther Gives MLK Week Keynote At PSU”