Max Velocity Tactical

We have a fundamental problem. Let me describe it:

If you serve in the military, you are subject to UCMJ. As has happened before, you can have disciplinary action taken against you for comments made, for example, on Facebook.

In a response to a comment I made recently about our current situation, an officer stated: “Be careful, he is still the Commander in Chief.”   Continue reading “Article: Obama’s Plan to Destroy America”

Conservative Refocus – by Barry Secrest

As with virtually most Conservatives, we always enjoy reading what Charles Krauthammer has to say and in his most recent opinion, we were not disappointed– but with wild reservations to put it mildly, as is more and more frequently the case these days, with many Conservatives.

Indeed, while  the President has boldly if not haphazardly sent America spinning off into areas that it was never designed to function within, the moderate GOP intelligentsia seem to continually be playing by another set of rules altogether than the Obama regime’s take-no-prisoners approach to governing.   Continue reading “Who Are the True Insurgents? Charles Krauthammer Runs with the Beltway Herd”

The Conservative Treehouse – by Sundance

This is a story that SCREAMS for attention.   In Michigan a family has been, and continues to be, brutalized by a systemic rot within the school system.   A rot that perpetrates, and unbelievably as it sounds, excuses CHILD RAPE – despite the community outrage.

This just came onto our radar screen.   However, a cursory review shows this storyline has a similar disposition to the Penn State, Sandusky scandal.    The Janczewski’s son was brutally raped over a period exceeding three years (2006-2009) by his middle school math teacher, Neal Erickson.   Continue reading “Justice For The Janczewski’s – Their Son Repeatedly Raped For Years By Middle School Teacher, Neal Erickson, Who Was President of The Michigan Teacher’s Union and Even Now Supported By The Teachers….”

Freedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

By now most have probably heard about the 400 surface-to-air missiles that were stolen in Benghazi. An attorney for the witnesses/whistleblowers came out in an interview with WMAL yesterday to drop this bomb shell.   Continue reading “400 Missiles Stolen in Benghazi… 20,000 Missiles Stolen in Tripoli… 20,000 M-16s Stolen in Kuwait… Related?”

Investment Watchblog – August 13, 2013

Not sure what’s going on, might be nothing, but never saw this before! In a Weather Program I use I have the program set to get Weather and Ocean reports from anchored ships off shore. In this case ships anchored offshore in the Mid Atlantic States off the coast of NJ and MD/VA.   Continue reading “57 ships Anchored off shore of NJ, MD, VA”

Image ResultsFree North Carolina

Reid-Leahy move would gut the Second Amendment in the eyes of the courts

Having failed to get gun control passed in the Senate, Democrats are now making a last ditch effort to reshape the Supreme Court.

Well, we hate to say it, but we predicted this would happen.   Continue reading “Senate Democrats Move to Reverse Supreme Court’s Heller decision”

New York Times reporter James RisenThe Guardian – by Lindsey Bever

Committing an act of journalism could soon become an imprisonable offence.

New York Times reporter James Risen has been ordered to testify in the criminal trial of former Central Intelligence Agency official Jeffrey Sterling, who has been indicted under the Espionage Act of 1917 – for leaking classified information to Risen for publication in his book, State of War. Last month, the US court of appeals for the fourth circuit in Richmond, Virginia, ruled that Risen could not claim a reporter’s privilege under the first amendment to win exemption from being compelled to testify.   Continue reading “James Risen’s risk of prison means journalism is being criminalised”

Freedom Outpost – by John Risselada

Throughout the course of the past year, America has been witness to some of the most abusive scandals in our nation’s history. From the terrorist attacks at Benghazi, to the IRS scandal and the NSA spying program, these scandals only scratch the surface of the criminal behavior we have been witnessing; not just from the Obama administration but from many administrations preceding it, as well. Our so called representatives, many of whom were elected to stop the corruption and restore something resembling constitutional order to our House and Senate, have all but turned their backs on the people who have entrusted them with the duty of representation. Continue reading “With Illegitimate Power Comes Illegitimate Laws”

How to kill Predator DronesUS Crow

This article will explain some rudimentary techniques for disabling or killing a Predator Drone UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). This information is the product of several months of source research and evaluation. Before you attempt to get on your soap-box, please understand in the event of a civil war, predator drones will be the government’s primary weapon against Americans.   Continue reading “How to kill Predator Drones UAVs”

Max Velocity Tactical

I’ll try and keep this post short. That usually turns out to be harder than you think, as I start getting into the topic. I saw an interesting post on the American Mercenary blog: ‘Moving Groups’. I am moved to comment.

