Militia News

Former U.S. Navy SEAL Dom Raso recently appeared in an NRA News segment, slamming gun control advocates like Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his “crew of puppets” for their actions.

“I am getting more and more tired of celebrities, politicians, and high-ranking officials who don’t know what they’re talking about lecturing us on gun control,” Raso began. “…A few months ago they were proudly talking about gun control. Now they’ve changed their language to ‘gun safety,’ as if that’s fooling anyone. What the hell is gun safety legislation anyway?”   Continue reading “Former Navy SEAL Dom Raso Blasts Pro-Gun Control Puppets.”

Tenth Amendment Center –  by Mike Maharrey

The following is an excerpt from Our Lost Hope: Rediscovering the Lost Path to Liberty

We all intuitively understand – we need rules. And we must follow them.

The U.S. Constitution provides a framework, the rulebook, if you will, for the federal government; each clause, each principle, carefully crafted for a specific reason. The entire document aims to define, constrain and control federal power. When we begin to ignore and rewrite various checks and balances written into the Constitution by the framers, we tear at the very fabric of the Republic. And we run the risk of unleashing a torrent of power that will soon wash away the freedoms and liberties the founders cherished.   Continue reading “Who’s the Boss?”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

You don’t have to be black to feel divided and disenfranchised in today’s America.

You only have to be a citizen whose individual rights and freedoms are being taken away on a daily basis by a second-term rogue government led by anti-citizen, anti-American President Barack Obama.   Continue reading “Getting out from under Obama’s bus before it’s too late”

Shotgun_FlagWND – by Bob Unruh

A brief filed with the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blasts the federal government for concealing evidence in its case against a New Mexico family charged with illegal gun sales.

The district judge in the case against Rick Reese, Terri Reese and Ryin Reese had ordered a new trial after a jury came back with mostly not guilty verdicts. Among the dozens of charges, guilty verdicts were returned on only a few paperwork charges.   Continue reading “Family fights back after ‘corrupt’ witness sent them to jail”

Town Hall

DETROIT (AP) — The city of Detroit, which for years paid its bills with borrowed money, is the largest city in U.S. history to file for bankruptcy protection. Here’s a look at how the city spiraled into financial ruin and why it’s in so much trouble:   Continue reading “Detroit’s bankruptcy follows decades of decay”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Via WRSA, Ray Kelly is being considered for the new top cop of the DHS, and there is this directly from Kelly himself.

“I don’t think it ever should have been made secret. I think the American public can accept the fact if you tell them that every time you pick up the phone it’s going to be recorded and goes to the government … ”   Continue reading “Ray Kelly – Totalitarian”

Double Basketball courtsTenth Amendment Center – by Michael Rappaport

The issues raised by National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Canning, which provides the Supreme Court with its first opportunity to interpret the Recess Appointments Clause, are easy to misinterpret.  Many people view the case as political or partisan.  After all, the recess appointments involved NLRB officials who decide issues that generate much political controversy.  The D.C. Circuit decision was written from an originalist perspective by a conservative judge and joined by two Republican appointees.  A Third Circuit decision, which also found the NLRB recess appointments unconstitutional on originalist grounds, was again supported by Republican appointees, with a dissent by a Democratic appointee.   Continue reading “The Original Meaning of the Recess Appointments Clause”

davidspalace.jpgFox News

Archaeologists in Jerusalem have uncovered two large buildings fit for a king– Biblical King David, that is.

Over the past year, archaeologists have excavated a site that they believe to be the fortified Judean city of Shaarayim, where David smote Goliath as described in the Bible.   Continue reading “Archaeologists say they uncovered King David’s Palace”

SHTF School- by Selco

Lots of people wrote about George Zimmerman case that followed the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

To sum up story, Zimmerman was local neighborhood watch volunteer and followed Trayvon Martin who he considered suspicious. Then they got into fight and Martin was shot by Zimmerman.   Continue reading “Self Defense in Survival Situations”

Popsci – by Rose Pastore

On June 7 in Birmingham, Ala., a blood-soaked, unconscious 41-year-old man arrived at a hospital in the passenger seat of a car. The man had lost 75 percent of his blood through two bullet holes in his armpit, and when nurses pulled him from the car at 4:50 p.m., he was less than 5 minutes away from dying.

At 4:53 p.m, a former Army surgeon and inventor named John Croushorn strapped an inflatable tourniquet around the limp man’s chest. “We were all covered in blood. The nurse was applying pressure, and I told her to remove her hands,” Croushorn tells Popular Science. “She said ‘No, blood’s just going to go everywhere again.’ And I said ‘It’s okay, you can take your hands away.’ So she did, and she was shocked. There wasn’t a drop of blood coming out once the tourniquet was on.” They rushed the man to the operating room, where a surgeon was able to repair the damage to his arteries.   Continue reading “Ingenious Tourniquet Invention Saves Lives”

Max Velocity Tactical

First off, I’ll say that I decided to write this post because I was looking at WRSA as I do every day and saw a link over to a post by Mountain Guerrilla HERE on ‘Patrolling for Preparedness’. It’s really good stuff and I could not agree more.

