WND – by Patrice Lewis

It may come as a surprise to many people, but America is in the midst of a revolution.

It’s not the revolution you might think. Patriots are not fighting enemies in the street. The Minutemen are not assembling in the green, ready to defend against redcoats.

No, it isn’t the patriots who are fighting a revolution. It’s the progressives who have been fomenting the revolt. And, until recently, they were winning.   Continue reading “Today’s Patriots are Counter-Revolutionaries”

https://i0.wp.com/www.essential.civilwar.vt.edu/assets/images/ECWC%20TOPIC%20Breckenridge%20PIC.jpg?resize=150%2C212Free North Carolina – by Brock  Townsend

Former-Vice President and later Kentucky Senator John C. Breckinridge tried in vain to hold Congress to the Constitution and stop the Republican party’s war upon the South in mid-1861.  Returning home after the mid-year legislative session, he witnessed Federal officers assembling and training volunteers at Lexington, a forced political alignment with Lincoln’s government, and his own imminent arrest by the Northern military.

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman   Continue reading “A Doctrine Utterly Subversive of the Constitution”

Former Electric-car Engineer: Electric Cars Pollute More Than GasThe New American – by Selwyn Duke

Is the only “green” aspect of electric cars the money some companies make off them? If former plug-in advocate and General Motors engineer Ozzie Zehner (shown) is correct, this is exactly the case.

Author of the book Green Illusions, Zehner once built his own hybrid car that could run on electricity or natural gas. And, he writes in a recent article entitled “Unclean at Any Speed,” he was convinced cars such as his “would help reduce both pollution and fossil-fuel dependence.”   Continue reading “Former Electric-car Engineer: Electric Cars Pollute More Than Gas”

Max Velocity Tactical

This post is going to be deliberately simplistic and lacking in ballistic charts. The purpose is just to advocate to you the benefits, in my opinion, of the 100 meter (or yard if you insist, as it does not make a world of difference in practical terms) zero for a 5.56 AR style platform.

I am a great fan of the 100 meter zero. My reasons, in simple terms, are this:   Continue reading “The 100 meter zero”

keyframe60CBS Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — More than a dozen convicted killers are released from prison on a technicality, and dozens more could follow.

Monique Griego explains the Court of Appeals ruling at the center of this controversy.

All of these men were convicted before 1980. And since then, the court has changed the way juries are allowed to decide cases.   Continue reading “Over A Dozen Convicted Murderers Released From Prison On Technicality”

gasUSA Today – by Gary Straus

Gas prices are heading up again.

Rising crude oil prices and a fall in U.S. supplies are driving wholesale gas prices up sharply. That has yet to be fully reflected at the retail level.

Prices at the pump — up 4 cents the past week to a national average of $3.52 a gallon — could climb another 15 cents or higher over the next two weeks. A year ago, the national average was $3.38.   Continue reading “Gas prices expected to surge again soon”

king-samir-shabazzSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

In preparation for the possibility of an acquittal of George Zimmerman, The New Black Panther Party has reportedly begun a mobilization campaign to target white communities.

According to a recent post on Sodahead, leader Samir Shabazz and the New Black Panthers are preparing to take the fight directly to those guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin – white people living in suburbs all over America.   Continue reading “Panthers: “This Time We’re Going Out To Whitey’s Suburbs and Burning Down HIS Community””

cherriesNatural News – by Carolanne Wright

For those of you who love cherries, this ruby sweet fruit is much more than a tasty summer treat. Shown to combat cancer, improve sleep, balance blood pressure and ease gout, you really cannot lose. Compounds found within cherries also relieve pain as well as aspirin. Possessing potent anti-inflammatory properties, these delicious gems are an excellent way to ward off disease. Rich in vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants, cherries are a powerhouse of nutrition and should be enjoyed often.   Continue reading “Cherries a superfood? Research confirms this well-known fruit tackles cancer, insomnia, high blood pressure and gout”

piggybank-breaksSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

During the summer of 2011, as Ben Bernanke and his mainstream propaganda arm convinced Americans that green shoots were cropping up all over the nation, warnings of the coming destruction of America’s pension funds had begun to emerge.

Government employees may currently enjoy higher salaries and benefits than the private sector, but they have been given a false sense of security.   Continue reading “Here Comes the Pain: Detroit To “Significantly Cut Vested Pensions” For Retirees”

Breitbart –  by LEE STRANAHAN

The Obama Department of Justice made no attempt to stop blatant threats against George Zimmerman, according to one of the people who helped make those threats.