So yes, a lot of this depends on the exact scenario you find yourself in. We are not soldiers on a  foreign battlefield. It really just depends on how the situation pans out when you end up fighting those ‘enemies foreign and domestic’. A few good points have been made out there in the blogosphere lately. Mosby with his ‘Underground Tradecraft’ post (part 1), and other comments about the likelihood of taking off into the woods in camo and a boonie hat (I’m game….).   Continue reading “Comment on Covert Movement”

Canada Free Press – by Kelly OConnell

Does it seem plausible that the true spark of the American Revolution was the religion of peace—Christianity? In fact, how could it be any other way in a country expressly founded to establish Christian religious liberty?   Continue reading “The American Right to Revolt Against Tyranny: Part B—Colonial Pulpits”

Classroom 1900sIntellectual Froglegs – by JoeDanMedia

So, do you believe American children are smarter than their counterparts in 1912?  And forget about computers—most of these kids didn’t even have electricity.

The following Eighth Grade Exam is from the Bullitt County (KY) Schools in 1912.  Note that there are several typesetting mistakes on the test including a mistake in the spelling list. The word “eneeavor” should be “endeavor.”   Continue reading “Check out this ’100 year old’ test for Kentucky 8th grade students”

Nanotech handgun with DARPA logo.Story Leak – by Daniel G. J. 

The technological system, known as a micro-electromechanical system (MEMS),  utilizes tiny devices that are implanted in guns and other weapons. These devices are more than chips; they are actual mechanical processes created by precision engineering that can affect the weapon’s operations. Media reports reveal the devices include miniature GPS systems designed to make guns easier to track and self-destruct systems that could cause them to explode if they receive a wireless signal.   Continue reading “New Nanotech Set to Track, Self-Destruct, and GPS Tag Guns Wirelessly”

Domestic SpyingTenth Amendment Center – by Judge Andrew Napolitano

How is it that the government can charge Edward Snowden with espionage for telling a journalist that the feds have been spying on all Americans and many of our allies, but the NSA itself, in a public relations campaign intended to win support for its lawlessness, can reveal secrets and do so with impunity? That question goes to the heart of the rule of law in a free society.   Continue reading “Domestic Spying Is Dangerous to Freedom”

The Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

H. G. Wells said:

“The New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive ‘policies’ and ‘Plans’ of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word ‘socialism’, but what else can one call it?”

In all we try to do, we do it for the betterment of ourselves. We are selfish creatures. We create systems that cater to our own needs, and we care little for the rest of mankind. That is human nature. Interestingly enough, human nature can be overcome. Charity and benefaction are ways by which we help each other.   Continue reading “Obamacare Is Collapsing: We Have The Power To Destroy It”

Obama EPA War on Coal to Shut 200+ Coal-Fired Plants, Devastate EconomyThe New American – by William F. Jasper

America is staring at a fast-approaching energy disaster that needn’t happen. The recent discovery and development of vast deposits of oil and natural gas, now recoverable with new technologies, have provided the U.S. economy with a much-needed boost over the past several years. These new energy sources also offer promise of increasing America’s competitive advantage by drastically lowering energy costs and reducing American dependence on foreign oil. This is of critical importance to luring manufacturing and industry back to the United States.   Continue reading “Obama EPA War on Coal to Shut 200+ Coal-Fired Plants, Devastate Economy”

Max Velocity Tactical

Following my recent post ‘The Home Invasion Dilemma – Discussion& Scenarios’ I have received many comments asking me for the ‘solution’ and pointing out that the scenario as laid out in my article is a no-win situation, or at least one with no good outcome.

Well, there are two solutions to the scenario laid out. It’s just that you may not like either of them. That is really the point isn’t it? The scenario ‘as laid out’ is actually the situation that most of us find ourselves in, so if we are victims of a HIT raid these are the choices we face. As such, it really points out the unacceptable situation we live in today, suffering from this authoritarian tyranny. As one commenter described: “Something has just gone seriously wrong in the US culturally, a mild discursive / ideological pseudo-mental illness that may not be healed any time soon.”   Continue reading “Solutions – Follow Up to The Home Invasion Dilemma”

Common Core: A Scheme to Rewrite EducationThe New American – by Alex Newman

If something is not done soon, the vast majority of American K-12 school children will be taught using dubious, federally backed national education “standards” that have come under fire from across the political spectrum. America’s kids, as well as their parents, will also be monitored and tracked in unprecedented ways from early childhood into the workforce. Opposition is growing by leaps and bounds, but government officials are not yet backing down.   Continue reading “Common Core: A Scheme to Rewrite Education”