Max Velocity Tactical

I wrote a post back in May on ‘Combat Rifle – Solid Basics to Keep You Alive’ and it would be worthwhile you reading that post in conjunction with this one. The purpose of this post is to really drill down on the procedures for your initial reaction to enemy contact.

Reaction to enemy fire is what I first concentrate on on my Combat Rifle / Contact Drills weekend classes. I work on this at an individual level and then combine into buddy pairs and then four man teams for both offensive and break contact battle drills. However, at every level the reaction to contact is still a very individual drill, which you conduct whether on your own or surrounded by a team. It forms that initial reaction and the building block from which the rest of your individual and team drills will flow.   Continue reading “React to Contact – Solid Drills to Keep You Alive”

imageWall Street Journal – by Michael McConnell

President Obama’s decision last week to suspend the employer mandate of the Affordable Care Act may be welcome relief to businesses affected by this provision, but it raises grave concerns about his understanding of the role of the executive in our system of government.

Article II, Section 3, of the Constitution states that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” This is a duty, not a discretionary power. While the president does have substantial discretion about how to enforce a law, he has no discretion about whether to do so.   Continue reading “Obama Suspends the Law”

III Percent – by Kerodin

We all know that the III represents the men who picked up rifles and actively fought in the Revolutionary War against the British.  I just did a bit of quick arithmetic and found that the British were aided by about 2% of Loyalists, who mostly fought in the mid-Atlantic and southern Colonies.  That’s 2% of neighbors and family members, in addition to the 56,000 British Army Regulars and 170,000+ sailors, 13,000 “Native” American Indians, and of course, the Hessians (about 30,000).

With a population estimated at 2.5 millions in 1776, about III Percent of Patriots fought against what equaled a hair under 400,000 under British arms, or about 16% of the population.  Both sides had roughly equal support from the population in the Colonies that did not actively fight, according to most Historians.  (Please let’s not pick nits over the numbers, these are all ballpark numbers put together by many Historians who may differ here or there.)   Continue reading “They had almost III percent, too…”

Last Ranch on the Right – by Loadup12

A nation governed by the rule of law.  We are free men and women who live not at the mercy of fiat or public opinion, but rather operating under a Constitution that spells out the limits and role of government and protects the rights of individuals and the States.  Sounds good in theory but how much of it remains?  The Constitution and the rule of law are under assault.   Continue reading “Dismantling the Constitution”

Mountain Guerilla

I would hazard the guess that most people involved in any level of “tactical” shooting today have at least heard of the term “OODA loop.” Whether they are liberty-minded, Constitutional Patriots, Jack-booted Stasi wannabes, or power-lifting, door-kicking, military special operations gunslingers, you can’t spend much time studying gunfighting and not come across the term. If you are completely unfamiliar with the term, I can confidently say, you are NOT ready to be in a fight.   Continue reading “Going to Guns: A Critical Introduction to the OODA Cycle”

policeNatural News – by Mike Adams

America is rapidly devolving into the oppressive police state we’ve been warning readers about. Right now, cops are exhibiting thuggish, out-of-control “mafia” behavior as they run loose across America, terrorizing innocent citizens, shooting up the vehicles of people who are merely driving cars on public roadways, taking warrantless blood draws from drivers, shooting pet dogs of peoplewho are merely filming police, raiding farmers at gunpoint over raw milk and terrorizing young women for buying bottled water and cookie dough.   Continue reading “Militarized police gone wild across America; terrorizing citizens, shooting pet dogs, behaving like occupying military force”

Journal of Natural Food and Health – by David Michael

Late last week, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) demanded the payment of $700,000 from a small farm family of ten and the destruction of 70 of their pigs at Baker’s Green Acres, operated by Mark and Jill Baker and their eight children. This action followed Mark Baker’s comments during testimony opposing a new rule at a state congressional hearing where he identified himself as owner of three hogs deemed illegal (because of their looks). He understood the new rule, called an Invasive Species Order (ISO) to mean the state would threaten him with fines, criminal charges and a two-year prison term and an order to destroy his animals. Baker answered the ISO by filing a lawsuit against the state agency for the damages and their reckless behavior.   Continue reading “State Demands $700,000 from Michigan Farm Family and the Destruction of 70 Farm Animals”

Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

Plato said: “Knowledge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom…. [and] Cunning…is but the low mimic of wisdom.”

Cunning is the name of the game in politics. Really—whatever you call it—the savvy necessary to thrive in politics is extraordinary, and can become quite dangerous. Unfortunately, cunning is often linked with high intelligence, but that skews the idea of what intelligence truly is. One does need to be intelligent to be cunning, but one does not need to have wisdom. And without wisdom, intelligence can be hazardous.   Continue reading “Parts of Obamacare Delayed To Hide Truth & Save Elections”

body armor dogThe Hoss USMC

Ever since the first knuckle draggin cave man sharpened a stick on a rock and shoved it another man who stole his woman, men have thought about armor. The purpose of armor is to defeat an attack on your person. You can’t use armor to kill someone unless you pull out your plate and beat someone to death with it. So being that armor is a defensive tool, how often is a minute man in a defensive role? The first minute men were farmers, shop keepers, and just regular guys. Their job was to assemble quickly and move fast. Advanced Body Armor Video   Continue reading “Does a Minuteman Need Armor?”