Despite issuing a widely publicized threat against Zimmerman last year, the New Black Panther Party was never contacted by the Department of Justice according to a statement from a NBPP spokesman.   Continue reading “New Black Panthers: Never Contacted by Obama DOJ over Zimmerman Threats”

zulloNortheast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

With each passing day, it becomes more evident that the United States is a “captured operation,” and has been taken over from within. At the epicenter of the tyrannical takeover is none other than Barack Hussein Obama, a man also known as Barry Soetoro. The terrifying yet largely unreported fact is that after two elections and nearly five years, we still do not know with certainty the legal name, true legal identity or status of the man holding the highest office in America. Equally disturbing, and something that should concern everyone, is that anyone who continues to raise questions about Obama’s eligibility status or the authenticity of his long form birth certificate is either subjected to public ridicule or worse, threats to their safety.    Continue reading “Who is Barack Hussein Obama, or is it Barry Soetoro?”

(credit: CBS)CBS Denver

AKRON, Colo. (CBS4) – There’s a growing effort to create a 51st state out of parts of northeast Colorado.

Ten counties, including Weld and Morgan, started talking about seceding last month. Now some people Lincoln and Cheyenne counties say they want to join a new state they’d call “North Colorado.”   Continue reading “Effort To Create New State Called ‘North Colorado’ Grows”

The Captain’s Journal – by HERSCHEL SMITH 

NRO’s Corner:

Ron Kelly, a 59-year-old retired U.S Army soldier, made the front page of the Houston Chronicle Wednesday after he was denied permission to purchase a .22 caliber rifle at a Wal-Mart in Tomball, Texas. The veteran failed the FBI’s background check because he was charged with marijuana possession — in 1971.   Continue reading “Army Veteran Can’t Buy Rifle Because Of Pot Conviction 42 Years Ago”

gun geo marker screen.jpgFox News – by Jeremy A. Kaplan

A new Android app asks users to expose the home addresses of gun owners they deem “potentially unsafe” — and share that information with the world.

The Gun Geo Marker app, released to Google’s Play app store on July 7, invites users to mark the homes and businesses of “suspected unsafe gun owners … to help others in the area learn about their geography of risk from gun accidents or violence.” The app bills itself as merely a tool to collect information, but it was hit with a firestorm of negative reviews and comments from people worried that it could do more harm than good.   Continue reading “Gun Geo Marker app tries to locate homes, businesses of gun owners”

Political Outcast – by Dave Jolly

The number one goal of the United Nations is to become the political entity that rules all nations or in other words, the one world government.  To accomplish that goal, they have to continue to exert their authority and power over individual countries and they have been quite successful at doing this in recent years.

One of the key pieces of international law that needs to be in place before the UN can take over the world is to control all weapons, including handguns, rifles, shotguns, semi-automatic and automatic weapons and ammunition.  Over the past few years, the UN has been pushing one treaty that will help to accomplish that goal.  It is the UN Arms Trade Treaty.   Continue reading “Obama Commits to Signing UN Arms Treaty While Congress at Summer Recess”

bannedNatural News – by Tony Isaacs

According to the new book Rich Food, Poor Food, ingredients commonly found in up to 80 percent of all pre-packaged foods on grocers shelves in the U.S. have been banned in other countries. As alarming as such information is, our food safety outlook becomes even bleaker when we consider other banned and toxic food items.   Continue reading “Eighty percent of the packaged foods on our grocers shelves are banned in other countries”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

As Barack Obama has made it known, the Obamacare employer mandate will be pushed back a year. Just like he did in regards to immigration laws and DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) he has picked and chosen what he will uphold and enforce as law. Now he’s doing it with his own healthcare law and it’s all political, make no mistake about it, but none of this is surprise to his administration. They’ve known they wouldn’t be able to fully implement the Obamacare Beast for months. Now people are losing their jobs because of it and more.   Continue reading “Obama Administration Has Known For Months Obamacare Implementation Would Collapse”

Insider ThreatsMcClatchy – by Jonathan S. Landay and Marisa Taylor

WASHINGTON — In an initiative aimed at rooting out future leakers and other security violators, President Barack Obama has ordered federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues based on behavioral profiling techniques that are not scientifically proven to work, according to experts and government documents.   Continue reading “Linchpin for Obama’s plan to predict future leakers unproven, isn’t likely to work, experts say”