SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

For many Americans the country of Mexico conjures up images of a third world nation. The poverty, lack of basic services, and extreme violence has left the populace so desperate that thousands of people on a daily basis head to the United States for a better life.

But according to Future Money Trends, all that could change in the near future as key Mexican financial leaders and politicians have been working to institute sweeping monetary change that, if implemented, could unleash a global power shift of epic proportions.   Continue reading “Mexico Looks To Back Peso With Silver: “Would Unleash a Global Power Shift””

Jaime Caruana, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements, addresses the participants of the XXIII International Banking Congress in St. PetersburgThe Telegraph – by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

The world economy is just as vulnerable to a financial crisis as it was in 2007, with the added danger that debt ratios are now far higher and emerging markets have been drawn into the fire as well, the Bank for International Settlements has warned.

Jaime Caruana, head of the Swiss-based financial watchdog, said investors were ignoring the risk of monetary tightening in their voracious hunt for yield.

Continue reading “BIS chief fears fresh Lehman from worldwide debt surge”

COMBS03-NE-051914-CCSNews Observer – by T. KEUNG HUI

Wake County’s magnet schools have earned national recognition during the past 32 years, but have reached a crossroads as they face tougher competition for students from inside and outside of the school district.

Magnet applications have dropped 42 percent since 2007 even as enrollment in North Carolina’s largest school district has increased by 14 percent. But with nearly 2,600 applicants a year still being turned down, some Wake County school leaders say more magnet schools are needed to keep up with growth, give additional options to families and promote diverse school enrollments.   Continue reading “Wake County looks at future of magnet school program”

Migrant studentsChicago Tribune – by Esmé E. Deprez

The record flood of Central American children crossing the U.S. border is stretching funds and setting off improvisation at public schools.

While politicians spend the summer fighting over how to turn back the tide, school leaders across the country are struggling to absorb a new student population the size of Newark, New Jersey. More than 40,000 children, many of them fresh from violent, harrowing journeys, have been released since October to stateside relatives as courts process their cases.   Continue reading “U.S. classrooms prepare for flood as migrants become pupils”

Breitbart TV

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” the VP of the Border Patrol Union, Chris Cabrea told host Martha MacCallum “a lot of our guys” are coming down with diseases.

“Coming off the long journey they have been subjected to and then diseases some agents are contracting. We had one get bacterial pneumonia a couple days ago,” Cabrea said. “A lot of our guys are coming down with scabies or lice.”   Continue reading “Border Control Agent: Diseases Coming in We Haven’t Seen in Decades”

The Hill – by Alexander Bolton

Immigration reform has fizzled as an issue for Democrats, who are barely mentioning it on the campaign trail despite making the issue their top domestic priority in 2013 and 2014.

Latino voters, who are the most energized about overhauling the nation’s immigration laws, will have little impact on the battle for control of the Senate, with the possible exception of Sen. Mark Udall’s (D) race in Colorado.   Continue reading “Immigration reform fizzles as campaign issue for Democrats”

The Legged Squad Support System, or LS3My Fox NY

NEW YORK (MYFOXNY) – The U.S. Marine Corps. has enlisted the help of a four-legged devil-dog of sorts.

A robotic mule known as the Legged Squad Support System, or LS3, is taking part in military exercises in Hawaii.

LS3 is designed to carry 400 pounds and travel 20 miles without refueling. The robot is operated by a Marine with a sensor strapped to his or her foot.   Continue reading “Military tests robotic mule”

immigrants rio grandeThe Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

A Fox News exclusive reported this morning by Jana Winter inexplicably buried the lede.

Winter reports that several dead children have been discovered “washed up along the riverbank” of the Rio Grande, but fails to note that there have been no reports by the Obama administration on this.   Continue reading “Report: SMALL LIFELESS, DEAD CHILDREN Found “Washed Up Along Riverbank” of Rio Grande”

Breitbart – by Ken Klukowski

California’s Brawley Union High School District insists it can forbid Christian students from mentioning their faith in Jesus Christ, claiming that if they allow a student to speak publicly, then that student is merely an agent of the California state government, and as such forfeits all First Amendment rights.

This is an update to Breitbart News’ June 20 story on Brooks Hamby, who graduated this year as salutatorian from the high school. Hamby is a committed Christian who wanted to offer inspirational quotes from the Bible to his fellow students, and also a word of prayer to thank God, and asking that he bless all Hamby’s classmates with wisdom and success for whatever lies ahead for each of them.   Continue reading “School Claims Student Has No First Amendment Right Against Censorship”

Breitbart – by Robert Wilde

The working mom of a seven-month-old son alleges that she was detained for an hour by TSA officials at San Diego’s Lindbergh Field as they meticulously scrutinized the bags of breast milk she was carrying. The heavy scrutiny on a working mom’s breast milk and, as Breitbart News has reported, the lapses of scrutiny on illegal aliens who have been able to fly on commercial airlines without identification is mindboggling.