Courthouse News Service – by MEGAN GALLEGOS 

LAS VEGAS (CN) – Henderson police arrested a family for refusing to let officers use their homes as lookouts for a domestic violence investigation of their neighbors, the family claims in court.

Anthony Mitchell and his parents Michael and Linda Mitchell sued the City of Henderson, its Police Chief Jutta Chambers, Officers Garret Poiner, Ronald Feola, Ramona Walls, Angela Walker, and Christopher Worley, and City of North Las Vegas and its Police Chief Joseph Chronister, in Federal Court.    Continue reading “Police Commandeer Homes, Get Sued”

FEMA Signs “Exchange” Deal With Russian GovernmentThe New American – by Alex Newman

Following outrage and controversy last year over the Obama administration’s unprecedented decision to invite Russian troops for terror drills on U.S. soil, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is now under fire for signing more agreements to “cooperate” with Vladimir Putin’s Russian “Emergencies Ministry” (EMERCOM) in a wide array of fields. Among the controversial deals outlined in an official Russian press release: exchanging of “experts” and “experience,” “provision of security at mass events,” and “cooperation in disaster response operations.” Critics of the scheme reacted with a mixture of fury and deep concerns.    Continue reading “FEMA Signs “Exchange” Deal With Russian Government”

Press TV

Slowly, every police department in the United States, at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security, is being trained by Israeli groups.

As part of this training, there is an increased move to use of military uniforms, armored vehicles, heavy weapons, illegal surveillance, lying to the people, press and courts and systematic interference in the electoral system.    Continue reading “American police now “Israeli-DHS trained,” precursor to dictatorship”

revolution 2nd americanThe Common Show – by Dave Hodges

How many of you believe that this country is plunging head first into a state of revolution? How many of you believe that a planned currency collapse coupled with the implementation of a brutal martial law and gun confiscation will be the trigger events which will incite the coming revolution?   Continue reading “America’s Coming Guerrilla War”

Marha BonetaFreedom Outpost – by Ed Wood

Martha Boneta. Do you know the name? Maybe you will remember.

Martha owns a farm in Fauquier County, VA, an area best known as a bedroom community for the District of Columbia. Martha might just be one of the linchpins that tie together several of the current Administration’s violations of our constitutionally guaranteed protections. (See Amendment IV).   Continue reading “Martha Boneta: A Linchpin Between The Clinton & Obama Administration’s IRS Scandals”

declaration of independenceFreedom Outpost – by Publius Huldah

The future of our Posterity depends on a proper understanding of the Source of our Rights.  I will explain four views; show you which one is true, and why the other three are false and lead inexorably to the destruction of any country which embraces them.

1.    Let us begin with what is true:   Our Declaration of Independence says our Rights come from God.   Our rights thus pre-date & pre-exist the U.S. Constitution.    The Declaration of Independence says:   Continue reading “Declaration Of Independence: Do Our Rights Come from God, the Constitution, the Supreme Court, or Congress?”

Gordon Anderson, August 8, 2011

  1. Be vigilant, people will seek to use the government for selfish ends.
  2. Avoid overgrown military establishments; they are hostile to liberty.
  3. Prevent all obstructions to the execution of the laws.
  4. Control bureaucracies; make sure they all work together.
  5. Avoid political parties; they will cause divisive factions and unscrupulous men will use them to undermine the government.
  6. Give allegiance to the Constitution; improve it as necessary.   Continue reading “20 Unheeded Warnings in Washington’s Farewell Address”

Following yesterday's State Supreme Court setback, Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood will need to make his points on the new "open carry" law before a trial court Examiner – by David Codrea

A three-judge panel of the Mississippi Supreme Court ruled yesterday against the state attorney general’s petition to undo an injunction blocking a firearms open carry law from going into effect.

“After due consideration, we find that the State’s Combined Petition should be denied for procedural reasons,” the order signed by Justice James W. Kitchens declared. “In denying the Petition, the panel expresses no opinion respecting the merits of the matters pending before the circuit court.”   Continue reading “Mississippi Supreme Court denies petition to undo open carry block”

Washington’s Blog

Listen to What Insiders Say About Mass Surveillance

Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser – a key American foreign policy architect (Zbigniew Brzezinski) – wrote in 1970:   Continue reading “High-Level US Government Officials Have Warned for 40 Years that Mass Surveillance Would Lead to Tyranny in America”