(Along with the video of Civil War veterans doing the Rebel Yell. Awesome!)   Continue reading “An Unconventional Patrolling Option”

Despite Participation in PRISM, Microsoft Warns of Threat to ConstitutionNew American – by  Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

“The Constitution is suffering.” That was the message sent July 16 by Microsoft general counsel Brad Smith in a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

The purpose of the letter was to ask Holder “to get involved personally in assessing the Constitutional issues raised by Microsoft and other companies that have repeatedly asked to share publicly more complete information about how we handle national security requests for customer information.” Continue reading “Despite Participation in PRISM, Microsoft Warns of Threat to Constitution”

Max Velocity Tactical

I posted previously about ‘Tactical Mobility – How it might affect you’ and I have also written about realistic PT for light infantry style operations. The Tactical Mobility post led onto another discussion, carried on a little in comments, about realistic times for ruck marching and similar. I am writing now to clarify that a little.

There are several elements to consider here:   Continue reading “More Detail on Rucking Fitness”

Freedom Militia Betsy RossMilitia News

The United States is an exceptional nation, or at least it was until politicians and the general public found it acceptable that government can intervene in our lives, dictate what we can or can’t do and spy on its citizens without a court order or due process. Indeed, the U.S. was a great nation, but has gone downhill over time.

Last Thursday, millions of Americans celebrated Independence Day, a day that will live on as one of the greatest times in world history: the founding of a nation that promoted the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-intervention. No other nation came before it and certainly no other nation has since been established   Continue reading “Nine Economic Freedoms Americans Have Lost Since Our Declaration Of Independence.”

America Climate Of FearMilitia News – by Michael Connelly 

It seems that the scandals just keep on coming. First, Americans are abandoned to die in a terrorist attack in Benghazi and the American people are lied to about the attack by the President and members of his cabinet. All of the facts are still unknown and the cover up continues.

Then we learn that one of the most powerful and feared government agencies, the IRS, used its power to deny tax exempt status to hundreds of conservative and religious groups in order to protect the Democrats and influence the outcome of the 2010 and 2012 election cycles. The IRS also abused its power by using illegal and unconstitutional tactics to intimidate the organizations, their members, and contributors and to target other individuals and companies that it perceived as enemies of Obama. Again, many of the facts are still unknown, but this is clearly a violation of the First Amendment right of free speech.    Continue reading “Climate Of Fear Is Becoming A Reality In America Just As It Did In The Soviet Union & Nazi Germany.”

MichiganNatural News – by  J. D. Heyes

It’s getting to be a regular, sad story – governments drunk on power, corrupt by the business interests which keep the “elected” in power, hammering Mom and Pop Americana who are simply trying to make a living.

Enter Mark Baker, owner and operator of Baker’s Green Acres. Baker left the military about nine years ago so he and his wife could start their small farm, which is located in Marion, Mich. “Since then,” National Public Radio reports, “he’s put a whole lot of love, money and time into developing tasty charcuterie: salted and cured pork, derived from his hybrids of Russian boar and the heritage breed Mangalitsa.”     Continue reading “Michigan government demands $700,000 from farmer, orders him to kill his pigs”

Survival Blog – by Carol J.

I would also recommend the Emergency Response Guidebook published jointly by the USDOT and Canadian and Mexican Transportation agencies. This reference (ERG) lets you identify the material being transported by pipeline, tanker truck, or railcar. As a guide for First Responders to a HazMat accident, it also lists specific hazards and evacuation distances in the event of spill or fire.

I use this book to evaluate how at risk I am to accidents involving bulk materials being transported nearby. You need to pay attention to the placard (label) information on the side of the tanker. Continue reading “NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards”

Guns America

What do you buy the tactical nut who has everything? The answer is: A steel framed, bone charcoal case colored Doug Turnbull AR-15 called the TAR-15. It costs $2,750 with a plain American Black Walnut stock, and you’ll have to get in line if you want to buy one, because they are selling like hotcakes and backordered 5 months. Wait a minute, you ask? Wooden stock? Steel? AR-15? Something doesn’t add up here. But no, your eyes are not deceiving you.   Continue reading “Steel & Wood AR-15 – Custom Case Colored TAR-15 Rifle from Turnbull Manufacturing Company.”

Doug Ross

Yes, he’s historic, alright.

Law and Justice

• First President to Violate the War Powers Act (Unilaterally Executing American Military Operations in Libya Without Informing Congress In the Required Time Period – SourceHuffington Post)   Continue reading “President Barack Obama’s Complete List of Historic Firsts”