ABC10 News reported that Nicole Moberg, a sales director for a medical company, travels extensively on her job, so she comes prepared with pre-pumped breast milk. She separates the milk into individual plastic bag servings and then puts these into larger, one-gallon Ziploc bags. Moberg says that typically security agents check the large bags, determine their content, then let her on her way.   Continue reading “TSA Takes a Tough Stance Against Breast Milk”


The National Border Patrol Council released a statement asserting that it stands behind reports that illegal aliens were allowed to board commercial flights by presenting their Notice to Appear documents as personal identification to the TSA:

The National Border Patrol Council was recently notified that as recently as July 9, 2014, illegal aliens, who had been processed by Border Patrol agents in the Laredo Sector, were released with an I-862, Notice to Appear, and used that document as identification to board commercial aircraft at Laredo International Airport.   Continue reading “National Border Patrol Council: ‘We Stand Behind’ Report of TSA Letting Illegal Immigrants on Plane Without ID”

Wall Street Journal – by BETH REINHARD and PETER NICHOLAS

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—In a sign of the far-reaching impact of the U.S. immigration crisis and its political fallout, Nebraska’s governor says 200 children who entered the country illegally were sent to his state this week without warning and that federal officials are refusing to identify them or their locations.

Gov. Dave Heineman, a Republican, said federal officials also wouldn’t answer questions about public school attendance by the children and the potential costs to taxpayers.   Continue reading “Governor Vexed With Secrecy in Sending Illegal Immigrants to Nebraska”

Activist Post

DARPA – known widely as the mad science division of the Pentagon – is always at the leading edge of finding more creative and effective means of killing. This time they’ve chosen a name that conjures up precision slicing – the EXACTO (Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance). Perfect for snipers. The video ironically is not high quality, but DARPA’s program page more clearly describes their goals:   
Continue reading “DARPA Unveils First Ever Guided “Smart” Bullets”

William Binney testifies before a German inquiry into surveillance.The Guardian – by Antony Loewenstein

William Binney is one of the highest-level whistleblowers to ever emerge from the NSA. He was a leading code-breaker against the Soviet Union during the Cold War but resigned soon after September 11, disgusted by Washington’s move towards mass surveillance.

On 5 July he spoke at a conference in London organised by the Centre for Investigative Journalism and revealed the extent of the surveillance programs unleashed by the Bush and Obama administrations.   Continue reading “The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control”

Breitbart – by JOHN J. XENAKIS

This morning’s key headlines from

  • A humiliated Russia considers next steps in east Ukraine
  • Australia joins Japan, Vietnam, Philippines in opposing China

Continue reading “World View: Australia Joins Japan, Vietnam, Philippines in Opposing China”

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas–The virus Chikungunya has reportedly spread to Houston, Texas. Earlier this month a case of the illness was discovered in Austin.

A Harris County resident who recently traveled internationally is confirmed as having the disease, according to Click 2 Houston. A doctor told the local media outlet, “Many of our residents travel abroad for pleasure and business, so we’re not surprised to learn that someone from our area has been infected with Chikungunya. Prevention remains key.”   Continue reading “Chikungunya Spreads to Houston”

Breitbart – by Dan Reihl

Kent Terry, the brother of slain border patrol agent Brian Terry, isn’t shy about letting his feelings be known regarding political matters. Today he reportedly took to Facebook to point out three Greyhound buses presumably carrying illegal immigrants headed North on Interstate 75 in Detroit.

He posted that the buses were accompanied by an unmarked escort and said he wished he were in front of them displaying stickers he uses in honor of his his murdered brother.   Continue reading “Brian Terry’s Brother Kent: 3 Greyhound Buses with Unmarked Escort in Detroit”

Breitbart – by DANIEL NUSSBAUM

The Minuteman Project, the “citizens’ Neighborhood Watch on our border,” began recruiting volunteers on Monday morning for “Operation Normandy,” a new citizen effort to patrol the U.S.-Mexico border.

Jim Gilchrist, co-founder and president of the Minuteman Project, posted a message on the group’s website outlining the operation, saying he expects “at least 3,500 non-militia volunteers to participate, plus uncounted groups of militias from all over the country.” The message reads:   Continue reading “‘Minuteman Project’ Reboots, Recruits Volunteers to Patrol U.S.-Mexico Border”

National Review – by Ryan Lovelace

The Department of Health and Human Services has brought nearly 430 unaccompanied alien children (UAC) to Chicago, and placed them under the care of Heartland Alliance, according to a release from Senator Mark Kirk (R., Ill.). Heartland Alliance, describes itself as “the leading anti-poverty organization in the Midwest” on its website and is an HHS grantee. The kids are being held at multiple locations in the Chicagoland area, a staffer in Kirk’s office tells National Review Online.   Continue reading “Federal Government Sends Hundreds of Unaccompanied Alien Children to Multiple Locations in the Chicagoland Area”